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Amd and Gw2 with win 8.1

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sjeppie.1236



I know there are enough topics of this but i still cant find my awnser. I know that Amd fx series preformance in gw2 is horrific. if i play on my laptop with the same settings (i7 3610qm) i get a lot more fps. And that has a gt 650m. All the hot fixes on the forum are for win 7. My question is is there any fix to up my fps a little bit? Just want to be getting the full potential (and if thats not enough then il replace my 8150 for a i5)

My specs:
AMD Fx 8150 4.4GHZ ( already oc’ed)
AMD HD7970 1ghz edition
16 GB 1600mhz
150 GB velociraptor HDD

Kind Regards,



The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sjeppie.1236


Getting very anoyed about this… so i just level futher and wait?