Showing Posts For Squeakalot.6074:

Any balthazar temples currently uncontested?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Squeakalot.6074


Hi all, can anybody on a european server let me know when their balthazar temple is uncontested? Thanks for any help.

Vicious Claws and Fangs price crash.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Squeakalot.6074


So after today’s patch the price for vicious claws and fangs just halved. Can anyone tell me why?

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squeakalot.6074


The hacker is getting more confident. Here’s a picture of him threatening to hack Penny Larceny next while he was looting Freyn (Neandramathal)’s account at the bank.

This is exactly what happened to me. I was hacked immediately after messaging the guy while Irontodge was being hacked. Seems this bloke has a personal vendetta against our server.

Account Hackings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squeakalot.6074


Another Ruins of Surmia commander here who was hacked yesterday. That makes 3 commanders on the same server hacked within 24 hours. I know of a fourth player who was also hacked on the same day but I’m unsure if she has commander or not. (She certainly has the golden title anyway).
This is obviously not an issue of our own computer security but perhaps some kind of exploit.
I’m no longer willing to beleive this is a coincidence. A reply from arenanet on this would be nice.