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Orrian Jewelry Box mass-opening results

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


Burned 300k karma got 1 mini and 1 corrupted lodestone, not counting shards, karma bottles and vendor trash.

yay :/

Charr Plush Backpack

in Charr

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


It looks like a monkey with brain damage to me.
I for one would like to see weapon skins and more armor and clothe skins in the store. Race specific or with different looks depending on the race like the cooks outfit.
But I bet A-net will put them in the chests with a 0,01% chance to drop so we buy more keys like they did with the pink quaggan backpack.

This new content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


“If you dont like FotM its because you don’t like a challenge.”

Feelin a bit elite huh? Not far from “only REAL players play fotm if you don’t you are a n00b”.

Btw this reminds me of the thing 1 guy in my guild sadi “if you do ac it’s because you have no skills to farm cof” :P

lol :P

(edited by Sojourner.8356)

Back packs exist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


-_-’ I don’t want to sound rude but it’s not that hard to use the gw2 wiki.

You have the commands in game to find topics on the fly
Just type “/wiki sword” or “/wiki back item”. Basicly you can typ any word after “wiki” that has a topic in gw2 wikipedia.

Is CoF armor getting really cliche?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


Christ use what you want if you like it and don’t care about ohter peoples opinions.
My charr warrior runs in t3 cultural but my charr mesmer will run in cof armor.
Cof armor is no more cliche than half nude chicks with the face of 14yr old girls I see in the game felt and right.

Heritage chest armor doesn't dye [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


Hello guys. I have this problem with my armor.
For some streagne reason I can not apply the gold dye on some parts on Charr T3 heavy cultural armor.
I only have the pads, gloves and chest amt. The parts that can’t be dyed are the upper boxes of the items in the dye panel. Ie. the chest has 3 boxes 1 big and 2 small below.
I can dye the small boxes but not the big.
I can see the color change when I’m still in the hero panel but after i colose it those parts get white and in the hero panel the dye changes from gold to a dye named “dye remover” O_o
I tried to remove the armor, relog, remove the dye then aply the gold dye – nothing works.
I have tested all my other dyes and I get this bug only with the gold one.

Favorite Charr Quotes: Collection

in Charr

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


“So this Soure guy tried to join the flame legion? Can we trust him? They say the friend of my enemy is my enemy’s friend. And the friend of my enemy’s friend is my enemy’s friend’s friend. I just don’t want to make a friend who’s an enemy…I mean make an enemy into a friend…Ah, burn it all. Let’s just make sure he’s a good guy, okay?”

Dinky at his best

Unspoken Code of FGJ!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


Soon ppl will say only noobs run FGJ:P
And if you have sig of rage? “kitten l2p or go die now n00b”
5sig – noob war
fgj – noob war
banners – noob war

Lets all run Kick, Stomp and Bolas in open pve and dungeons:)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


I will just say this I came back to gw2 around january, go my toon to 80 and started running dungeons and dragons.
I never got 1 yellow item in dn’s or dragon chests only blue and from time to time green.
At the same time my guild budies get 2-3yellow from the same chests all the time and exo here and there.
After 2 weeks of daily dn running mostly ac and cof (all3 paths) not 1 yellow item has droped for me from chests. I don’t see the point of doing dn and open world events that give chest drops if I get the same (or better)drop from killing random mobs on open world. I get yellow drops but from normal mobs!
Sure I can get items for dn tokens but it would be nice to have some nice drop from time to time.
Now don’t get me wrong I get some nice penny from orri farming and seling mats I get in dn’s but everything else I need to buy on tp. Now I’m farming gold for corrupted weapons, I don’t think i will ever get the lodestones to drop from hotw or mobs.

(edited by Sojourner.8356)

tier 2 charr armor problem

in Charr

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


It’s not t2 h-armor I can tell you that I have no problem with the pads.

gw2lfg - nothing new here..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


“LF exp exo worrairs and the mismors for speed runs U kill all I loot/w me xXLegolas Super SaiyanXx gogogogo”

Legendary Weapon Set?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


You will get dagger for your Thief using your Guard cuz I said so. Move you tool!!!!
I think the mods can close this topic now.

How is that?

Best looking Heavy Helmet for the Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


I think there are a lot of nice looking open helmet for charr

I personaly like plate and temple from karma armors, draconic and barbaric from crafted, cm and hof dungeond helmets are cool to

Still we don’t have many good full helmets as the cultural have some issues (t2 skin removal effect anyone?) as for t1 and t3 I don’t wan to look like a krogan or EVE :P

Clipping issues with T3 helm

in Charr

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


This whole game is one big clipping issue

Why GS at level 30?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sojourner.8356


Don’t listen to ppl that tell you GS is the only thing to use past 30lv. You will never learn if you just take a build + wep from the net and stick with ti.

There are a lot of options for a war – GS axe/axe axe/mace sword/mace mace/shield