Showing Posts For SniperJoe.7610:
So I am almost positive that there are many people who know of the simple relationship between people doing skill points as well as jump puzzles with each other. I myself have always been someone who never bothered another person from a different server while they were attempting to complete a jump puzzle. It has come to my attention though that members of the LoL guild seem to find an annoying pleasure in assaulting and attacking people who are openly working together (IE: In a party with other people from other servers even) to complete a Jump Puzzle. From what the members of the server stated with the LoL guild. They explained what was going on and several members openly came to the Jump Puzzle to target people from other servers and openly claimed that people were ‘eff kitten for helping other servers’.
Now I can not speak for everyone but I do know that there are a lot of people who at least adhere to the cease fire rule when dealing with Jump Puzzles and Skill points or Vistas. Why some people go out of their way to openly break this cease fire I do not understand but I would like others who do feel a cease fire for stuff like this openly tell those guilds and/or people who choose to do such things as this to kindly back off and if they disagree to such terms…boycott them in any way possible.
So I was in the middle of playing in PvE when all of a sudden I began to wish that I could set up two different skill slots and that they would rotate with my weapons. So I figured I would post up here a neat suggestion that might make the game more interesting.
When you gain the ability to swap weapons, you also gain the ability to set your utility and elite skills as well and save it with that particular weapon. I know at the start people will be swapping weapons like crazy but, I figured by around lvl 10 they have an idea of what two types of weapons they want to use till endgame. As such, why not make it to where each weapon swap also does a skill swap? For instance, when I am running around as my guardian, I like to have Sigils for the passive effects, but when I change over to my staff I would prefer having more healing capabilities for the support effect I am also building in. So why not make it to where when you swap a weapon your skills also swap over to a new set? This will throw a much more dynamic aspect into the game.
So this might just be me venting but one of the ONLY issues I see with Stealth in the Thief is the ability for them to be stealth and capable of doing a finish move. To be frank, no other class has the ability to quite literally be untargetable while finishing someone off except thief and this gives them an extremely and unfair advantage because the whole point of a downed opponent is to be able to try and fight back in order to get up. Of all the stealth stuff that occurs, the only thing I believe should really be changed is the fact that a thief should not be capable of Finishing someone off while in stealth. Why? Because they can not be targeted at all by the downed player (unlike every single other class which can) and get off a kill.
The reason I bring this up is because of late, I’ve noticed in the WvW BG’s, I have been running into NOTHING but Thieves. This makes it almost impossible to travel outside a gate in order to get to another point let alone do anything in the battlefield. Due to this I foresee in the near future, WvW being nothing but stealth monkey tactics in order to try and out thief other thieves. This could quite frankly break a massive portion of the game in general too unless it’s dealt with. Don’t change anything in the stealth ability EXCEPT for Thieves being able to finish people off in stealth mode, that should be the ONLY change to them otherwise you completely break a Thief. This would be a far better compromise mostly based on the fact that no class should be capable of remaining untargetable when finishing off a downed opponent.
(edited by SniperJoe.7610)