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Elitism is ruining this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Guild Was 2 is the same thing every level. I realized that at level 40-50. I stopped playing around 60.

When I returned I got to 80 then farmed gold. When gold farming was nerfed twice in a week I quit for good.

Because of the extremely flat level of difficulty the game offers there’s nothing to aspire for. The draw for players who want to achieve need difficult content — and great rewards. That’s right, some players may never see it. But there are those who really want it. Until that’s offered I see no reason to return.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


and I wasn’t talking about the mystic forge. I was talking about set game prices that won’t change versus prices set by players that do change.

What does it matter? If materials go up in price then anything that a casual player finds will be available at that same rate set by others.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


But that casual will never afford anything pretty and will probably feel sad that he can’t afford waypoints/ repairs. At the same time if everything costs more you can make more money selling and will have enough money to buy the ingredients to craft your armor set.

In all honesty I would venture to bet that casuals play the game to have fun and they don’t even touch the mystic forge. Ever.

Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


I’m addressing people saying stuff that may or may not be true…or in some cases is demonstrably untrue. In that EVERYONE is saying something, when everyone isn’t.

Now once people start saying stuff, true or not, that can affect the market. So the problem could as easily be manufactured by people basically lying, rather than changes in the game.

One example is that people are spending more time on Southsun cove and less time in Orr and different things drop on those zones. No one knows when the Southsun Cove magic find buff goes away what will happen to prices.

Seems to me you WANT to believe a conspiracy theory so you’re finding evidence to support what you’ve already made up your mind to believe.

While I understand what you’re saying, there is no manipulation going on in the T6 markets. I mean with SSC we could just all say that Anet drove us away from Orr in an attempt to get us to spend our time (the one irreplaceable resource) in an area with fewer end-game crafting materials in an attempt to push us to get out our wallets.

The more I think about how they’ve got it all laid out the more frustrated I get. I quit playing after the Union WP nerf and I am amused at how many people are upset with the current state of things. People that are upset are upset because they realize that time is money and they don’t want to have to spend money to enjoy their time. We are given a game to play for a reason. All these things set up in a way to entice people to spend additional money on the game while necessary by Anet makes it frustrating for players who spend money for cosmetic purposes and then want to spend time achieving their goals of items in-game.

Forcing players to spend money for niceties is one thing. Pushing players to spend money on what should be obtainable in a reasonable amount of time through regular play is not okay.

Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


@ Siigari: Changing numbers can be in error. You don’t know how it’s formatted, and they could easily have changed a number one line off and screw things up. I’ve done this numerous times myself and it’s frustrating because it takes a while to find when you’ve made hundreds of changes between your current and previous save.

Everyone and their mother is farming CoF, Fractals, and open world bosses. None of those produce anywhere close to the number of T6 mats as Orr farming does. Is this responsible for the drastic change in prices? Maybe, maybe not. Could your idea be spot on? Definitely. Without actual data it’s impossible to know for certain. Please stop stating your opinions as facts when you’re basing it on drawing speculative conclusions in regards to market behavior (just as I did with my Orr idea).

You guys are way too quick to give a business who has made it clear time and time again their in-game market and economy is focused around driving people to spend real money the benefit of the doubt.

It’s disgusting. I know you love the game and I know you want to see it succeed but there is a history with Anet. This isn’t new.

Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Except EVERYONE isn’t complaining. Some people are complaining. I’ve also seen people say they’re getting the same results as they did before the patch. Saying everyone is complaining when everyone is not is called exaageration and doesn’t win arguments.

I’m sorry, the market doesn’t lie.

Sell listings for nearly every T6 mat are down since 4 days ago and prices are rising to match the lack of supply. Whether or not a few people experience ‘similar’ results the world market shows a depression in supply.

Also you latch on to one broad generalization instead of actually addressing the issue itself. Lol.

(edited by Siigari.6587)

Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Because programming errors/mistakes never occur, right? Conspiracy theorists at their best, where every mistake is 100% intentional if it hurts the players. What about the unintended dye drop rate boost a few months back? Oh wait, you’d see that as unintentional because it helped you.

Let’s leave the speculation/conspiracies behind while we wait for John to get back to us please.

Fat chance. How can you explain everyone complaining that loot has been broadly nerfed? Databases store information on generally in tables on what can drop what and how often. It’s never ever an “error” to CHANGE numbers. To remove something completely I can believe as feasible, but to change something in a broad spectrum is hard to swallow.

There are what, eight T6 materials? For each one to receive a reduction in appearance would mean multiple database tables were altered. If there are 50 mobs and they have even only 10 group loot tables that means 10 different database tables were altered. That’s going to cause a lot of raised eyebrows.

John Smith’s posts are damage control. Any instability in the T6 market — especially dust — will cause a kneejerk reaction. People will spend CASH on gems because it is the path of least resistance to get dust right now. I guarantee you it is not an accident.

