Showing Posts For Skyrmion.6478:

Looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


<Player looking for a team>

Ingame name: Lanicera
Main Class: d/d ele, Potential Class: Guardian
Region: NA
Practice Times: Available Mon – Sat, 3pm – 12am EST
Experience: Mainly from W vs W, ran group of 3 to kill small – medium zergs. Also done lots of spvp.

Other (Anything else that you would like to add):

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

(edited by Skyrmion.6478)

Warrior Opinion Share Area

in Warrior

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


hai Ana, thanks for sharing your build! some of my warrior friends tried it, they said its pretty awesome keep it up!

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


hai~ thank you!

Come back to ussssss

I might come back next week

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


I participated in one of the earlier fight clubs and sought out what I think must be your best or at least one of your best eles. Lani I believe. I did NOT look for an easy target! I did not expect to win, but I wanted to learn and get better. I didn’t win in fact, but that fight went on for a very long time and I was proud I held my own for awhile.

One of the runs I was on we joked that it took a small zerg to take out the ele from [Lani]

That ele is fantastic!

hai~ thank you!

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


I got tired of killing CD bads over and over so I decided to solo guild groups from SBI. Here’s one of me killing most of the [EA] guild in one go. It was probably just a lucky battle though since I don’t actually have any skill and just save the wins instead of losses. Ignore the 25 stacks and outmanned buff please, I swear I got those from farming coyotes instead of SBI for the hour before.

I mentioned in another post how some of the MAG trash talk is point and laugh material…..this is a good example as are most by this person……cherry picked video like this is pretty meaningless. like another poster suggested, if you really want the credibility and recognition you seem to crave post an uncut video from when you leave spawn for an extended time through many uncut fights….everyone has their good and bad moments…showing highlights of just your good ones and trying to say it’s typical is very comical and is only “typical” of insecure children if anything.

Honestly, his post is doing exactly as he intended. Trolling or not, though, Razi is one of the best solo players and commanders on Maguuma. These videos hardly show his full skill.

Not really, because I was using his failed attempt (as far as I am concerned) at trolling/trash talking as a so comically obvious example of the many laughable and failed attempts by MAGs forum warriors… is like the “They see me and all go run and hide” lines that he and another poster reuse over and over…..that kind of “you’re chicken” stuff stopped working on me in the 5th grade….

So how does one make SBI willing to come pvp if antagonizing doesn’t work?

I gave that Lani ele a very good fight IMHO

hai good fight!

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


need fight club please

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


2 of us had fun building train of rams in SBI north camp
…until the zerg came


[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

(edited by Skyrmion.6478)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


come to the fight club at mag bl for some fun

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Wow…the most fun I have had at reset in a long time! I much prefer the underdog role. Small hard fought victories are so much more satisfying to me.

Overall……Great fights Maguuma and CD!

Even with large forces from all sidse our group found many small skirmishes at camps and else where.

There was the one Maguuma 3 man havoc made up of 2-thieves and 1-ele I believe at north camp….that were just awesome …and they knew it! I forgot to make note of the guild tag.. Very skilled and VERY annoying…it took us forever to kill you guys! GJ!!…and now please go to CD and annoy Actually…it would be great to have a fight club night sometime when and if things slow down…I would love to get some tips for my ele play!

The main thing I hate about this match up is having to say “Maguuma” on voice comms… I know it’s not that hard…but I seem to butcher it a lot… =/

hai my name is Lani, nice to meet ya! o.o

Hello, I think we met again today around the SBI BL NW sentry point. The little Asura ele with the black floppy

That was a fun fight. Sorry it was almost always 2-3v1 on you…I was kinda hoping to test myself vs you 1v1……I have no doubt I would have lost….but that is how you get better…right?…nice work fighting that to a draw (well technically it could be counted as a win on your part as you did still kill our yak..and maybe downed a couple of us too?…but I lived….so I count that as a draw for me….lol) and being out-manned the whole time. …lots of cussin’ on our comms over that one….lol

And then there is that thief that can’t be caught!! o.O ..we had 10 ppl chasing him last night…I finally gave up….and I could see his pet too…so kinda knew where he was….I really would like to know how to counter that…. =/

*edit….or is the pet just a distraction?…..when you shadow step or HS/SB leap..the pet lags behind some.?… actually would help mislead your pursuers maybe? I will have to test this….

That theif would be triggerless [IKR], he can usually fight a zerg by himself for a long time. The “pet” u saw was his miniature quaggan.

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Wow…the most fun I have had at reset in a long time! I much prefer the underdog role. Small hard fought victories are so much more satisfying to me.

Overall……Great fights Maguuma and CD!

Even with large forces from all sidse our group found many small skirmishes at camps and else where.

There was the one Maguuma 3 man havoc made up of 2-thieves and 1-ele I believe at north camp….that were just awesome …and they knew it! I forgot to make note of the guild tag.. Very skilled and VERY annoying…it took us forever to kill you guys! GJ!!…and now please go to CD and annoy Actually…it would be great to have a fight club night sometime when and if things slow down…I would love to get some tips for my ele play!

