Showing Posts For Solaria.8049:

Creatures and Objects Become Obstructed During Combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


I have the problem Shintai mentioned, I am a warrior who uses First Weapon Greatsword and Off-Weapon Rifle for ranged fights and such, PARTICULARLY in TA I cannot hit the Volatile blossoms with my rifle, no matter where they are they are always obstructed so I’m forced to either wait for someone else to clear them for me, run through them and hope not to die, or wait for the cooldown on my greatsword throw which for some reason hits them when bullets dont lol, which is about 15 seconds? So I can kill one blossom, if i’m lucky two lined up behind eachother, every 15 seconds with sword throw then wait for cd.

It’s quite irritating, especially if I die during an encounter or to bad luck and have to run back by myself with blossoms blocking my path.

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


This is still bugged after the patch on 10/2, just a heads up, checked it again today.

CoF - Path 2 - Magg (Lava Crossing)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solaria.8049


Ok i’m going to tell you my strategy to do this.

After you get all the bombs and you and your party go down to the crack for magg to mine the rock (right before you do the lava phase). Have your whole party stay there at the rock. Select 2 runners to run the lava maze, pick people who know where to go and run behind the rock on the cliff.( If magg is following your runners ask someone who is not running to talk to Magg, Magg should stop following your runners and stay with the person who talk to him. Also if anyone dies running it tell them to port to the beginning to wait unless they both die just have them run back and do it again) So after your runners make it to the rock and if they ran up the cliff the mobs should deagro and move away. Now your runners will jump down and move closer to the rock. Now tell everyone at the rock to port to the waypoint in the beginning and Magg will port to your runners at the rocks and will finish that part and you and your party can tele to the next waypoint to take turns suiciding.

I’ll try this, thanks!

CoF - Path 2 - Magg (Lava Crossing)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solaria.8049


Has anyone else noticed that after the patch yesterday Magg seems to bug out a lot more in the Lava Crossing part of the path? He stopped in the middle to fight a mob a mile away then stood in the lava and died making him unressable, and refused to reset, he did this about 7 times, making this part (which used to be one of the fastest parts of the dungeon) take near 45 minutes by itself because we could not unbug him for the longest time, we tried killing the mobs he was attacking, spamming the freezing gun on the fires so he wouldn’t die to them as he stood there (no mobs near him half the time) for no reason in the fire doing nothing and would not follow us to the end (full group not just solo crossing).

Just curious if this is typical?

Item-Triggered Event in Metrica Province

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


The key-console that you interact with to give the rare-drop item to that activates the event is non-interactable at this time preventing people from starting the event, I know this is how you do the event because i’ve done it before but now it isn’t working, here’s a screenshot.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


It’s been 2 or more weeks now and my guild that “dissapeared” has still yet to reappear. It was created by my friend, Snagglezmaw, Server: Dragonbrand, Guild name: The Zero Sect [TZS]. Two or more weeks now without being able to talk to eachother outside of whispers and party or gain influence for the guild and I wonder if this is going to be fixed? I’ve ended up joining random guilds just to have some sort of coordination… but I don’t feel as though we should have to make a new guild because our old one vanished into thin air..

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


Server: Dragonbrand
Profession: Warrior
Level: 80
Not Grouped

Walked to the Skill Challenge to see his body laying there with the Skill Challenge marker above it, but no event listed as going on, broken or otherwise, just his body and nothing else.

edit: you can see my warbanner there where I tried in desperation to fix the skill challenge by ressing him lol, clearly it didn’t work.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solaria.8049


Not complaining here, just giving my 2 cents.

Did two runs of CoF today, got 60 for the first, 20 for the second, others in my group got anywhere from 45-10 tokens who hadn’t done it that day.