Crystalline Dust

in Crafting

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Don’t worry guys, you just need to play the game normally to get it. Don’t fret, you’ll get your stack of dust eventually!


Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


If it’s a bug:

It was intended as a control.

If it was intentional:

It was intended as a nerf.

Either way the players lose.

No Subscription Fees: Pros and Cons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


See no advantage to Subscription at all. Take GW2 and WoW as an example, GW2 has already introduced more new content in 8 months, then WoW did in any 8 month period. And that is just 1 example.

Hold on…what?

Played WoW for 2 years, rarely saw new content added other then a paid expansion, and 40 man raids that less then 10% of the their player base actually got to see.

And you know what? Many people not seeing those 40 man raids meant there were multiple things a player could work for. Also, if you choose not to join a group of people who are running those raids, don’t expect to be a part unless you make the group yourself.

That’s how it works. That’s not a slap in the face, it’s just a barrier to entry. You either want in or you don’t.

No Subscription Fees: Pros and Cons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


here’s the biggest con to any sub game ever i’m surprised people haven’t realized it yet.

- in a sub game your characters are not really yours they are rented !
– if you don’t pay that sub you can’t access them at all (which explains why people still pay for wow subs in a way. they have invested years in their characters stopping the sub now is for them unthinkable even if deep down they know they should)


- they claim the sub fee is for future content updates but whenever really good content comes out they label it an expansion and tell you
sorry you will have to pay for this content as it is an “expansion”
not to mention most sub games also have a cash shop which to me is like WTF ?
double dipping much ?

- only buy 2 play games should charge for an expansion as they have no subscription fee to speak of.

Dude every game is like that. Plus if the F2P/B2P game goes under and you didn’t overdose on the item mall then you’re part of the reason to blame for never getting to see your character again.

The current generation of gamers (15-25) feel extremely entitled. I have played multiple P2P games and still sub to one (Eve Online.) I have max level characters on WoW and I was playing Tera back when it came out. Tera didn’t win me over though so I left. But I digress.

The fact is if it’s not free people won’t even look at it because they can play what they are playing already for free. Remember, the Ms in MMO mean “massively multiplayer” and once you establish a base of acquaintances and friends, why leave for something new?

GW2 is not innovative in any way. It has a very similar quest/loot/dungeon system like many other MMOs before it just with some weird facade placed on it. It took me till level 20 to realize this. I was still running around completing quests, dynamic events are more like static events on a timer and there’s no loot progression. Even further the game has implemented a system in which anything obtained for a certain form of currency (karma) can never be sold directly to a vendor, salvaged or otherwise made profitable. Some foods are account bound while others can be sold or TPd. Living Story is just a “main story arc” that is constantly going on. Many, many games have this sort of a system in place (even Eve!) In many ways this game is a step backwards. The restrictions enforced on players means if someone doesn’t agree completely with the developer’s visions then they’re going to feel like the devs don’t care about them and walk away.

Kinda like me. Sure I have a few friends on here and I’ll hop on and play with them when they’re around but otherwise I have no reason to play a game with no tangible benefits for being max level.

(edited by Siigari.6587)

Farming vs RnG rage machine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


I want to clear up the “free 200% MF” thing right here.

1. 200% MF is given away so people can log in, do some events and pick up some loot then be done with SS for the day. It caters to casuals, directly and pointedly.
2. A free 200% MF only gets you better loot until Anet’s system says no more and they cut you off. When you’re cut off, MF serves no additional function.
3. The 200% MF buff only works in SS. Which means those unique mobs could have their loot table skewed to account for that.

I’m tired of hearing about SS. The work you need to put in to get anything of gain is paltry at best, yet Anet wants to shove people into SS like sardines into a can. Even the dailies push you there.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


The whole point is having something to work toward. Once you have it, you need something else to work toward. Since people are saying there’s not enough end game content to begin with, what’s the rush to get one?

Everyone can use at least two weapons, right?

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Some people are addicted and crave the constant inflow of income to their wallets. We LOVE finding great ways to use our time because productivity should pay off.

To put down farmers as a group is belittling. We’re people. We like a style of play. Don’t hate us, we paid for Guild Wars 2, too.

I can post more, but most of what’s on my mind has already been posted; it would fall on deaf ears.

No Subscription Fees: Pros and Cons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


The bias in this thread is mind-boggling.

Having a subscription brings quite a few benefits to a game. For starters, GENERALLY most things that mean anything can only be acquired in-game.

That’s just scratching the surface. There are plenty more benefits, but that’s the main one. Everyone starts and ends on the same playing field.

Precursor Drop in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Somebody got The Legend while farming at Union Waypoint yesterday. We all dropped our jaws in awe.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


So its ok to keep events floating when other ppl could be running the event in full? Everyone knew it was going to get fixed i bet you did too dont put a “i quit” to something that you knew was going to happen in the end these forums are no places for such things.

