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T9 : Vabbi - FoW - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spender.6523


They’ve got spies on our server.

Care to back that up with something substantial?

I noticed that as well. Tomoorow I found a few people at the waypoint at our citadel and I’ve seen them there yesterday. Now, 5 hours later, they are still at the same spot.

Tomorrow we acountered a Vabbi player fighting a group of 5 ROF guys. They told us they were “duelling” and be in the same party. One of my party members asked him, how chars on different servers can be in the same party and the replied, they had created those alts.

Of course this could be a joke, but how would they know about the chars? (and: yes, I got screen shots)

Anyway, I regard this as highly unfair for the following reasons:

  • The “outnumbered” buff won’t work properly (because of the alts counted as Vabbi warriors)
  • They can spot our commanders
  • They can read our chat

Smashing us in huge numbers is part of the game. It’s frustrating, but not cheating.

If they want to “duel” (over 12 hours and more?), why don’t they do it in their borderlands?

Don’t get me wrong: Fighting was futile aginst ROF this weekend, but it also was exciting – because we were overpowered and had to work together even better as usual. That’s a main reason to stay on Vabbi BTW, the unbreakable team spirit.

Above that, we had to rethink our strategy and adapt to the ROF strategy, which is pretty good. But if the quick reaction of ROF to our moves was based on those few “spying” guys – that would be most ridiculous.

We’re talking here about a few cheating (?) players. Judging from the posts above I say: Hats off to the vast majority of honest players of ROF. You can kill me any day … ah, you probably will.