Showing Posts For Smudge.3874:

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smudge.3874


So its not all bad then… Alcohol, the great leveller of the worlds problems

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I haven’t been able to log in at all… just keeps coming up with connection errors, retrying.

If I can't salvage it...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Then make the karma items salvagable for a portion of the karma they cost to purchase.

About the main city

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Or add a hunting tavern to the game where every week there will be posters with x hunts for certain creature’s which can then lead to event chains like bounty hunting sorta speak

I like the sound of this, but expanding on the Bounty Hunting… How about when accepting the quest from these, it gives you a “this person/creature was last seen in this area” message, from there you would have to go to the area and question the scouts or NPC’s in the area to try and track them down.

If I can't salvage it...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I find this a bind as well, as it is soulbound on purchase, i cant sell it on, even if i never equip it. Also as it cant be salvaged, once i aquire something better, my only option is to have the item cluttering up my inventory or bank (and why would i have that?) or destroy it.

Importing Guild Wars 1 Friends List (with linked accounts).

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


As this option doesnt exsist at the moment, an imperfect way to attempt this would be to log onto GW1 and message them asking their character names on GW2… and yes i realize they would have to be logged on at the same time, so it would be very hit and miss, but if you want to contact them, it is a possibility.

Castle sieges and guild wars

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Open war entering the PVE world I am strongly against as it allows big guilds to bully small guilds and this in the end is bad for the game. Bad for the game? Yes, because you allow 1 group of people to bully the other group of the game. I am not against guilds having wars however, but like in GW1, it should be fought in instances where members can come if they want.

Thats why declaration should be both sided, so both guilds agree to fight with each other.

Because then it will affect people who didn’t choose to PvP. Some people in your guild will want war, others don’t. You should have the freedom to choose and not be forced to exit the guild because you want war or because you don’t.

As I probably said, I don’t want to be bothered during my PvE. If most of your friends in your guild think like that then you ‘ll never have your war either. Unless the GL thinks the same as you, after which people will get bullied and quickly exit the guild with lots of drama and guild death. This is something Anet tried to avoid in their design and I don’t think they are going to completely turn back this core design to a traditional design. Instance based war is more preferable imo and something that was like that in GW1.

I totally agree with you, the last thing I want as im strolling through the countryside with my hands in my pockets enjoying the scenary is to have another guilds members come up behind me and hit me with a lump of 4×2. If I wanted that I would go into PvP or WvW. Also in the case of an event, where you are battling away then I dont want to be thinking that another guild will try getting a few crafty digs in at me because we are both battling the same enemy or boss.

Good and Evil

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


If you were able to play a character such as an undead, then in theory this should exlude large areas of the map to you. If you venture into any area where one of the current races are predomenant, or any of the cities then you would/should immediately be attacked and killed. If not then what would the point of having storylines where you have to stop the invading hordes of undead from over running places, either in your personal story or in events, if the next time you visit LA or Divinity there are undead walking down the streets without anyone giving them a second glance.
I dont support this at all.

Remove "Kick from guild" option from the right-click menu

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Cant say that i have come across (or more likely noticed) this feature, but i heartily agree with the removal of it or moving it to the guild roster, or at the very least a verification that you wish to do the action.

Make Town Clothes craftable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Above your character on the H screen, there are 2 hats, a top hat and an armour helm – clicking the top hat changes your character into his/her town clothes.

Mat sellers at crafting stations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


At the OP… My god , some people will find anything to whinge about, if your going to be doing lots of crafting, then buy 30, or 50 lots of thread before you start, then you wont have to stop.

Make Town Clothes craftable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


One thing that i have noticed as a Sylvari is that my town clothes are basically leaves, as my character is formed from a plant, am i not really running around naked? When i change into my normal armour, it is “normal” clothes and not plant or foliage based.

This game needs a [English] after its servers, This insanity must end.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I personally dont have a problem with people using their own language, It usually happens infequently, and if there is a large group talking in for example Russian, then I have the option of changing my chat filters. If it were to be a regular occurance, then yes it may annoy me, but as I say, it is infrequent…. And as soon as it happens, there is usually a deluge of " Speak English" comments.

Charge me for a race change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


There is a race change feature already available…… Its called an empty character slot

Monk as another combat style class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


There are some very well thought out ideas here, but my thoughts are that having “just” a fist as a weapon would mean limited drops for your character that would be useful, and a huge reduction in crafting possibilities. I would suggest having something like brass knuckles as the basic weapon which can be modified, such as the addition of claws or spikes to do more damage.

Bring Back the 2 hour Playtime Notice

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Not strictly playing, but on events in Shing Jea I set my character playing 9 rings with a pocket full of tickets and went about real life. Came back to find “You have been playing for 18 hours, please take a break” still had tickets, and found i had advanced a lvl in Lucky and 2 in Unlucky so a win all round


in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I like the housing idea. But how about making it focused on a Guild.
Guild housing… not just personal houses. I know we have certain things for the guilds like the guild vault and treasure trove, etc.

After all this is GUILD WARS 2!!!

Maybe this was already said, but I didn’t want to troll thru the whole thread.

Indeed it has been…. see my post 10 up from yours


in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Just thinking it would be a good incentive for being in a good guild.

What do you class as a “good guild”? Size? The guild i belong to has only 18 members, but 90% of us have been together for 4+ years through GW1, to penalize us because we do not have x number of members would seem harsh.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I have skim read this topic, and here is an idea which incorperates some of the ideas from others suggestions…. How about having a Guild Hall which is in the world in an area of LA or other major city, the outside of which could be decorated with guild emblems and colours so that all can see it. Entrance to the hall could only be made by that guilds members, and the main hall could be filled with vendors, armoursmiths etc as it is in GW1 which would have to be purchased through guild achievements so a feeling of participating in guild advancement, however there could also be rooms for each member of the guild which could be personally decorated and accessed indiviually, or along with invited guests, similar as what happened if you wanted to show someone your HoM in GW1.

Guild emblems and armor skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I dont think this is possible, i was hoping for the same thing, but your armour changes when you apply the emblem to it, im not even sure if it is possible to reverse the process.

GW2 Rangers Poorly Designed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smudge.3874


I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… (petless) Ranger!

And I don’t want warrior. It’s different from ranger. They only get one type of bow, and don’t have the traps or nature stuff. They also wear a different armor type. I get I miss out on some things by not using the pet, but I did it in Guild Wars 1 without problems, and I can do it again. My decision doesn’t harm anyone else and I’m just as entitled to ranger as the people who play it with pets.

Ok, I get the fact that in GW1 using a pet had its downside, as to use it properly it took a few skill slots, but here it takes nothing, it is a win win situation, there are extra attacks/damage on your opponents. If your pet goes to attack a large group which you dont want, then call it back with the F3 key.