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WvW EU Links, what is going on?

in WvW

Posted by: Skieds.6781


Well, i really do not understand, so i am here asking and i hope some Anet guy will be so kind to give us an answer, there is any logical behind the current links?

How is possible that SFR got unlinked while FSP and Piken got linked?

I really got the feeling you guys link servers on purpose beacouse that is a nice way to force ppl to transfer rather than try to figure out a way to balance the ladder and bring fun (and bit of competition) back to WvW.

Think about it, really, beacouse gems are nice but ppl are getting bored.

I quoted the Anet explanation here:

ok i have read your answer and i understand that they are going to link servers in order to try to balance every single matchup, and in their imaginary world this could be a nice solution, but reality is little different. In fact to balance tier 1 servers (for example) and to balance i mean to try to create a matchup with 3 factions of more or less the same side, they are just sacrifying all the rest. Going this way they are completely cutting off any chance for low tier servers to go up so there is no motivation and no goal to pursue, the only goal actually left in WvW is to farm achievements. And for that there is already EOTM… so, i am asking again to Anet, what is the logic behind this kind of decisions?

So they’re just removing any possibility for a server to climb up the ladder, deciding which server belongs to which tier by the linking. The linking aim should be to try to make ALL the servers with the same population, so it’s the skill and quality of players that decides the tier and not the numbers.