The main thing I hate about this match up is having to say “Maguuma” on voice comms… I know it’s not that hard…but I seem to butcher it a lot… =/

hai my name is Lani, nice to meet ya! o.o

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


haha lots of commanders >3< whyyyyy. pretty funny.

Rich people these days… ;3


y u gold no give t,t

Cuz u stopped using ur face!

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


haha lots of commanders >3< whyyyyy. pretty funny.

Rich people these days… ;3

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


<3 old friends from [GH] and [FTF], fun fights on Ebay BL!

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

(edited by Skyrmion.6478)

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Speaking of people loving us.

Why do FA and DB always try to gang up on me? 
Do you have a problem with Maguuma or OG?

erm, i personally have nothing against maguma at all. actually prefer them to DB’s NNK. OG though has a bad reputation and yes we are hunting u guys down. the reason for that is pretty obvious: u guys gank single targets on the street, wait infront of our spawn, try to attack us from behind when we are taking a DB keep, jump on our bodies after 6v1 and then  troll on the forums and even if u have a official duel(like u had with our commander Lady Sayrah) u get mad if he wins and attack him from behind out of the blue….

Lol so much hate for bringing out a video that shows a fight back when d/d ele earth skill 3 pre-nerf. I have friends in both PRO and OG and all are really nice people in game (except bunzy), so just chill out and have fun. Hating wont get u anything good.

erm check the upload date again yeah…that was very recent

Uh no? U check again, that video is uploaded recent, but the duel is like from 100 years ago pay attention to bit’s earth skill #3?

U know its like uploading a video today, showing a battle back in World War II? Seriously like that’s going to solve your problem?

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

(edited by Skyrmion.6478)

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Speaking of people loving us.

Why do FA and DB always try to gang up on me? 
Do you have a problem with Maguuma or OG?

erm, i personally have nothing against maguma at all. actually prefer them to DB’s NNK. OG though has a bad reputation and yes we are hunting u guys down. the reason for that is pretty obvious: u guys gank single targets on the street, wait infront of our spawn, try to attack us from behind when we are taking a DB keep, jump on our bodies after 6v1 and then  troll on the forums and even if u have a official duel(like u had with our commander Lady Sayrah) u get mad if he wins and attack him from behind out of the blue….

Lol so much hate for bringing out a video that shows a fight back when d/d ele earth skill 3 pre-nerf. I have friends in both PRO and OG and all are really nice people in game (except bunzy), so just chill out and have fun. Hating wont get u anything good.

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

[WvW/PvE] The "Healway" Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Thanks for showing this awesome build

I was debating whether to go for knight-zerker or full cleric, and after a few days of testing I’ve found that knight-zerker can get you decent stats such as:

3000ish attack,
3200 toughness,
30%-50% crit chance/40-50 crit damage,

but in the long term the healing-way build is so much better for survival, although the stats are not as good-looking as knight-zerker.

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Rune confusion

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Same bug happens on Superior rune of the solider, i have 6 and its showing 12/6. But yuh with common sense you should realize u need 6 runes to get all 6 buffs on the rune

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Healing Power or Crit

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Thanks guys for the suggestions.

I use Hammer (sigil of hydromancy) and Sword(sigil of life)/focus (sigil of energy)
My trait is 0 0 30 30 10, My main build works around altur-healing and shouts, and I thought of using empowering might to get more might => also heals a bit from the boon(the reason i have some crit right now).

Im not too worried about condition removal, that’s why i’m willing to lower my hp inexchange for some crit or healing.

I’m unsure of the knight gear cuz i dont know if high crit chance with low crit damage can boost my damage by much.

Currently my play style is usually jump into a large group and create chaos and confusion.

I believe both knight gear and mix cleric + solider gear are good for survival but i’ll give a try on the knight gears for now since it has more toughness

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

(edited by Skyrmion.6478)

Healing Power or Crit

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Hi guys, I’m debating whether to reduce some hp and exchange for more healing power, or crit chance/crit damage

Currently i’m using full power/vit/toughness armor with solider runes, back piece (knight stats), 2 accessories (power/toughness/vit), 2 rings and neck (knight stats).

My stats:
attack: 3103
crit chance 24%, crit damage 37
armor: 3240
health: 18535, healing power: 300

I want to reduce my hp to 16.5k-15k.

Any suggestions?

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Superior rune of altruism on guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


Would like to confirm (2) give 3 stacks of might to nearby allies when using a heal skill, and (6) give fury to nearby allies when using a heal skill. Does the empower skill on the staff, altru-healing and monk’s focus in the trait activate them?

Also what is the range for allies to be affected by them.

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera

Fractals 11 - Loot error please FIX

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrmion.6478


So our party did lvl 11 and none of us got ring, but other people i’ve talked to got it. I don’t really want to spam this level over and over just for the ring. I believe that the ring should be something to reward players who put effort in the dungen, to motivate them and help them in their future levels at higher difficulty. It should be a fixed reward instead of a drop rate T_T

[Lani] – d|d e|e Lanicera