Showing Posts For Smiter.3861:

Character Creation Timeout?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


I have had both experiences. Was booted within under an hour, and then was able to take all the time I needed another time.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Please see this for assistance. Well known bug and of great consternation for many of us.

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Edit: having trouble with loading a pic from photobucket. Tips please?

Asha Riverbrook lev 80

Found a coat I actually like!
Karma seller Pagga was selling it.
Mask is HoM, pants lev1 rawhide, boots also from an Orr vendor.
She is quite the Swordwench who loves to slice and dice the undead.

Abyss and Emerald.
<a href=“” target=“_blank”><img src=“” border=“0” alt=“Photobucket”/></a>

This was her look till recently. Duelist top, rawhide legs, and noble boots.
Sexy and competent, but not looking like a street hooker. :-)
Personally I just feel that the duelist legs, and Tier 3 Human cultural don’t match the ranger background/lore.

(edited by Smiter.3861)

Power/Toughness/Vitality Legs for Medium Temple Karma Armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


I have held off on buying medium karma armor as of yet. I too am hoping they will rectify this before I spend my karma.

Messages suppressed for over an hour [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


The LFG system in GW1 was superior. Be helpful if they did something similar.

Shadow Behemoth doesn't always spawn [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


On Tarnished Coast, I have spent hours in the past trying everything possible to trigger this event. I have given up, and do not even check anymore to see if swamp monster ever wakes up. I see many folks in map chat asking others when they saw the monster last.

Think Lost Shore will give us a new pet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Smiter.3861


The one critter on the beach looks like a chameleon of sorts. Be cool if it was a pet, and special ability was like a camouflage for the ranger.

(edited by Smiter.3861)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Smiter.3861


@Qixilver: I think the issue with some of those is that we have no basis for them existing in Tyria. Lions in Elona for sure, but we have no reason to believe rhinos and elephants have any presence on this world. Plus you probably have to think about size; they’d be cool, but you can’t lug around a huge rhino or elephant, because they’d just get in the way of other people’s visibility.

Hmmm.. not sure about the “no Rhino” thing, especially for Elona. There was a a hammer in GW1 that had a rhino skull on it.

What's your Funny Pet Name?

in Ranger

Posted by: Smiter.3861


My Lynx is “Bronson”.. as he is a badazz killer like Charles Bronson personified in many movies.
My black jaguar is “Elona”.. in reference to the continent in GW1

OWL – Orbit.. for his attack rotations
Bear = Bigbutt
Arctodorus(sp?) = Artie
Artic Wolf = Powder
Pig = Proscuitto

(edited by Smiter.3861)

Stop deleting my nicknames!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861



I don’t understand the mentality that if one meets you in game enough to become friends list material then why on earth would one not want them to know their alts. After all the alts are still you. One doesn’t become friends with the avatar but with the person behind the avatar. Therefor the display name is perfect since that name represents the person so regardless of which character they have logged into your friends can recognize that it is you. Otherwise a complex note system is needed so that people can identify who is who based on the character names cross referenced with who they belong to. I for one hate that because I have to take time to refer to a note system in other games so I know who’s who all the time. As for the note reminders of how you met the person I feel your pain on the issue.

Just as in RL, we all have groups of friends for different things. The option should be ours to decide… not have the game decide for us. Also.. there are times peeps wish to have quieter gaming time, open to some and not others to chat with. Regardless of the why, the issue is a problem. Also… Qjt5gboogy is almost impossible to identify as compared to a note as “Fierce Val”… the actual character name of lets say the first interaction with the person.

If someone rolls an alt, how are we to remember who they were with just an account name and the alt,,, with no connection to original character name?

(edited by Smiter.3861)

IS this an NPC bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Thanks.. case solved! :-)

IS this an NPC bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smiter.3861


I see No tomorrow…

Thanks.. I think you may have answered my question. I have little familiarity with mesmer, also from first angle.. I could not see a player.. nor is one in the screenshot.

