(edited by SickSoul.4789)
Showing Posts For SickSoul.4789:
so everyone has been asking for new PvP modes and it just doesn’t seem like they’re coming in the September 2014 Feature Pack which (the first part anyway) is supposed to be all about PvP yet no added modes, the rest is a “Fresh Start” and just seems like they’re going to improve a couple things no additions talked about (i could be wrong but that’s the impression I get) i mean we’ve already seen what they’re doing with PvP so shrug and you’d think it would have been included in the PvP section and the last one is “Collecting and Trading” which of course has nothing to do with PvP, ugh, this is so frustrating, guess i’ll go back to another game I still love this game but… start listening to the community.
(edited by SickSoul.4789)
-_- seriously? no added PvP modes…
Okay, cool cool, thanks i’ll have to try Arah, believe it or not i played GW1 since it came out and never heard of Corner Blocking haha
thanks for those suggestions, i’ll read up, i mean i was just in a game and i was just so used to stacking because literally every dungeon run i’ve done people did it and someone flipped on me for not knowing what to do when i was so used to it, i told him look i’m used to stacking and he just continued to be a jerk and said i told you stacking doesn’t work anymore and i reiterated "i’ve never not stacked in this place so give me a break dude i don’t know how to do it but i’m trying but i’m still having fun, but when it stopped being fun i left easiest solution ever and for all the years i played gw1 i never stacked at all not once.
dude, don’t be afraid it’s a game, why be afraid of a game? just go for it, who cares man? haha, i did a fractal run because i was like hey i’ve never done this because i was to afraid of people being jerks, first time all new players i had a blast
i’m not saying it isn’t fun for you, but i just hate the people that complain that it takes skill and then do exactly the opposite of what they preach
stacking takes skill? i stand in a corner, i don’t move, no dodging, no running from impending doom no excitement… it dies… well that was easy and… challenging… right? dying is part of the game, have fun with it ya know, it’s a game why so serious?
All i ever hear about are people complaining that this game actually takes skill, but when i get into a dungeon, what do people do? they don’t have any fun with it, they stack, they take the easy route (instant gratification) which requires no skill whatsoever, i don’t get the mentality of these people i really don’t. Am i missing something?
so has there been any talk of adding more achievable in game cosmetics, like more full sets of armor, or anything else like that? i feel kind of limited seeing as how long the game has been out seeing as how that’s primarily the PvE endgame and i’ve been scouring the website trying to find something about it, maybe i’m just not looking in the right places? i don’t know
so i was in a fractal group the other day, the one where you have to free the statue and break seals with the cultist hammer and i fell with the hammer. It fell in such an awkward place that i couldn’t get to it, none of us could, it was literally impossible to get to and we were all new to fractals so it had taken us quite a while to get to where we were and none of us really wanted to start over so we just kind of gave up.
so i was just wondering, has there been any talk of adding new PvP modes such as Deathmatch/Team DM/Capture the Flag/Last Man Standing/FFA or any unique modes, because i love this game, i just get so tired of the PvP, i don’t know how to say this without most likely getting the “You don’t like it go play something else” response so i’ll just ignore those posts because that’s what i’ve been doing, anyway it’s the same thing over and over, all it is is capturing points, I mean if i wanna go head to head with someone and just have a duel/face off I can’t, i get scolded and get told to go capture a point (which i know IS the point of the PvP) Again just opening an Avenue to see how everybody else feels.
ooooh i see, i didn’t know they upgraded the legendaries, makes a little more sense now, but still sounds like they’re pretty ridiculous to get
also if no, why were they even added?
Thank you all for the info, looks like i might just be sticking with exotics for the time being :-/, do they have any real impact? I’ve heard yes and I’ve heard no, if no, why the grind? ya know
Ok, how hard is it to get the mats for the gear, is it expensive? does it take a lot of time if you just gather all of the components?
The title basically says it all, i’m a fan of crafting and all i just dislike the crafting system in this game, it’s just not for me, that simple, anyway i’m wondering if there are other ways to get the ascended armor seeing as how i really don’t want to craft, i know i probably don’t need it but it would just be nice to get my hands on some any help would be much appreciated, thank you.