Showing Posts For Skyblade.9176:

Eu/Oceanic role as kingmakers

in WvW

Posted by: Skyblade.9176


Just an observation of the trends from looking at the forums and server recruitments atm.

Merry X'mas from Anet to Mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Skyblade.9176


Just saw this at PVP forum

@ Mesmer: We’ll be addressing the current Mesmer build that’s spiking for insane damage. Sorry that change got through – it is something we’ll be fixing.

@ Macros: Macros are against the user agreement. You can be banned for using them, so use them at your own risk. I would also advise against using them, because in live tournaments, you won’t be able to use macros. So it makes little sense to learn “bad habbits” you’ll just have to retrain later.

We adhere to the same “one keystroke = one action on one character/account”, which is used by a lot of MMO publishers when defining botting/macros.

Just wanted to clear that up – be careful w/ those macros, they can get you banned.

Guess we are not suppose to be approach the same level of burst as a Thief or a Warrior.

New change brings back bad memories

in Mesmer

Posted by: Skyblade.9176


1st post since game launch .I could be wrong but the changes in this patch reminds me of certain changes in some mmo i used to play . ( could be gw1 ) . The phantasm changes to me means my target get multiple chances to stop my damage including future damage potential. ( Less to shatter if my phantasm gets block , AE blind , dodge etc ) . Example : Mes cast phantasm , enemy miss the chance to defend , enemyy still has chance to negate phatasm damge or better still kill it b4 i shatter & my shatter can be negated by similar defensive skills . Seems like mesmer will be the most forgiving class to enemies since there are at least 3 chances to to negate mesmer present and potential damage and mesmer damage is so dependent on the clones and phantasm regardless of build.