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Let's take a different approach (raids)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shuheri.4057


Disagree because of all the elitism that would come with it and not because its not fun to do

If the dungeon system stays like this new players won’t have any problem. I did all the dungeons with my engineer with 1,5k ap haven’t been kicked from any dungeon, haven’t failed any dungeon, and pugged 80% of them. All the people I met was friendly except 1( he left when all 4 of us was newcomer to cof path 3). Many people joined my pathes who were experienced even when it was first time( I told them). All of them was helpful and friendly. There’s no elitism if you don’t join an elitist group( make your own nice people only group like me). now I’m a 1,9k ap engi with dungeon master. the dungeon system should stay like this so people will stay friendly to new people.Of course an increase in rewards would be awesome in harder pathes like arah path4,aetherpath). The elitism would only increase if the dungeons raid were much harder or punishing(loosing stuff on dying). All dungeons are doable currently with 5 beginners( only path where i didn’t have an experienced with me in pug group was aetherpath and we still did it in 2 hours).

Let's take a different approach (raids)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shuheri.4057


I would agree with raids as you have described them.
One addition : you go in – and it should have a one and done policy. You go in – you mess up and wipe you have to restart. No more we’ll just WP and we’re fine.

Yeah if they put in the restarting feature I guarantee you nobody would take beginners to any hard dungeon. If they ever put in hard content they shouldn’t make it punishing(loosing stuff on dying(like in Tera) or restarting whole dungeon. That would just widen the already big gap between the elitists and casuals. Also they won’t make a raid or dungeon that is not doable with beginners only.

Could we please get "raids."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shuheri.4057


I would also love content that required 10, 15, or 20 man groups. GW2 already does scaling, so I think that this could work well. (With the content becoming harder with the more people we have in an instance, of course…)

Basically – bigger, badder dungeons. Bigger, badder boss fights. (Mechanics are getting more engaging for boss fights, aren’t they? (Marionette, the knights and hologram fights during the LA invasion, VW – I’m not saying they’re “hardcore”, but definitely more engaging than previous mechanics.) I would love to see more of that (and harder versions of that) for raids! And MULTIPLE bosses per raid!

Maybe add in some of those pesky puzzles we have in guild missions (where people have to execute an action at the right time or place an object in the proper location).

These are definitely things that I would love to see in the future.

They won’t add harder content because new/casual players would have hard time clear it / or join any party/raid because 90% of the people wants exped only already to every path. So Anet will make dungeons that is possible to clear with all beginners that have mediocre skills.

What will happen to my skill points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shuheri.4057


Hi guys I would like to know what will happen to the skill points. I have like 400 and don’t want them to be wasted

(edited by Moderator)