Showing Posts For Slayv.7146:
I’d like to know what they are doing, or what their plans are, cause i have the same 4 bots on my friends list, that have been active for nearly 5 weeks now, this is after i reported them 22 times, i have since stopped reporting and want to know if something if anything is being done?
There are a few things to consider before botting.
First of all, a vast majority of botting accounts are “hacked” or stolen accounts. ArenaNet could be trying to give the account back to the original owner.
Second of all, all report features are done via an ArenaNet employee. Players are innocent until proven guilty and there is a lot more than you’d realize that goes into if a player should be banned or not.
Lastly, there are rumors that ArenaNet is going to do a mass ban, to get all the bots out at once. If they just banned one account, a new one would sprout up and start botting again and its an endless war. A mass ban gets rid of all bots at once. Thus, if a single person is botting with multiple accounts, it’ll take them longer to get all bots up and going instead of just banning one, while the other is still up, and the other still being up continues to spam gold selling sites and what not and by the time that one gets banned, a new one is already up.
Who knows. But to improperly blame ArenaNet for getting nothing done is stupid. They’re working on it. They’ve told us this. You just have to be patient. It’s much more of a burden for them than it is to us.
i considered this before making this post, some of the account names are clearly not hacked accounts, for example, defgs.1472 and then another character right next to him that is defgi.1298.
If what the post above says is true, i hope they work this out soon and get a system in place to ban these guys cause they are destroying the economy with inflation.
I wasn’t aware its been explained before? please fill me in?
Here is how you too can get proof nothing is being done about the botting problem.
Simply add bots to your friends list and set nickname to BOT. I have some on there i have reported 10-15 times in a 3 week period.
This is deeply disappointing and id enjoy to be wrong.
Here is what im after, a guild with freedom, i got a wife and kids, i dont feel like turning the game into a job, i want to play, i want to have fun.
I dont need some stupid website.
I dont need VoIP
i dont want to be forced to conform to your ideas of how im suppose to act.
and for god sakes i hate any guild that feels the need to spam worse than gold spammers.
Basically, i want a guild where anything goes, anyone can say anything and no one gets the stick of power up their butt.
So on and so forth, i dont believe they exist to be honest, but figured id try.
Msg me if this fits.
Set your Interface Size to Normal, I’m guessing you have it set to small. That should fix the problem
this worked, but i would like a smaller UI, hopefully they fix this in the future?
anyone else get this blurry text for the auction house? its annoying but not anything serious, but still incredibly annoying. tried changing resolution, the AH is the only area this happens in