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Unable to launch Guild Wars 2 (now working)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skylana Bliss.9367

Skylana Bliss.9367

Is workin fine now. both 64 and 32

Unable to launch Guild Wars 2 (now working)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skylana Bliss.9367

Skylana Bliss.9367

I was just gaming after getting the 2/9/16 patch then was given the “new build” (57,804) update in game so I figured I would update right away. Now I cannot even get the client to run. It initially started to download files then popped the error msg. (pic in attachment) I am unable to launch from both 64 or 32bit. Updates were run on 64 first. After the error I tried all of them.

Edit: 32 bit client is all good now and I can now log into game with that. 64bit client still gives me the error and will not launch


(edited by Skylana Bliss.9367)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skylana Bliss.9367

Skylana Bliss.9367

UI Design
– There is an “Equipment” tab INSIDE the “Equipment” tab
* Maybe you could re-name it to “Gear”


- I like that the “attempt” to improve the system was made.
– I do not like that I now have to pay (transmutation charges / I refuse to grind for free ones) to equip items that were bought from the store and previously had a carrying slot that kept them out of my inventory and bank? For example, the Inventors Sunglasses. Unless I carry them around with me everywhere so that I can equip them for free. The reality is that I still do not have a place to store them unless I want to pay for it. No Thanks.

– Everything else has been covered to death by now. I agree with most all of the complaints.

Hopefully this mess gets cleaned up because as angry as I am I still have some loyalty and do enjoy the game. However, Im currently looking into other games to play and at this point would rather pay a monthly fee.

Password length - Website vs. Client Login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skylana Bliss.9367

Skylana Bliss.9367

I have just experienced this issue as well and am resetting my pass again due to the length incompatibility between the website and game client. I also used keepass to create a pass longer then 200. I tried a direct cut and copy to the input field as well as the keepass auto-type feature.

I agree with Kibbles.9813. It would be helpful to have the limit posted or lifted entirely for the game client. Or as another option put the same limit the game client has on the website as well.

Also noticed its been over a year now.

Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skylana Bliss.9367

Skylana Bliss.9367

I like the idea of having Various types of tools for the diff lvls of materials to gather. It makes sense! In the real world an experienced painter wouldn’t use dollar store brushes for their better works, but may have some lying around. Maybe those brushes give a particular look and feel and are occasionally used. At higher lvls, in game, I get extremely tired of switching between the diff tiers of tools, but I do it cause I don’t want to toss hard earned money away. Even more annoying is that I have to open my inv. and see which tool is used for what item as my memory is not that great.

I propose this!
Provide, either as a rare crafttable item that’s hard to get or purchasable (to help boost economy which, currently, also sucks) or as a purchase on the BLTC extra slots on the hero equip screen. One for each type of tool in their respective subcategories. i.e. a row for iron tools, one for steel, etc… that way I dont have to remember which is for what or have to constantly switch between them. This is something I would purchase for a small fee on the BLTC.