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GW.exe*32.... not closing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


Thanks Babazhook, certainly worth a try as I don’t want to give up on my M-Audio.

GW.exe*32.... not closing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


I will add up to this thread by confirming that I have same issue as user Axiom.9742 – using M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound drivers, I had to remove driver and game does not linger in task manager anymore for 5 minutes after exiting/dc-ing/hot-fixing.

Also can confirm that task manager process cannot be ended, it is either waiting 5 minutes or restarting PC.

So it seems to be tied up to specific audio drivers.

Also, very important to note, I was NEVER using M-Audio for game sounds – I use Syberia V2 Illuminated headset (integrated USB sound card), so the real question is how that driver gets engaged by the game at all.

Whitelions [Claw] Desolation - PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


Whitelions [Claw] is very cozy place to be

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


I’m currently confused with Healing Power as well, couldn’t find enough info on calculation. “Healing Power – Comes from gear. Each point of healing power adds 0.125 healing for Regeneration and 0.06 healing for rejuvenation. It also affects active healing skills, but it is not know by how much at this time.”
Stat wise, when I first added healing power to be ~300 it was working awesome, then I added some more and got to ~500 which doesn’t seem too impressive in practice. Didn’t test in Mist, though.

Tips for making this profession more fun to play?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


Elementalist is my main, lvl 80 now, played PvE mostly solo with staff, my approach was to play all 5 starter areas first in order not to get too frustrated, then I made rounds of 15-25 maps and so on. Personally, I found Norn maps to be easiest and human maps hardest, not sure why, possibly because human areas have many melee/ranged attackers (centaurs were always my doom, even in personal story), and Norn areas layout allows for some breathing/strolling between fights.
Try to practice dodge – maybe bind it to separate key instead of using double tap, check which one works better for you, also practice the skills that allow you to gain distance from the target or push target away from you.

shiverpeak explorer (missing one area, listed all 171 that I have)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Srebrna.8971


It seems that you are missing Griffonrook Run – jumping puzzle area in Lornar’s Pass