Realize it’s not a specific event that’s being nerfed. It’s a style of gameplay they’re nerfing. People who enjoy that style of gameplay are fed up, and these posts are evidence of that.

They’ve been nerfing the path of least resistance since day 1. I just got back and they’re still nerfing it. I’m out. I really am. I’ll play another game where the devs make unpopular choices and at least have the balls to state why they’re doing it instead of beating around the bush.

(edited by Siigari.6587)

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


there should be a better solution instead of punishing everyone else. we are not botters, we are players.

introduce a 3rd party software detection embedded to gw2 or make it un-editable.

why must we suffer? why not let the 3rd party app users suffer?

if they are really keen on getting rid of 3rd party software/exe/app users, they should do it since in wvw, there are positioning hacks, which they can even see people in stealth, waypoint hacking, where people teleport to anywhere they want, etc etc hacks.

why, why must the people that play by the book get punished? where is justice?

why are we as players getting discriminated and treated as a botter?

why are we as people supporting a game and keeping it alive/lively getting punished?


Well (responding to your other post too) how invasive are you willing to let Anet be? Is it ok with you if they know what going on to the program names that your running on your pc at the same time as your running GW2? There a point where they cant and should not look because that becomes an invasion of privacy.

there are signatures on the apps where you can list them as “hackware” just as how antivirus works. just needs to be updated by time to time. they can FIND it, Implement it, Block it. instead. looking back at the multiple variants of trojans, hackware, crackers, patchers. they are all signature based when scanned. even on android, games have anti hacking mechanism which detects memory injections etc. why not here?

Dude this is all a moot point.

Anet said they found a large number of botters. Well Anet should just take action against the botter’s accounts rather than use heavy handed swinging.

I swear to God, I had so much fun doing this. I quit playing back in September because every route to the path of least resistance was being nerfed. That wasn’t fun for me, that was like being abused. I just got back like, May 10th. Two weeks. I found the Skelk area down in Southshore and thought 1g an hour was REALLY GOOD. Then somebody told me about Union Waypoint. And now it’s been nerfed.

Realize it’s not a specific event that’s being nerfed. It’s a style of gameplay they’re nerfing. People who enjoy that style of gameplay are fed up, and these posts are evidence of that.

Anet. I’m done. I’m sorry I spent $30 on this game to support you because I had found means to an end. You won’t get anything else from me, even my user logged in to your game until you apologize to the community for abusing a segment of players who enjoy playing your game in a way that we have enjoyed playing other games.


What was in today's patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Oh yeah, one more thing.

You know how nearly impossible it is to bot Union WP? Wizards will knock you back and mess up your farm/looting. Vets will down you if you’re not stable in your hp/regen and that’ll really mess you up. Every time I showed up there I struck up conversation and had a chat with QUITE A FEW PEOPLE. This is not botting, this is SOCIALIZING.

We made our own event by showing up at UniWP and having a good time with others. I made a HUGE AMOUNT OF FRIENDS doing this event, something I don’t do chasing event trains in Southsun Cove with the seemingly anti-social.

There’s a video of me playing in UniWP. Watch the interactions between people. We’re here to socialize, farm and have fun. Not kitten up the GW2 economy.

(edited by Siigari.6587)

What was in today's patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


This sucks. I just got back to the game and it was nice to find a place to make some reliable gold.

Farming an area should not be deemed an exploit. It’s called the path of least resistance, which is something many gamers who play a game in a way that maximizes their efficiency will do.

Every time gamers find the path of least resistance, Arena Net nerfs it. That’s not fun. That’s the definition of griefing. A-net is griefing their playerbase to force them to play in a casual manner with others.

Pretty soon players will find another reliable source of income and that’ll be nerfed too. That’s not fair, and it’s mistreating people who have a keen and apt mind.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Siigari.6587


I can’t level with this problem. At first I thought it was my old mouse, but I did a quick “GW2 right click” google search and found this thread.

I don’t understand how something this immersion/gamebreaking can be tolerated by players. The devs either don’t seem to care about it or the players don’t. It’s one or the other, but I lose focus constantly while trying to move my character around. What’s worse is when I actually wind up right clicking a window on one of my two adjacent screens.. then I lose focus completely.

Fix this, please.

This kitten Filter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Why are they so bent on no support players? I personally LOVE supporting others. Sometimes I don’t always want to have to get in there and run a bash-in-their-head rotation of 1-2-4~-1-1-etc. Being a support class generally puts you in your 7-0 skills and I enjoy mine as a Guardian.

I see no reason for them to force us out of support.

Why can't you swim straight up or down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siigari.6587


Hey all. Just wondering why we are not permitted to swim straight up or straight down on the Y axis in this game. It always seems to be at about an 80-85 degree angle. This is frustrating unless you hold space to swim straight up, but even then you don’t have good control over the camera.

Anyway, thanks for any information or reasons.