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Cannot loot Legendary enemies

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Smfx.2143



Cannot loot Legendary enemies

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Smfx.2143


from what i have been seeing, if i am not directly standing next to the boss when it dies i do not get anything. well at least that is the pattern i have consistently seen.
if i range it with my short bow I get nothing. is that normal for this event?

Cannot loot Legendary enemies

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Smfx.2143


i was getting gold for the event and hitting the chest that spawns but no loot off the actual boss. i thought i might just be me but i have continued the event since my initial post and it is still happening

Cannot loot Legendary enemies

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Smfx.2143


I have been participating in the new Queen’s jubilee event and it has been both fun and productive. unfortunately i have stopped getting rewards almost immediately.
whenever i participate in a legendary group event boss i can haven’t been able to loot the legendary body for anything. i can loot the reward chest but no exotic bag or anything. I am on seven times and counting. Is anyone else having this issue?
i have put in two support tickets on two separate days. and i still don’t get anything upon completion. It’s honestly kinda of ruining the whole experience for me…
If it’s not a known issue i hope it can be looked into.
Thanks Gio

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smfx.2143


^LMAO Did you even read the other posts? That has been said like three times
Next time read everything before you decide to chime in and waste our time…

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smfx.2143


lol unless I missed something somewhere this is the only way I can communicate when it comes to customer service. I have an issue and I would like them to know about it plain and simple. Same thing if you went into any store and said “I have an issue with your product” there is no need to make a big fuss about it.
Thank you to Geotherma for taking the time to be an adult about it.

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smfx.2143


again i dont expect anything from anyone…
I do expect you to take a lesson from me and be careful when buying these things
I am sorry you are to dense to understand that

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smfx.2143


I did not know I was going to get jack…
I expected something for there to only be three basic materials is just crazy. and for you to get on here and be a troll about it is unappreciated.
Clearly the percentages for the “Rarer” items to drop is next to nothing.
And for all the people that bought them for 1200 gems for a stack of 10 thats a lot of money something already easliy obtained.
I suppose had I bought just one instead of all at once that would have been less of a blow to the wallet sure, but I honestly feel like I was ripped off big time.
Either way you can be sure I learned my lesson, no more money from me.

Money not well spent...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smfx.2143


First, I have been playing GW2 Since beta and I truly love this game.
I decided yesterday that I’ve been playing for quite some time and I haven’t contributed enough for what the game is worth to me. So I proceeded to purchase $60 US dollars worth of Gems.
I used $40 of that to purchase these new Southsun “Supply Crates”. I wasn’t expecting mini pets or really rare items, but i was expecting at least one sclerite weapon skin ticket, Let me tell you, these “crates” are exactly what they say they are. Supplies, that’s it. For$40 dollars i recieved.
Passion Flowers
Passion Fruits
Karka Shells
and two mobile crafting stations…

This is TOTALLY ridiculous…
Being unlucky is one thing but $40 for mats I can just farm in the area that I’m in anyway? Shame on you.
It makes me sick just thinking about how many unsuspecting players have done the same thing just to be rewarded with basic materials…