Showing Posts For Silentghost.5946:

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Have to say FA, really impressed with your number today. Having some really great fights.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


We are really enjoying the matchup so far. Yall are putting on alot of pressure on us! Best of luck!

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


It was great playing against both of y’all! We had some really great battles over the past few days! I hope to play against y’all again one day! Best of luck to everyone in their upcoming matchups!

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

Dec.7: DB v NSP v DH

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Was a great duel. He bested most of us. I was impressed. Hope to see you again on the battlefield.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Well said Phuriok, Just gets frustrating when we don’t have those numbers, but wvw is still fun just got to change tactics when we cannot field the numbers.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


I don’t know, The new event doesn’t really matter, I think our numbers will be low just due to the fact of the new dungeon. The one time events have really been nothing. Just everyone is doing the new dungeon while Ehmry has a bunch of dedicated wvwers. That is the true problem, we lack dedicated players.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

Dragonbrand US server looking for day crew

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Hi I am Silentghost, from the guild Elephant Ambush [EA] on the Dragonbrand server. Our server has been impacted with the server transfers, we lost some of our good wvw guilds, but some of us still remain.

A little about our server, currently we are ranked 16th, we are having a great wvw matchup right now, currently in 1st for our matchup. Dragonbrand has a great overnight crew, but we are lacking in numbers for our daytime crew to help them out. We are kinda known to be a pve server but there are actually quite a few of us that are working to get the interest back into wvw. People have just been demoralized because we have fallen so much due to some guilds leaving. With that said, all of that is changing and for the better.

If you are intrested, We don’t really have que times for wvw, maybe one or two borderlands will have que during peak hours and sometimes overnight. The ques are like 10mins max, so not really a wait time at all. We want to see Dragonbrand become a great wvw server and restore it to its former glory.


US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/9 Dragonbrand/N. Shiverpeaks/Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Pretty impressed with SF, just took everything from us in our borderlands. Was a good fight guys. Wish we had more on right now, but yall are taking everything.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

Elephant Ambush [EA]-Dragonbrand WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Hi I am one of the leaders of Elephant Ambush [EA], we are very active wvw guild looking for players who are dedicated to wvw. We have been a guild here from the very start of the server and are never going to leave the server like some of the other guilds. We are primarily looking for wvw players, no requirements, just that you represent us and are active in wvw. We do pve some (to get gear especially). We are a relatively small guild with only around 30 dedicated players. We are a fully upgraded guild and are now just building wvw buffs plus guild siege.We have 2 commanders currently Arrow and Edgar the Dyslexic. We also have guild website :Elephant Ambush Site

We also use raidcall to communicate with each other, it is required for when we wvw. You don’t have to have a mic, but it is recommended. Typing gets old quickly and it is hard to type while fighting.

We want to see Dragonbrand become a wvw server again and get rid of the tag pve. It has been a hard past few weeks with guilds leaving, but this current matchup this week proves that we will still have what it takes.

Feel free to contact any of us in game at Other leaders include

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/9 Dragonbrand/N. Shiverpeaks/Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Yea I agree, our night time presence is what is keeping us in first. I would like to see us gain more of a daytime presence. Because SF/NSP both have a strong day time presence and has been going back and forth none stop.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/9 Dragonbrand/N. Shiverpeaks/Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


I’m from Dragonbrand, really enjoying this week’s matchup. Everyone is putting up a great fight. We haven’t had a great fight like this in a while.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

(edited by Silentghost.5946)