Showing Posts For Solrac.5264:

Feb 26, 2013 - Patch Notes

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


^^ Id just ignore Daecollo’s comment on sword pistol no longer being viable. I’ve been playing sword pistol for about 40 levels so for…currently 64 and i have seen no change what so ever. still seems perfectly fine in dungeons and pve, don’t do too much pvp and whatnot with that weapon choice. Anyways they fixed bugs more than anything it seems.

I see no logic in his reasoning with S/P no longer Viable. just as most people are dropping comments saying they seen no change. Trust me my friend S/P is still perfectly fine

Thief's and dungeons?

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


cool cool thanks, i appreciate your info

Thief's and dungeons?

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


How are us thief’s in the dungeons. Ive been hearing both sides of the spectrum, Where good, where bad,

Critical strikes, acrobatics, deadly arts is what im specing for. Which is what im really loving. if you want exact details just ask lol only level 61 right now.

Im focused more on the dps side. and im Sword/Pistol which i love very much and Shortbow. But when it comes to dungeons should i just play it safe and have dual pistols with me?

Id Just like imput on viable weapon choices for a dungeon run’s

Got a good PvE S/P build I can use?

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


Sword/Pistol seems like it is revolved around control.
i have been trying this spec and it works good so far. Dont kill as quick but lots of more survial. If you can find a way to get a lot of crits good luck my friend but i think you will end up going tuff and vit route or power and precision.

What i like most about this is the blind and interupts and having stealth with vigor and regeneration when i heal my self. i can heal my self for near full. Along with an extra second of stealth just adds up.

As i do admit i did stay away from every build that did not have crit in it because i felt the thief needed it.

Sorry for going on bit i just think you will need to go one route or the other just for the fact that a jack of all trades so to say may not be the best. Become a master at something

(edited by Solrac.5264)

Is there any Viable p/p builds

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


I have toyed around with p/p but i am not one to state any opinions for the simple fact is that im a noob. But i do have a hard time with any p/p builds what so ever, i just cant seem to find any. the builds i am looking for is either pve and or pvp.

Thanks for your time and any imput and what gear i need to be heading towards would be greatly appreciated.


Thief builds for PvE/ Dungeon

in Thief

Posted by: Solrac.5264


At the moment i am a level 33 thief whos going for the glass cannon type. I found it fine in the pve enviroment, squishy but i can still kill them before i get killed. But some nights ago i went to the ascalonian catacombs and when ever a mob attacked me it would always 1shot me or just kill me so quickly it seemed like it shed more light on how really a glass cannon i am 1 or 2 hits and its over*haha i know right?* Any ways i’m looking for a build while i’m leveling that’s perfectly viable in the pve world just as much as it is in the dungeon world. I’m pretty much open to any type of weapons so please give me some info and or builds that i could use as i’m leveling up?

Thanks for youre time.

as far as my stats and equipment its all geared to being a glass cannon 100percent