Showing Posts For Skai.8473:


in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473

hey guys please if you got notes i dont care if it bad or good just comment in video so i can improve my self in next guides
i am making new updated guides for wvw as well including game play

q.q and sry for my eng its not that perfect

GW2 Mesmer WvW Guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: Skai.8473

hey guys please if you got notes i dont care if it bad or good just comment in video so i can improve my self in next guides
i am making new updated guides for wvw as well including game play

q.q and sry for my eng its not that perfect



Here We Are !!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Skai.8473


hope you all enjoy

Hell everyone, iN is back in action again, We’ve reformed and are currently looking for active, mature and experienced WvW / PvP players. Those who are mechanical and can adapt to every situation. We aim to create a small, professional community that will provide a challange in any competitive scene. Currently focussed on Guild Wars 2 and it’s World v World scene.

Rules :
1-We’re looking for mature players, who can separate seriousness from jokes.

2-Looking for players with an advance knowhow of the game and its mechanics.

3-We’re also looking for people who don’t take criticism personally and that do not hold grudges.

4-Please respect the players and commanders of the guild, We expect loyalty to the guild, Thus meaning complying to rules and any build changes.

5-We’re not a hardcore guild, But we do expect discipline and a good level of focus during our raids. However as a guild, and a family, We also like to have fun!

Apply @

Wish us luck all <3

we are @ FSP

GW2 I N I Q U I T Y [iN] vs Rascals [RAS]

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hello guys ,
today i upload a nice fight between us and RAS .
i wanna thank all the side for the fun I FEEL THE GAME when i only in fights like these <3
Hope you enjoy all


GW2 [HoB]( Rev Deception)

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


finally crash stooped


in Community Creations

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hey all hope you enjoy the fights non STOP

GW2 [HoB]( Rev Deception)

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


i am crashing every time i atk SM lol

GW2 [HoB]( Rev Deception)

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hey all ,
this is some nice fight from my first raid with guild HoB Hand Of Blood.
hope you all enjoy


Thanks for the NERF

in Ranger

Posted by: Skai.8473

Skai.8473 this video was to let arena net see how was the heal OP and pet dmg OP as well how poor thief is i am looking to see thief buffed soon

I N I Q U I T Y[iN] Memories

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


aw this patch hope it did not kill the builds

Help me on builds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skai.8473


pls comment in the link about the builds and advice if it can be improved

I N I Q U I T Y[iN] Memories

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


pls comment in the video about the builds and advice if it can be improved hope u all enjoy <3

I N I Q U I T Y [iN]

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hey guys , i would like to share our fun with you

we are new rising wvw guild in underworld linked with fsp
hope you all enjoy

sry dont know where to post it just wanna share it with u and its our second raid
soon we put our gvgs

Power Mesmer New DAWN

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


hey guys hope you enjoy this video made by my friend “Kida” acount name ksks.3098

hope you support him he is rising Mesmer share and like guys <3


Old maps back = EPIC FIGHT ALSO BACK

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skai.8473


thanks guys it was really fun

Old maps back = EPIC FIGHT ALSO BACK

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skai.8473


i really wanna thank arena net for bringing old maps its much much better and enjoyable

Old maps back = EPIC FIGHT ALSO BACK

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skai.8473


sry for the quality its not clear i think bc of the size of the video it taking a lot of time

Old maps back = EPIC FIGHT ALSO BACK

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hello guys today i am showing you my daily wvw with my friends [HERO] only who is left , Also with outnumbered fights its fun really to be outnumbered and you see blob finding it HARD to kill us some fights we lose some fights we win , hope you enjoy.

btw i just upload it so quality wont be great wait 10 mint or less who knows

Like boys ^_*

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hey guys, as most of your are probably aware, Scoring Improvements won over QoL improvements in the last poll. So now it’s time to delve deeper into what that means.