Tried doing the other paths because of the reward bonus, wasn’t really able, as for the second path, I really do think the kiting event should be changed, I know it’s been said before but the whole corpse run zerging just seems silly, some people say they’ve killed all the mobs, and I suppose that’s possible with a very well put together group with a lot of burst while having maybe a guardian for defense and healing, I don’t know, the spawns are just so fast with high (unavoidable) damage once you run out of endurance to dodge the dozens of attacks coming at you and countless knock downs etc, anyway what i’m saying here is I don’t feel like this was your original intention with your design, maybe if you just spaced out the spawns so people had more time to down each pack before the next one came up it would be a lot better?

As far as the rewards go, I get what people are saying about having to leave and getting no tokens or getting kicked out of a dungeon so someones friend can come in and take the end bonus, this promotes only doing things with friends or guildies and kind of takes away from the whole philosophy I thought Anet was going for with making players enjoy helping each other and playing with other people they don’t know with the whole downed state and no mob tagging and such.

I however do not believe you should get a piece of the dungeon set from chests, especially not to sell, while I don’t want a grind that just seems a bit over the top, everyone could potentially have their sets in a day based on RNG and then what would you do if you PvE’d only (cause some people do)? I personally do it all, sPvP, WvW, map completion, events, pve, jumping puzzles.. and i’d still rather not have there be no work involved in getting my set, however I do think the chests could atleast give gear that is your level, and maybe greens and yellows instead of just a stream of blues that are 10 levels below me and 1 copper (lol, the copper reward made me laugh today).

Again, not a whine, just my thoughts, I was definitely one of the people excited for this patch when I read the notes it made me want to start trying for my set again. So, all in all good try, fix some bugs, polish it up and it will be good, and maybe consider some of the less over-the-top suggestions in this thread, some that I read were really good.

[Group Event]: Breaking the Claw of Jormag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


[Event]: Breaking the Claw of Jormag / Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Server: Dragonbrand
Character: Charr Warrior (80)
Not Grouped

Since there are two parts to this event I will say this is the first part where you are trying to blast him from the air, I arrived to find the dragon nowhere in sight, his health bar visible on the event log at 0, and the cannons firing at nothing.

Screenshot attached shows no dragon around and the event showing his health being empty.


[Skill Challenge]: Fight Flowing Ice

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solaria.8049


[Skill Challenge]: Fight Flowing Ice
Zone: Frostgorge Sound
Server: Dragonbrand
Character: Charr Warrior (80)
Not Grouped

Upon arriving at the site of the skill challenge there was no npc visible and it was already active, I came back three days later to see if this wasn’t the case anymore, sadly it was.

p.s. I searched it on the forums before making this post and saw that it has apparently been bugged since the 9th, so figured it warranted a second post seeing as there are about four zones I’m one skill challenge from completing and have been for a while.


Mystic Forge in sPvP, RnG when Salvaging just my bad luck?

in PvP

Posted by: Solaria.8049


i destroyed the duplicate pvp items that i got. i didn’t know that you can salvage materials from them.

Using a PvP Salvage Kit obtained from the vendor(s) available to your rank (100 glory) you can salvage excess pvp items for rank tokens, orbs, crystals, slivers, dust, and armor tokens, which you combine in the pvp forge to make either gear or things like boosters and finishers, there are sites that show you the recipes to make the gear you want based on your rank.

Mystic Forge in sPvP, RnG when Salvaging just my bad luck?

in PvP

Posted by: Solaria.8049


As you can see (and most of this is from Free Tournament chests [Silver/Gold], with some regular Gold chests from the vendor and silver chests) I have gotten out of a large.. LARGE number of chests, lots of dust, and arcane orbs, barely any crystals, and no slivers, is this just my bad luck? Anyone else getting this? I don’t want to use the orbs to craft because the slivers give the gear I like, so i’m sitting on around 200 that i can’t sell or trade or do anything with along with about 70 deer tokens haha, I wonder if maybe a currency exchange system could be implemented? Like 25 orbs for a crystal, 10 crystals for a sliver or something so your unusable materials don’t go to waste? Or maybe just give them a cheap vendor price, idk, it is kinda frustrating though pvping for hours and hours on end to salvage tournament chests and gold chests for just countless orbs. D;

Thoughts & feedback? Anyone with similar experiences?
