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Saving and loading builds.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


Is there anything that would be bad about the implementation of the possibility to save and load a certain setup for a character? It would save people the hassle of changing traits, skills, weapons and armors for certain situations or builds that we wish to play. Currently I have written down my builds on open office, which is something I kinda hate, as I am bad at remembering my builds and following the instructions I have written down is somewhat time-consuming and annoying.
A simple way to change build+armor would be a god-send. We had this in gw1 too, so why not in this game after so many years it has been released?
Simply select a pre-made build that you have saved, click load and switch it on the fly as long as you have the armor for that specific build if it happens to use a different armor with different runes and stats or something.

What would you like to see in Season 3?

in Living World

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


Enraging jumping puzzles with good rewards or a title or an achievement.
I want ANet to bait players into this challenge.
Otherwise… eh.. a lead-up to another expansion would be sweet, though I guess we gotta wait until after Season 4?
- Revival of dungeons. Reward is dependant on the difficulty of each path. Overall design needs to be improved, because I remember some of them to be rather terrible.
- A new dungeon or raid added to the game.
- New areas to explore vertically, with multiple layers.
- More fractals
- A big, large scale instance similiar to Fissure of Woe or Underworld from GW1 where you can complete objectives in the order you like to while either rushing or killing everything for their drops.
- Rewards like chests for gaining exp. as a level 80.
- Better underwater-stuff, improve underwater-gameplay.
- Underwater world-boss.
- Playable Largos. This is the most important thing. I need playable underwater-butterfly-assassin-people. Hopefully one day… : ]

Story: Uh, I dunno. Everybody is talking about story here.
I have no idea about the story ~

what kind of gamer are you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


It was a fun and interesting test. Here is what I got.

Achiever: 20%
Explorer: 80%
Griefer: 27%
Socializer: 73%

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


I hope we will have some kind of expansion to cantha or elona after we´ve dealt with modremoth. I´d gladly pay for a big expansion to one of those two places
I mean we might need allies to fight the dragons one day, have Trahearne be like “We´re running outta soldiers here. Go there and convince them to help us, because we all have to work together or the elder dragons will take each nation down one by one” a la Mass Effect 3. Just a thought. I mean he also said in one of the new releases that they´ve lost a lot of pact soldiers in the fight against Zhaitan, so that might be a problem later on?


in Suggestions

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


Hello everyone,
I´d like to suggest some things guild-leaders could need to make it way easier to manage a guild and create their community.
It may be in almost many people´s interest to have an inactivity-timer that shows us how longs this members has been offline, otherwise we keep getting new people, but we can´t kick out someone and the 10-mails we can send may not be enough for 100 people, and we´d have to rewrite every single message.
Like when having the cursor over the other player it shows “Last log in: 3 days”.
This way we can keep our active members (one month before being kicked with a mail) and keep the whole guild active.

There is another thing we may need: Alliances, Guild Halls and GuildVersusGuild. Some players may know those from the first game, and on my opinion it was a great idea to have both of them.
Guilds working together and competing with each other, organizing dungeon runs and trying to get a guild-team for GvG or maybe even AllianceVersusAlliance.
Those things may be important for communities to grow (Guild hall not that much, but it´d be nice) and having players being together.

Those are just my suggestions. If you agree or not, it´s your opinion, but this is more important than a throne for a guild leader or more guild missions (Latter ones existing already).