Showing Posts For StabbyCakes.8736:

14 hours later, still stuck in bugged AT

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


………………………did you try submitting a ticket?

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

Bad boys bad boys, whatchu gonna do when they come for you.

Stay classy.

Different "weapons" for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


D- o you like
E- veryday
R- eally
P- retty

Different "weapons" for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


By the way… apparently- kitten -is censored.

Different "weapons" for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


The anomaly. You’re talking about the anomaly.

You’re literally saying, “kitten , why are they giving us new weapons, when instead… they could GIVE US A NEW WEAPON!”

… You want every class to have access to /the same/ new weapon.

They may do this. But they’re more than freakin likely to let each class use the pre-existing weapons before they implement a brand spanking new one— that is pretty much a kitten focus— because you want your hand to glow. Like you were wielding The Anomaly. cough

Death of daily rooms

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


Elaine, I’m very sorry for your situation. I’m also sorry on behalf of the morons here not realizing you have a legitimate issue and giving you no serious critical advice.

Let me be the first.

Join a single PvP guild. When you need your dailies, ask for a group. We call it carrying for a reason. Some players need to be carried. Your situation would be a perfect example. In PvP guilds we are very used to either teaching new players or grouping with people we know aren’t the best in order to assist for a few wins. Company will always make it easier. Shoot me a mail in game if you need help finding one.

In all honesty, you may want to watch some youtube videos regarding thieves. A good thief doesn’t need to do much fighting. If you can run the map, you can be a decap artist and still be perfectly useful to your team. +1ing people in fights is much easier than 1v1ing.

Also, take a minute to check out for useful tips that may help you avoid difficult situations.

You might also want to look into setting up voice commands for skills. Certain programs can execute keys on a verbal command instead of needing to click.

That is, until we can get the Emotiv Epoc to come down in price.

Staff Ele Build

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


I like your sig. <3

So about the victory...screen? Please no...

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


I personally love it, minus the part where the losers are dead.

Here’s an idea. Take the exact same room and place a second one behind it. Teams can see the backs of the other team.
Victors still get their emotes, and throw generic emotes on the loser’s side— angry, sad, sit, sleep. Loser pedestals should still have the same cool MVP ordering and badge display, but perhaps they have different pedestals. Tree stumps with training dummies?

Also, please allow at least a modicum of camera panning.

This is a really cool feature you’ve added, but perhaps a little more “back to training,” and less “death pit” might be more encouraging for the carebears.

Shield of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736



Yeah devs. Do this. It’ll be perfect.


Unacceptable gemstore scam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


Oh wait, I’m dumb. Mystic forge conduit, you now have a perma home. Bahahaha

Unacceptable gemstore scam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


I definitely got excited and thought it was a shared bag, because.. you know.. it looks like a bag… and no I didn’t whip out a credit card I totally paid with gold and got carried away selling things to get enough to focus on reading the desc.

Then felt let down when I opened it and it was just one slot…
but HEY at least my riding broom OR my harp can be used by all my toons at once…

heh, this is going to make me even more insane wondering where I left my crap.

This Seriously NEEDS To Be Addressed

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


And yes, HoT builds are better than core. Core is free. HoT is paid. Why shouldn’t it be that way? If you want to be free to play, you better be good as hell, otherwise pay for an advantage.

There are still hella viable core builds. (MM or Power necro, core thief decapper, multiple ele builds, mesmer shatter still viable af) Hell I was running this morning with a core thief and won 3 games in a row, and we were just randomly pugged together. We won mostly because of him. Doing his job. Knowing his class. Knowing how to play.

People whine because they want it to be easy. That’s not the point of the game, the point is to keep the game evolving. It isn’t balanced and it’s never going to be. If we all did the same damage with the same utilities there wouldn’t be freaking classes or a need for different builds.

This Seriously NEEDS To Be Addressed

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


I played full gyro scrapper from HoT release to about 3 weeks in. Not gonna lie, it was crazy OP. I also was playing with like the first condi rev, who ran Mallyx and Glint. It was easy 2v5s. We would run in, I would daze everything for days, he’d torment them for days, they’d all run around trying to evade everything and wonder how the hell they all died to two people.

Then people got wise and suddenly everyone knew when to dodge and how to avoid the fields to remain mostly daze free, and they started being able to avoid the condi my rev was pumping out.

Now with a more mature build, I find most of my damage IS in reflects. Rangers, guardians, killshot warriors… when I see them on enemy teams I get super happy because most people don’t seem to know what a freaking reflect is anyways, and I laugh my kitten off as they kill themselves with my chain reflects, never bothering to swap out of their ranged weapons, mostly because people are so used to just pew pewing things from far away that they haven’t bothered to learn the game mechanics so when they die they are left wondering how.

Chaining your 3rd hammer skill almost never lands 3 times. When it does, freaking awesome, but it’s definitely not always easy.

I like the engi just as much as I like facing engis. I can kill marauder engis on pretty much any of my classes. They aren’t tanky. It just takes timing and a knowledge of game mechanics.

Most of the whining I see in here is from people who wish things were easy for them.

QQ my class is no longer the most OP.

QQ my skill doesn’t do as much damage as X’s skill.

QQ their class is unavoidable.

It’s all bull. When you know the game, you know all the classes, you aren’t picking your effing builds from an effing website that tells you it’s the best, you can actually free yourself up to play effectively.

Just because your mindless popularity contest website says a build is the best
does. not. mean. it. is.

It’s just the most popular. It’s gotten votes. That’s it.

I don’t think a single build I run is on the meta, and I can carry most games on most of my classes.

Yes, there are actually thief builds that are hella viable in this new meta and they are annoying af when they get run properly. (Instant kill no downed state, please tell me that’s not OP af)

They just aren’t your easy mode stealth and backstab and run away bull crap you’ve been used to for so long.

Let go. Get over it. Keep up or get left behind.

Please lower my MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


Nevermind found the site ;3

Please lower my MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


Uhm… noob question? Where do I see those stats for myself o.o?

Other classes get a perma stab/might/HP/sec?

in Engineer

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


am I missing something? It doesn’t seem to go above 12 stacks on its own.

new to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: StabbyCakes.8736


I just started my engi like a week and a half ago and I have been shredding through combos. Got to 80 in pvp in like 3 days on a build I didn’t understand, then started fine tuning my mechanics. I STILL haven’t played with each of the weapons as Scrap Hammer is my first choice, nor all the utils and all their possible fine-tune availability, but I can tell you this:
Playing an engineer is like playing a half built perfect robot. Everything you do is harder than it is for other classes. It takes more steps. You limp a little. You have to choose between parts of yourself that you REALLY want to keep all of, but can’t because you can only ever be half a robot. However, if you fine tune yourself, learn the synergy of how all your skills can interact with each other and other players, you will realize half of perfection is still better than everyone elses average.
Do what Bwadark said. Play.