We want to improve scoring for a few big reasons:

  • Reduce the need for 24 hour coverage by reducing the effects of off-hours capping (night capping)
    • It’s not okay that the time periods with the smallest number of active players have the largest impact on the score
    • Of course we don’t want to alienate players who play during these period, off-hours coverage will still matter, it just will no longer be the primary factor in determining which world wins any given matchup
  • Reduce the number of runaway matches
    • That feeling of hopelessness when your team is down 100,000 points after a single day
  • Give players a real opportunity to make a comeback
    • Matches are often decided in the first few days, making playing in the final days feel pointless
  • In conjunction with population rebalancing, updating Scoring allows us to decide a winner of a match more fairly, and thus reward players more fairly
    • Currently we can’t give out worthwhile rewards for winning, as most match-ups are already decided before they begin

Next I’ll talk about how we plan to achieve those goals.

Changes to Match Structure:

  • We’ll split the week long matches into 2 hour time slices we are calling ‘Skirmishes’
  • Warscore is used to determine the winner of a Skirmish
  • Skirmishes award varying amounts of Victory Points based on placement
  • Victory Points are used to determine Match victor
  • When a Skirmish ends, Warscore is reset, but actual map-state remains unchanged


  • Winning a Skirmish by a small margin, or a large margin, awards the same number of victory points.
  • This keeps the winning and losing scores closer together, allowing the losing worlds a fighting chance
  • Teams will still want to win as many time slices as possible, off-hours coverage is still important, but less dominant

Potential (controversial) additional change:

  • While the above change takes steps to bring the value of off-hours coverage in-line, there’s a good chance it’ll still be overvalued. If that’s the case (and we’ll eventually poll on this), then we have plans for an additional system.
  • This is the Action Level – Victory Point Multiplier system
    • This system would multiply the Victory Points awarded by Skirmishes based on map populations and time of day.
    • During prime time hours, the multiplier would always be at it’s maximum of 3.
    • During off hours, the multiplier might stay at 3 or drop to 2 or 1, depending on on activity level.
    • It’s important to include map populations as a factor, to make the system more fair for off hours players and its important to include time-of-day as a factor to prevent a winning team from trying to keep the score muliplier low by exiting WvW

Last Stand

  • Last Stand describes the final day of any week long matchup
  • During Last Stand, Skirmish placement Victory Points are multiplied
  • This is intended to make the last day of the match as exciting as the first, and provide a final comeback mechanic for teams that are behind

Reduced the Score Tick Timer from 15 minutes to 5 minutes

  • This will guarantee that every objective is grants at least one score pulse before it can be flipped by another team.
  • Objective Score will be reduce by 1/3rd since they’d be ticking 3x as often. This keeps the relative score from all sources the same.
  • Reward Track points will also be ticking 3x as often, and likewise be decreased by 1/3rd.

Upgraded Objectives Score Higher

  • Each tier of objective upgrade increases the amount of score per tick
  • The goal is to incentivize defending your upgraded objectives and assaulting opposing upgraded objectives

Points for Capture

  • Capturing an objective awards immediate score.
  • If the objective is upgraded it is worth additional score.

Points for Kill

  • The amount of score earned from PPK will be increased, so that it contributes more to the overall score.
  • As a rough number, PPK may increase to 3-5 points, rather than 1, with diminishing returns on killing players who have been alive for less than 5 minutes.
  • Warscore for Caravan Kills, Caravan Delivery and Sentry Capture should increase by at a similar rate as PPK.


  • Many of these new systems and changes will also necessitate updates to the UI, to display all this new information.


  • Once we have these scoring updates in, we can look at adding placement rewards for Skirmishes and Matches.

go vote guys

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


FINALY RISE FROM THE FALL love you arena net and hope i can support you as pos as i can

OLDmaps VS NEWmaps

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


pleas your opinion and anything else out side of this topic

OLDmaps VS NEWmaps

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


I will agree and cannot refute that both have their own pros and cons. Though that goes with anything in life!

I personally like the new DBL better. But at the same time I miss having a JP in the BL since the DBL doesn’t have a JP in it.

