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How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiner.4860


How to save them:

1. Create a panel in the LFG tool that states “Dungeons” to replace the panel that states “Open World”.

2. Using the existing LFG tool, put the following seven instnaces into their retrospective categories: Verdant Brink; Auric Basin; Tangled Depths; Dragon’s Stand; Dry Top; Silverwates; Forsaken Thicket.

3. Wishing for a pay to win game to reward 4-year-old content instead of new expansion content is nothing short of delusional.

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiner.4860


Oh my god! You are so right! How can I be so blind?!

Beat me to it, so Lee Sin right now.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Shiner.4860


I think he killed 12 downed 15 in one setting soloing with NPC help?
Enough said, if you don’t have the APM/precision/control/option select, then practice harder. A good engi is OP as heck.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


As you all may know BG had it’s fair share of bandwagoning bads. We have no presense on the BL maps and there’s always a queue up in EB. After taking SM a large portion of pugs just sit inside the castle praying someone attacks so they can get their 3 silver 92 copper from the event. On Sunday afternoon, while keeps and supply camps were being harassed and bombarded by both JQ and SBI, two BG commanders took the zerg all the way across the map to kill Overgrown Grub near JQ keep.

T1 WvW is like a prison cell, and right now BG is looking soft as kitten.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


Saturday 11/03/12 8:30PM EST report:

Things are pretty even now as predicted, see you on the weekdays.

Thief vs Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Shiner.4860


A lot of factors could be considered in a TvT. Sometimes a bad elite like hounds of balthazar can be amazing in a 1v1; sometimes one thief is on CD and the other just happens to catch that; sometimes during healing animation the other thief pop a scorpion wire and that’s gg.

Here are some tips that I found that might be useful to you. Generally I feel S/D & S/P are much better against D&D in a TvT.

Whoever opens the fight in a TvT has the definite upper hand. if you can land a backstab/daze then most likely they have to go into stealth. As soon as the other thief go into stealth, switch to shortbow and aim down, start firing cluster bombs at your feet. They are already at a HP disadvantage so if they want to trade damage for damage then it’s all good. Same situation when the other thief pops shadow refuge — go inside the field and spam shortbow #2. If you are going up knowingly against a thief just use SF offensively — get a long stealth and a free start on your opponent. If you are losing then don’t be afraid to bail towards your opponent — same idea with the Sword #2 mechanic, lead one way shadowstep back the other.

If you play WvW, use your surroundings. A traited free jump off a hill slope gives stealth; a CnD on a white mob doesn’t count towards combat and gives stealth. Random roadside animals are excellent for stealth/ stealing something off before fight. Countless times I led people into mobs, pop stealth and watch them fight.

Be always on the move, CnD and Hearseeker misses a lot while the target is running. Take advantage of the camera angle, and set a good keybind for your back camera as well.

Perma-Stealth During Combat Thief Glitching

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


I agree with the poster above. Here’s where most zergs fail and most teams triumph.

1. First and foremost — teamwork. Whenever a player goes down in the middle of the team, thief gets called out in chat channels and all AoEs and CCs are coordinated and targeted right on top of the downed player. In a zerg army the lings just run mindlessly to raise the downed player, only to be in the prime spot to be the next target in line.

2. Key Binds — if you want to play competitively, get pro-gaming equipment. Work on your APM and mouse precision. By now if one don’t have back camera; turn; strafe; anti-collision; and the entire targeting system hot-keyed and specced, please accept the fact this is a mediocre player and a local thief will be collecting 2 badges from him. If you want to start to get better at gaming in general, please watch this video here:

3. Use CC wisely. Time your knockback/dragdown/immobilize wisely. Use foodstuff/oil/sharpening stones — I am sure 1s64b can buy one plenty of consumables for one to perform better.

4. If everything fails, play a thief. Fight back, don’t be a victim.

Meanwhile, get a shirt here —

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


Coming from a EBay thief’s PoV — NSH player base is far more organized than DH. NSH players have far better map awareness and crisis management. They are quick with responses, CC and raises. On the other hand, I never felt so OP before like while I facing DH zergs — most of the time I can take down multiple targets in a zerg of 30+ before cloaking away. On a couple of occasions I could eliminate a single target repeatedly by letting their allies raise them and cut them down again.
It is a shame that NSH overall tactics this week has been peculiar to say the least. They would’ve still be in the race had it been focused earlier.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


Ehmry Bay has been on the rough end of the kitten stick lately. Three weeks in a row we were up against servers that vehemently denied orb hacking despite all evidence showing. Only to have three new threads popping up the following week proclaiming new-found hacking done by the servers that stepped on top of Ehmry Bay. The community grew impatient and the flock scattered to the upper tier WvW servers.

Nowadays we have about 5 in Battleground in off times, most of the time we are doing 1v2 — 1v3 defending. Tonight the Ehmry Bay Overlook fell while couple invaders afked inside the keep waiting for siege to ram through the doors…

The servers got ahead stays ahead. Despite the battle we fought being “legit”, Ehmry Bay’s community has been mutilated beyond recognition by the actions of the opposing hackers and the inaction of the GM.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


People will always just find some reason to justify why they are losing. It’s just a game. Get over it and just have fun out there.

Unfortunately some lesser-people’s fun are built on top of other’s grief. Camping spawn point might be “strategic”; using certain mods to bypass terrain might be “cleaver”…. But when some setup multiple ballistas and arrow carts behind jumping puzzle waterfall, camping players jumping in, then do a /point and /laugh — that has to be a new low.

It just happens Magumma had a couple of rotten apples, and that stench made by those bunch is giving the entire server a bad smell.