Showing Posts For SnubFighter.7613:

Endless amounts of mob and no loot.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


After reading through a number of these style threads. I think the summary of the issues is this:

  • Not everyone likes the story, but wants new content so plays it anyway
  • Those who only get a couple hours to play feel its a waste of their valuable time
  • Hate waiting 2 hours to 90% of the time fail or be stuck in overflow
  • Not worth the 10% chance of extra special rewards(Ignoring Cypher Pieces)
    (You can get consistent results from Champ Trains, WvW Champs)
  • Hate collecting Cypher Pieces takes up room
  • Dislike having to rely on PUGs to complete an event that takes organization.

I think that pretty much sums things up.

Deceptive Evasion nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


I think you’re all jumping a little quick on this. It was a preview not final and your picking on perhaps a badly communicated change. But they said this stream would be more generalized then absolutely specific.

Even on Dulfy part of the notes is the following:

These changes will be in the feature patch. They are not a comprehensive list and some of them may not make it.

Personal Thoughts(On your reactions):
I’m not saying people shouldn’t voice their concerns, but have some general respect. I understand that everyone wants the game to be enjoyable and perhaps the developers don’t all play or understand a specific class to the fullest. Do you think each of the developers has the time to play each class the same? How many hours have you put into mastering Mesmer? They have lives and they have to think and develop this game in the same amount of time that all of us fit our lives and work habits into. Would you really want people to disrespect you for what is likely a decision by a team as a whole? Would you listen to people that are disrespectful?

Who do you fear when roaming?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Healing signet warriors but only in WvW where they are buffed to the moon with food and the like. It’s always depressing to see 1000+dmg ticks healed instantly.

Mesmerized: Episode 18 'Mesmer Puppets'

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Not trying to argue, just want to share that it can actually work. By all means correct me if I am missing something. In my last post I picked the wrong word “constantly” meant to use Consistently.

It takes effort, however it isn’t impossible to stack 10 on 1 person and restack 10 if the battle lasts that long.

Minimal Relevant PvP Traits/Runes:
Runes of Nightmare
20 Dom(20% condition duration)
10 Illu (Master of Misdirection)

Stack Options:

  • iMage(3 stacks) 4.75s
  • Chaos Armor(possibility for 1 stack) 3s
    • Not sure if this gains condition duration
  • Glamour fields(1 stack per enter/exit) 6.5s
  • iDuelist(Usually 2 stacks via ethereal field)
    • Can’t find info on base duration but I’ m betting no more than 4.75s like the other skills.
  • Magic Bullet(1 stack via ethereal field)
    • Likely the same as above.
  • Confusing Images(5 stacks) 8.25s
  • Cry of Fustration(2 stacks per clone staggered) 4.75s
  • Other Shatters(1 stack per clone staggered) 4.75s

Mesmerized: Episode 18 'Mesmer Puppets'

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Very entertaining. Though the comment on confusion being such a terrible nerf in pvp/wvw I can’t agree with.

Quick Ver:
Confusion is easily viable/effective in pvp/wvw still, even after the nerf. It would be entirely overpowered in pvp/wvw if it did the same damage listed on the skill while in pve.

Slight Rant:
I can constantly keep 10+(150dmg/s per) stacks on an individual and 2-5 stacks aoe, even more if others are firing through ethereal fields or if you/group have chaos armor. Add that on top of several bleeds and 5 stacks of torment 1v1 in most cases ends up relatively easy. Even in a team situation it tends to slow opponents effected by the fields down from using skills which gives your team/group time to burst them down.

Would cast time bars solve all SPVP problems?

in PvP

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


nah it is fine the way it is now.
i dun want to be staring at casting bars.
besides, most skills activate quite fast anyway.

a casting bar would add more clutter.
might takes away the suspense and mystery, randomness etc.

I’m with Deimos it takes away the mystery. Think of yourself in a brawl. You don’t know whether the other guy is going to kick, hit, charge, etc except for what you can see. If you make the wrong choice to defend well then you reap the consequences.

This game has relatively fluid battles, why cheapen the risk/reward of making choices?

Surviving with shatter spec in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


From watching Helseth with staff/gs type shatter/power build in soloQ, I’ve noticed that a number of times he will usually try to pick battles he knows he will likely win. Otherwise he will move to another point unless another teammate is close by to help.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that with certain builds you have to pick your battles wisely or you will just give the other team free points.

PvP/WvW Constant Confusion Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Alright I know confusion isn’t as popular in pvp or wvw but I’ve had some pretty good success with this build in both and was asked what I had for a setup so here it is.

PvP Gear:
Full Rabid
Nightmare Runes
Energy/Corruption Sigils
Scepter/Pistol, Sword/Torch

WvW Gear:
Giver weapons/ Everything else Rabid
Perplexity Runes
Energy/Corruption Sigils
Scepter/Pistol, Sword/Torch

Usually my rotation starts off. Feedback->Prestige (Inside field for Chaos Armor)->Phantasm Mage

It might split from here, I usually try to get my opponent to run in an out of the field as often as possible.

If they look like they might run:
Null Field(Boon Strip/Chaos Armor)iLeap->Blurred->Cry of Frustration

If they plan to stick around:
Cry of Frustration->Null Field->iDuelist(Try to position so that the duelist is in the field or the field is between you and your opponent for confusion proc)->Confusing Images

Magic Bullet is good to prevent them from running or proccing an extra stack of confusion through one of the fields.

