Showing Posts For Sirendo.6753:
Hello, is there a way to get back info about items you get after one salvage action. For example each item id and amount.
Wanted to make an api that will get that info and record it in some file for further use, like making statistic about how much items on average you get from salvaging particular item and such. I’ve run trough gw2 API documentation but it seams that isnt supported or I am blind.
If this doesnt work I am thinking of using OCR on specific place on screen, where loot scrolls down above minimap, and trying to process information like that.
If I am missing something or if you have any other ideas please let me know.
Thank you.
Id just say when they add capes and I think eventually they will I just hope they will be to the ground long and not those that we had in Guild Wars 1.
After about 30 minutes of game play I start to have headaches and also my eyes start to hurt like someone is applying pressure on them with a finger. I never had this problems before, I play games minimum around 8-14 hours without a break and never for the last 10 years of playing games I have gotten this problem.
I did a little research on the web and 90% of what I read said that its due to the Field of View, something about the degree of view. Some players have suggested I run GW2 in window mode and lower the vertical scale of it and that that would help me. And it did, no more headaches or eyes hurting but I am left with using 1/2 of my monitor to play a game which is kinda wrong.
Does anyone else have this problems with GW2 or is it just me ?
Yea, I got 1 green shortbow, as a warrior I cant use it, and rest was blue items of 75+ level. Ended up selling them at vendor.
Do you have friends, guild mates, random adventurer near you. Hell tell me on what server shard you are and I’ll come help you m8, got nothing else to do anyways.
Seams our choices of ferocity, dignity, charm have no effect on anything except few lines of text at NPCs. I have gotten and impression that by raising those stats will allow us to talk to some NPC, while denying conversation with other or something similar. Or am I the only one that got that idea from their explanations from the past.
P.S. Great game, lousy ending.
Aye I agree. And more work should have been done to portray his mechanical hand or something .
No its not. It is your personal story in which you grow as a hero and also influence others to rise against common enemy and abandon old hatreds for the ultimate goal of saving Tyria and all of her denizens. It is a story of love, sacrifice and friendship, it is a story seen trough your hero’s eyes, witnessing and being part of heroic deeds and painful loses.
….It is your story.
If you have seen a bit less than I have just said than I am sorry for you my friend.