I usually stay away from forum posting unless it’s big related, but this has to be said.
The proposed changes to fractal level and infusions are completely unfair, and show a lack of appreciation and understanding for what players have had to deal with in fractals.
Anyone with a personal level of 49 or higher has had to endure some of the buggiest, most poorly tuned content on the game. Be it the invincible immune harpies on uncategorized, the 15 minute clown car on dredge, or the flat out hard grawl shaman, we persevered and advanced, playing over and over, month after month, to farm skins and make our agony sets and raise our personal level to 49.
Our personal level should not be rolled back to 30, and we should not lose agony resistance. These are statistics and achievements that we, as players, have EARNED, in spite of the abysmal rewards provided by fractals.
New content should not come from undoing the achievements of players and making them redo something for no legitimate reason. I have never in my ten years of playing mmorpgs seen something as disgraceful as a “content patch” specifically designed to punish the high skill players such as this.