Thanks.. I think you may have answered my question. I have little familiarity with mesmer, also from first angle.. I could not see a player.. nor is one in the screenshot.The second screenshot player appears. Not sure why there was not in first.
So mesmer can have 3 clones and self like screenshot shows?

IS this an NPC bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Here is another picture. With 4 of the same characters. This one shows NPC green and then a player character with same name. Something is out of the ordinary here.


IS this an NPC bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smiter.3861


NO… not a player…

The pic clearly shows the name in NPC green

IS this an NPC bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Hi, I just ported into Lions Arch with a new character. Stopped at the practice dummies for a moment, and was being hit with npc spell effect. No damage, but still.. never had that before unless participating in a skill challenge or something similar. I looked around and found 3 what appears to be mesmer npc’s on top of the tarp over the merchant area prior to the bridge that goes across to fountain area.

Wondering if I never saw them before, or if this is some type of hack/bot in the game. The npc’s have a very curious name, “Chickenlitle.” What makes me think it is a bot/hack is that “little” is spelled wrong.. using only one " t "

This is on the Tarnished Coast server. Can anyone confirm that this is legit npc or not?

Attached pic shows the spell effect hitting me, and the misspelled name.

I also googled “Chickenlitle gw2” and came up with nothing.. which also made me wonder if this is legit.. or an intentional/unintentional wrong named npc.

Thanks for assistance.


(edited by Smiter.3861)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Hmmm… I seem to be locked out of this thread now. Guess I suggested an option that was not popular.

Please fix.. and please tell new people not to choose this choice! Really sad that folks are still choosing this.

Just WHAT does my bear think he is doing ...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Spider Bear… Spider Bear.. Doing whatever a Spider Bear does….. ;-)

Missing Miniature Rytlock

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Larkir.. not true, not his fault.

Larkir.. not true, not his fault.Other games, especially GW1, you had endless availability to special Collector items. I forget, but I think we typed " /object ." Easy accessibility that we had in GW1 should of ported over to this game as well.

Gates of Arah Meta Event bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


Spent a few hours clearing the landing/camp area in Tarnished Coast last night. That is broke there too. It would not advance.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


OK… I am the latest victim of this bug. I googled “Hatchery Bug”… and found a previous thread. I tried to post on that thread, and found out it was CLOSED. I opened a new thread, as seeing it was only closed in the last day or so.. and now I find this thread that is the new BUGGED Hatchery thread. Oye Oye Oye.

I am not disappointed that there is a bug… but am extremely so that the game allowed me to choose a game breaking choice that has been known for WEEKS. Also.. was frustrated that the thread was closed.. without having the game fixed on this issue.

I think back on beta, and in the background there was an image or something saying “under progress” or something similar like that. Game went live.. and presto… all of those background images were gone. Could they not put an image up during the cutscene so unsuspecting people do not make a choice that is the most frustrating point of the game yet for so many players!?

My new thread.,. which can be deleted if need be. But perhaps it does not, as the more information that people can find.. the less folks will make a broken choice.

(edited by Smiter.3861)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


This is the thread that must of been locked prior to my post about the same issue. If anyone wants to read background info on this known issue.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smiter.3861


This is my first post on this forum. Sadly it is to report a bug about the HATHCERY. I just read a 7 page plus thread stating that this is a known bug that brakes part of the personal story quest. I have enjoyed the game TREMENDOUSLY till now. I am not disappointed there is a bug… rather I am disappointed that it has been known for WEEKS and the game still allowed me to pick a BROKEN OPTION for my personal story. I mean… seriously??? Not telling people to about this is inviting folks to be upset. Very frustrating. ALSO.. I went to post a reply on a 7 page thread.. only to find it was locked. Why lock something that is still broke! Why not warn people or not allow that option in storyline!?!?!?

Again wonderful game… however… very poor decision and intervention on behalf of a game breaking bug and to allow people to choose this option.

(edited by Smiter.3861)