Illusionary Counter: Use when needed or you want to give them an incentive to sit still.

Blink: Is both offensive and defensive. If I’m low on health I usually blink away while using Signet of Ether to fill back up on health and get a phantasm up. Offensively you can blink into one of your fields when the opponent charges you so that they have to enter and exit again.

Signet of Ether: Besides the heal, if you can get up two iduelist and then use one of your fields to really low up the target with high stacks. I know 20% proc doesn’t seem like much but with two it can really pile up with the rest of your skills.

I think that sums things up. If anyone has ideas go ahead and post.


Newsflash: sPvP is not dying

in PvP

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


The only way GW2 sPvP can exit the critical condition ward is if it gains new game modes.

The only way that GW2 sPvP will walk again is if the players get a hold of the GW2 Environment-building Tool. That is to say, GW2 sPvP may be somewhat healthy at some point, but it will never truly walk.

New game modes aren’t going to fix it when new players can’t figure out the current maps and how to win. Not to mention the fact that matchmaking is pretty subpar and the I’m ready feature doesn’t actually have any affect or a way to end 4v5 matches.

Nah the only way pvp is actually going to stay lively is if they fix the issues and then add new content instead of throwing a dog a bone. Dog’s get bored with bones eventually and bury them.

Need build ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Please get back on topic(Build Ideas). Stop being counterproductive by harassing others about whether they use or don’t use a certain build. It’s not helpful and you can argue morals in a different area of the forum like general discussion.

Now with that said. If you want to have a mix of melee, range build. You could always go with a scepter/pistol, sword, sword/focus. Just keep in mind that a scepter clone will replace the 3rd phantasm if you have 3 out with the auto attack. Sure the scepter’s mostly conditions but it gives you a block and blind, and some range and really in pve phantasms do most of the heavy work anyway.

Pvp Story Mode

in PvP

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


I get that the start of the Mists is suppose to get people to understand how pvp works. However people can’t seem to get the basics for each map. So I purpose a story mode that will run them through each before they can get in a tournament.

"Mesmers are bad, suck and need no skill"?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


People tease each other it’s called a distraction. Haven’t you ever played anything social? Board games, classic card games? People try to throw off their opponents all the time with stupid and silly remarks. This is just another game no need to take it personal.

Heard in hot join: I play for personal pts

in PvP

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Simple fix add team death match and let them boringly race to 500 points. What’s better than a 5 man zerg vs 5 man zerg. Sounds soooo glorious…

Phantasm Camouflage

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


So if you are a Sylvari Mesmer, you can get quite close.

Hey a shout out to my Mesmer! Lol so random! I was just going to play Mesmer today and had to check out the new builds. Yeah you can get close using a Sylvari. However, I did change this set up eventually as someone had pointed out that in WvW issues with people using team colors or culling and junk make this relatively ineffective. Your best off just being a tiny Asura and using celestial dye and some bright pink colors with the weapons that look like phantasm’s.

Well that’s disappointing but good to know. At least this way I won’t waste anything trying to do it now.


Phantasm Camouflage

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


So if you are a Sylvari Mesmer, you can get quite close.

Haha that is super close. Too bad I picked Charr.

Phantasm Camouflage

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


I understand that they are transparent and I have read about the glitch. I just figure people are more focused on their timing and paying attention to the overall battle to really stare down whether a character is transparent and might be fooled by an all whitish group. Especially if a clone lines up behind a transparent phantasm as they would blend a bit. Which ultimately might draw attention away from you or they might pass over the phantasm thinking it’s just another clone.

I’m not really expecting too many to fall for it, but perhaps just buy a few extra seconds every once in awhile.

Phantasm Camouflage

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


Alright it may be a long shot. I did try to search to see if it’s been discussed but didn’t get any results.

So here is my thought process:

I want to find out which dye (likely some version of white) that will get close to matching the phantasm white ghost color. It might not look great character wise, but I feel if all the Illusions blend together it will add to the confusion a bit.

Please share any opinions. Have any of you tried this already?

[BUILD/WvW]: 4-Signet Phantasm Warrior

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


I use a signet build that is quite different from this. Doesn’t focus on using phantasms or shatter. They just work as a bonus to overall dmg/cc and survivability.

I will admit it does use PU which many state that a PU build usually offers little to the team. However if you use it with Signet of Inspiration you can gift your surrounding buddies with some great defensive boons.

I’ve had great success in WvW and sPvP(Knights Amulet) and I’m mostly using Exotic gear currently.

This is my end goal:

I might try the Runes of Resistance that you mentioned in your build for the extra aegis.

All the mesmers will want this

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


And now keep in mind that due to WvW stomp-avoidance, most would consider our downed state one of the strongest ones (reliable anti-stomp on #2).

It’s not that reliable, I was stomped from around a wall after using #2 and still in stealth just the other night. We’d be better off with an interrupt.

Condition Mesmer (Torment) WvW or PVP

in Mesmer

Posted by: SnubFighter.7613


I’ve been working at setting up the following build that’s kind of a hybrid. Not even sure if it’s viable yet.