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thief in pve [solo running]

in Thief

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


After 10 days of playing as a thief(s) i have some mixed up feeling. Yeah – class is great, traveling with shortbow is fast and i really enjoy finding new shortcuts with teleports. Also as mentioned above – skipping the enemies, opening guarded chests is so convenient! Definitely its gonna be my new character for pve. But unfortunately i found out that its not easy to pick appropriate race for this shadow master. I started as norn female (i admit that t3 cult armor was main reason) and it all seemed fine until i heard the voice of my lady (i was so suprised that i even googled voice actor for norn female) . My thief looked like goddess, but her voice didnt match at all. Then i decided to give a try for my old thief who was created long time ago just to check skills for pvp and was moved to alternative banking department (aka storage ) This time voice was nice but size in jump puzzles or HoT content became a problem. From my perspective I needed to jump from the air and i needed to land in the air, so sorry asura, you go back to storage role. Currently im almost sure that all this new experience will not be fulfilled – charr male seems to be only option – so i will have exactly the same as my Charrzooka-engi…

thief in pve [solo running]

in Thief

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


thank you guys for your feedback. So i just need to unlock daredevil then

thief in pve [solo running]

in Thief

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


Hi guys – I’v got a quick question – how do you feel about thief in pve running solo in current state of the class?

I’m looking for some change in gameplay because so far i’ve been focusing on engi (pve/pvp/wvw) and now i strongly consider to play as a thief as my new alt. I would like to focus on pve only -especially season 2 story and HoT story and possibly fractals In case of pvp and wvw i would stay with engi. The reason i’m asking is because i’ve tried 1 or 2 missions from season 2 (i’ve never done it before) as engi and i found out that they seem to be much harder and challenging than regular story mode or just running through the map. And so far engi was very convinient as a solo player . On the other hand i don’t mind some challenge – just not sure if it’s possible at all to complete pve without significant obstacles.
much appreciate for your help

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


1. Rewards
it’s been said already so i’m just gonna repeat after other players – you did nice work with pvp reward track. You should buff it just a bit so we can pick better rewards (e.g. ascended gear) – even if it requires much more xp. You should really consider general aproach that promotes higher rewards if the effort is bigger. So far the easier gameplay we pick (like SW farm or resources farm) the more money we earn. That’s not the best way.
2. Population ballance.
I’m not sure if those guild alliances rumors are true or even possible. If not – plz consider option with MORE servers. But this time bring some that are not 24/7 but much less – in terms of keeps/ garri/ towers/ camps score for holding. If some part of GW community is still interested in current way to play wvw – allow them. But i’m sure that there is also significant group of players that will be happy if the score time limit would be introduced – for example 6 hours a day and then stop the clock. We should be still able to take over infrastructure, fight ect. but with no impact to the score.
3. Chat options
plz conside additional channel for whole wvw server. As a member of the low population community i find it difficult to send message to other wvw players that some keep or garri is being attacked (i’m limited to the current map).
4. Class changes
Thats tricky one – so far we have only one class that has unique mechanics – and that is mesmer with portal. You’ve decided to allow thiefs and engis to hide inside keeps/ towers – same rules as mesmers applies with stealth. But let’s face it – in deserted borderlands they are kinda useless atm. So maybe they should get some kind of skills that will be helpfull and give them reason to stay? And it’s not necessery means another portal class. But thief could ‘steal’ supplies leaving keep empty and with no posibility to build sieges. Engi could work on picklocks and open gate from inside, block upgrades or sth like that.

Potential Change to Reset Time

in WvW

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


from EU perspective – friday will be very welcome. Main reasons:
1) majority of my wvw friends are adults (26+), and saturday evenings (no matter what you offer at that time – wvw/pvp/pve related) will not convince them to skip parties/cinema etc. Any other day (e.g. friday) will allow them to participate into wvw reset
2) keeping in mind scores from last months (im from Blacktide) last day (hours) and also last night just before reset have no effect on finall score – it’s already settled who’s gonna win. So when you introduced saturday evening as reset time, you basicly said to ppl that friday is your day off – cause no matter how many keeps/towers they take the score difference is to high to change leader. If we take into consideration point 1, in fact you make them leave wvw during major part of the weekend – sunday is the only day they can play and bring some value to the server score. Simple change -1 day (friady as reset day) allows them to play wvw during some part of the friday evening. So this is kinda important change from our perspective

Increase rewards for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ShinigamiPL.4086


They should simply modify track reward from pvp. Right now if you have played GW2 since release or sth like that it’s most likely that you do have fully equipped characters, with asc amor, rings etc. It’s almost sure that u can switch between several builds because again – you have in your bank condi stuff, power stuff and/ or you got a lot of gold to use mistic forge. But if you are casual player and/ or new player you most certain do not have such equipment nor do you have possibility to obtain it in wvw. So either you accept the fact that you play against ppl who have better stats on their gear AND you accept the fact that you WILL NOT obtain such gear in close future (only luck can help) or you spend time in SW or other farm (instead playing wvw and getting more and more experiance). From my point of view this approach (current one) has no logic. You should be able to set ‘reward track’ on very specific gear, the only discussion would be how much time/effort you need to obtain it. Because – again from my point of view – casual players are not interested in running with shovels for a month or sth just to be able to get the gear that gives them ‘fair’ chances with the enemy. And if we take into consideration population we have this days, we really cant afford to send them to run in digging brainless groups but instead they should focus their efforts into roaming/ zerg etc gameplay cause that will help whole wvw community, especially in terms of that big big big desert borders.