Showing Posts For Spandia.6812:
I want to make a Mesmer, but I’m not sure if I should go Charr or Human.
I hear Charr have a lot of issues with armor skins, especially light, is this true?
What are your opinions?
I love playing my Engineer, but I want to start a new character. I’m hoping to get advice from other people who love the engineer and it’s playstyle to find what they find best suited to them.
I’m leaning towards a guardian or a mesmer (I don’t have any characters other than engineer, all I know is I now want a charr character.) but I’m not sure yet.
And no, Engineer has worse melee.
My melee engineer would like a word with you. Tool kit is just downright amazing, and bomb kit is the king of PBAoE.
Oh, and I can stack 12 confusion, so take that mesmers.