I do like the JP in the ABL, but for the most part I think that map is too old and boring now…

I personally think they should find a way to implement both at the same time rather than “rotate” them. I think this would be much better, then you can play whichever you desire to, all the time!

Not to mention, rotation, will bring about “fights” about which one is superior, or which one is liked more etc. To which I say DBL is superior “in every way” (minus not having a JP I guess LOL).

It’s okay though, I even fight with my wife about this matter, she prefers the ABL where I prefer the DBL. I’m always shet talking to her over it, and visa versa >.> But I guess that’s a perfect example to why they should just find a way to implement both rather than a “rotation”. Of course, she is da wife, so it’s all just “fun n games” shet talking, but still shet talking nonetheless…

I don’t know if you have noticed or not but haven’t you seen the qeue of EB border gone and ppl start to play in the old maps and more ppl start to play wvw and old player came back from LONG BREAK , lol even the scouts are more useful , and ppl start to roam a lot .

OLDmaps VS NEWmaps

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


OLDmaps VS NEWmaps

in WvW

Posted by: Skai.8473


Hello everyone,

First i wanna thank for there effort to bring the fun once again to GW2 by fixing and balancing many stuff that was bad before, Second to those who said arena net killed the fun by bringing back the old maps and they should not do that.
to me i am wvw player and i spend a lot time in world vs world and i played in both maps so i be clear with everyone , Also let me tell you what i fell with new maps the desert maps , Its normal i don’t feel the excitement for example if they atk garrison i just say meh yea lets go there and i walk and walk tell i reach garrison and if they are in the lord top thats it they will rang BOOOOOM you like a boss from up u cant do something about it (equal numbers with different commanders so its not about the quality of commander) and yea it was fun .
BUT if old maps HELL YEA we all go to our spawn and Mesmer already ruining to garrison so he/she open portal and then he/she way point to spawn and portal us in side garrison outer and rush them in lord room and we fights from every where , Up stares ,In lord room ,Next to wall or gate that is down .
To me i played in both maps and i would stick with old maps for more fun, Some time simple things are good.
i wanna see everyone’s opinion about these old maps and new maps.

Best Regards


q.q forgive me for my bad eng <3

On Interrupt Sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Skai.8473


Watch the video and laugh, the sigil + pulmonary impact takes zero skill, does ridiculous damage, and is super laughable.

my friend i love to make easy builds its not about 0 skills we could do 1vs1 with any-build u want,
thanks for posting my video hope u post the new ones <3

[HARD] Calamity Of The Mist

in Looking for...

Posted by: Skai.8473


Calamity Of The Mist [HARD]
The vision of [hard] Calamity Of The Mist is to go beyond the limits of teamplay and personal play, and provide good competition with the best guilds in a “no drama” atmosphere.
Our focus is to run in a small yet deadly group of 25-30 in WvW . We are a hardcore WvW guild, as WvW is our passion and we are Aiming to be number one.

Our members have played WvW for a long time and have come together to form a squad for success, glory, and the thrill of victory. If you want to be part of such a guild, then apply for Calamity Of The Mist.

we are HARD CORE WVW, the requirments are :
1) Do trial for 1 week which will be a rank that you will be monitored on.
2) Do some 1vs1 with your main class that you bring to raids to see how you handle fights.
3) 100 % representing of the Guild is a requirement unless spoken to a leader/ officer regarding reasons for not representing.
4) To use teampseak and be active in teamspeak is required [ you put ur main class name and / your real life name ]
5) Officers will give you more information in more rules.
6) This Guild is a desolation based Guild! you need to be in our server.
7) We are GvG guild so we use sign up gvgs if u dont sign up in 3 gvg u will get warrning, secound time kick [ unless u talk to officers]
8 ) Our leader is hige rank in desolation community so we need to repect the community and any complain from community on guild members it will be dealed with it .
9 ) WvW rank is 500
Why the wait just apply now:

feel free to send message or drop a mail for any questions or concerns:
