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Gating pets behind world event chains -

in Ranger

Posted by: Shinky.1492


Irenio -
Could you please move the electric wyvern & tiger pets to more accessible locations?

Gating them behind an event chain that can take 2 hours & may or may not succeed is bad design.

I don’t mind pets being hard to find.

I do mind them being locked behind content.

Rewrite what you said without “bad-design” and make it a bit more constructive instead of whining, i’ll agree with you

Is it too late to ask for a refund?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shinky.1492


knowing how much account bound stuff there is, if you did ANYTHING hot related, the only choice they have is to disable the account because of the Account-wide assets they have

GUILD HALLS, unobtainable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shinky.1492


‘Guild Halls’

Not ‘Solo Halls’

25 SP for a heal skill !!!

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Shinky.1492


by the time these “new players” actually need the skill, they’ll be alongside those 500 SP players :x

PS. its not about the price. it is about the massive jack up in price compared to existing heal skills, most of which are better.

Not really, the amount of healing yeah, but the condition cure makes it better then most of them

(edited by Shinky.1492)

Levels in MMOs are meaningless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


in “MMOs”, yeah sure i agree with you, but you are forgetting the “RPG”, hence being called “MMORPGs”

Role playing games will always have leveling, it’s the part of “getting stronger” and the adventure etc.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


GW2 can only kill GW2, GW1 is still alive and well, only way it’ll die is when they decide to stop giving server-support

Too Much Temporary Content Can Only Harm GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


It’s a game, You WILL miss ALOT of things, you can’t expect people to make things revolve around you, It sucks that you ‘have’ to miss alot of things because of RL but that’s just the way things are, You will have to sacrifice one thing to do the other, just because a certain other game that caters to “30min warriors”, doesn’t mean everyone else will follow suit

Survey: 2 weeks or 1 month?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


If they can pump out content at that rate without any hiccups, it’s fine with me, even 1 week is fine with me, As long as they can maintain it without any trouble.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


If you want people to see you “beat down” someone, go play something else

If you want duels, 1v1, go use Custom Arena today

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


Correct me if I´m wrong, but you can´t hurt people from your own server while in the Mists?

Duels are more than just ekitten contests(though there´s that too). It could be a much needed quick and dirty way to test out builds and actual real-life DPS.

Just make “Charricus Maximus” a separate free for all quasi intra PvP arena.
You don´t want duels? Don´t go there.

You have something to say about my mother? Lets meet in the Charricus, kitten!

Patch today is implementing the “Custom Arena” feature, which will allow 1v1 against anyone, its in the Mists only

this is different in many lvls, and u need to pay to get your own custom arena.

Sure it is different, if you are blind

You want duels, so pay for it

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


If I wanted to play arena’s I’d play Rift or WoW, and I’m sure many others feel the same, that’s why they are asking for duels in the world with your actual characters that you would use in WvW since it actually has people playing it.

Correct me if I´m wrong, but you can´t hurt people from your own server while in the Mists?

Duels are more than just ekitten contests(though there´s that too). It could be a much needed quick and dirty way to test out builds and actual real-life DPS.

Just make “Charricus Maximus” a separate free for all quasi intra PvP arena.
You don´t want duels? Don´t go there.

You have something to say about my mother? Lets meet in the Charricus, kitten!

Patch today is implementing the “Custom Arena” feature, which will allow 1v1 against anyone, its in the Mists only

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


Makes the Mists pointless, it is the PvP only zone/world

If you want duels, go there, they are adding custom arena’s for that freakin reason anyway, stop being kitten

Your honest problem with dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


absolutely none! as long as it stays in the mists

It has no business in the open world

Difficulty finding group to go into dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


You are lying, unless you are the type that expects groups to find you in town, then it’s your fault

You want to know something?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


it’s more annoying to see the “Commander” symbol then player titles, unlike titles, it shows even when you disable “Show all player names”

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Shinky.1492


let it sit for a bit, i had that error for a few minutes before it turned into the patcher downloading the lost shores

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Shinky.1492


People will always be left out, in absolutely everything, it’s a part of life, don’t expect people to stop everything to just wait for you to show up, it’s not how it works

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Shinky.1492


Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


You can always use the weekly patches that always show up that fix bugs as a preway to fill in class fixes also instead of waiting for big patches that only happen monthly

Will the one time event be repeated along the day?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Shinky.1492


So….if you are not able to be online at a specific time on one day, there is no point of doing this event?

Thank you ArenaNet. Now I can safely plan my weekend without worrying about getting online. I have far too much to do, to waste time with a one-time event lasting only 3 days and requiring me to be here at EXACTLY the right moment.

And after the Halloween event, I am now recommending to other not to participate either. The selling point of this game was that I could play at my own pace, in my own time. FORCING players to jump to on events ruins that. Make this a 3-month event and maybe I’ll reconsider….but this? This is crap and you know it.

If time is so precious to you, i don’t think you should be playing games at all, life isn’t fair, people will always be left out,

if you think watching a one time cutscene of something poping out of something is so important to you(like the mad-king event) , i think you should get help also

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinky.1492


wtf just happened?!?!? a patch happened!!!

>.> log out again, the patcher will start

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


play during primetime and don’t expect people to be doing the exact same thing you are at the moment you log on

This game is unbelievable...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


1. Renown hearts were added to help the transition of people that came from games with those type of quests

2. You aren’t looking for them, unless you are the type that thinks dungeon “raids” are the only “end game” for you, then you are correct, there is nothing here for you

Quality over Quantity - less content more fixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


i would take content patches that take 1 month and updates that happen weekly to patch the bugs.

over patches that take 6 to 8 months to polish nothing but bug fixes (yes, i’m looking at you blizzard)

Make the LFD tool like the paid tournament system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


Justify the need to use resources to kill the social aspect that GW2 is built upon. atleast i gave an option to bring it here, to give an option for the players who want it to get it but have to pay for it

WoW never gave the “option”

GW2 can

Make the LFD tool like the paid tournament system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinky.1492


we seriously don’t need a LFD tool but since there is alot of people that would like the tool and rather not go about being social with their home worlds, might as well make them pay for the tool

Something like this would be nice:

300 gems -> (Server only)Weekly ticket

1600 gems -> Permanent (Server only) ticket

600 gems -> (Cross-server) weekly ticket

2000 gems-> Permanent (Cross-server) ticket

4000 gems (bundle) Both Permanent Cross-server/Server only tickets

I would like to have a mount

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


2000 gem cost
Slower then the speed boosts in town
lasts 10minutes
removed on any hit

make it purely cosmetic like everything else of “value”

We don’t need mounts but i don’t mind something thats purely for show but i doubt it will happen because how the game is built, lazy people will always exsist so might as well give them something to pay for!

Should Level Cap Increase in Xpacs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinky.1492


i would rather have Anet not outdate everything they do at every chance they got like certain companies, i would rather see the level cap stay where it is and keep the item value while only adding new content, not redoing it

GW1 and FFXI had their games at a perfect place but FFXI lost it when they decided to increase the level cap from 75