Showing Posts For Sparda.9356:
Anet need to add more epic armour/weapon skin exclusively in exchange for badge of honour in WvW. I was disappointed that all WvW armour/skin is ugly/reuse from other stuff. After you get badge of battle/ascended, there really not much you can do with badge of honour.
I want opinion on how good this build is for wvw? I’m focusing on survival as a front line guardian.
Sparda.9356/Damas The God Hand
Profession: Guardian
Traited: 0/5/30/30/5
Experience: Only done path 3 for about 20 times so far.
Gear: Full exotics, PVT gear
Time: Weekday evening, weekend I’m free all day UTC+10:00
Other: Willing to listen and learn.
(edited by Sparda.9356)
So after I install the new Nvidia 314.22 driver, guild wars 2 graphic been really weird, it say ’’object render at the wrong depth". Anyway to fix it or i have to use the old version again…
On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy
I swear most of you missing a brain or something. They said ascended gear is between exotic – ascended – legendary.
Sunrise : Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality
Exotic Greatsword: Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality
Ascended between exotic and legendary so WOWWW so much stat increase eh. Before it was elitist cry there no endgame, no gear progression and now it the casual crying about ascended. NOT LIKE SOME1 GONNA OWN YOU IN 1 SHOT IF U DON’T HAVE ASCENDED.
Is it me or I find it hard to stick to my target if they are a range class? Since I use 3x mediation build in spvp, without swiftness I find it hard to stick to them when they keep dodging, have swiftness…unless I use Retreat..
When I play as a warrior, I find it easier to stick to range class since warrior have nearly 100% swiftness up time…
Any1 have any tips or suggestion to help me do better in melee as a guardian?
Next Patch: Mediation skills only heal half as much as before, Smite Condition cooldown is now 30 second….
When that happen, we might as well re roll another class that have never been nerf once..
If anything, make it so dying is even harsher so people think a bit more before they rush in like a headless chicken.
And next thing you know every one went ranger/ele and kite each other all day long
Can you please remove repair cost in WvW so us melee lover can charge in a zerg and tear kitten up. Otherwise people are just going to pull out their range weapon and that is so boring…