Showing Posts For Stahn.8764:

Will GW2 ever have a trial mode?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stahn.8764


As the title suggests, I was curios if GW2 would ever go into a trial mode version of the game, limited access and all that of course. I have a few friends from a long time ago wanting to try it out, but with strict budgets they aren’t sure they want to fork over the money for something they’ll never play. I’ve tried all i can to get them to play myself already, a trial would really help push the point home when they can see all the things I’ve told them about first hand.

Black Screen on launch after patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stahn.8764


This has solved his issue, at least for now. Thanks for the heads up on the local.dat file guys.

Black Screen on launch after patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stahn.8764


A friend of mine is having an issue when trying to launch the game. None of his settings has been changed on this computer except the small patch that he downloaded today. Since that patch went in, he gets a black screen every time he tries to load guild wars 2, he can’t get out of the program except with a hard boot. The patcher runs, auto play logs him in, and it looks for a second or two like normal, then suddenly the black screen appears and that’s it.

Unworking Guild Functions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


So nothing on guilds with these patch notes? Not a mention at all?

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


I started a guild on Northern Shiverpeaks called Shiverpeaks Dragon Authority tag SHIV.

I have several issues. I was able to invite people I wanted at the start, I was able to start our first upgrade, I was able to promote whom I wanted on the first day as well. That is when my issues started. I have 5 characters, only 2/5 can represent my own guild leaving 3 of them unable to join ANY guild or represent my own thus far. To try and fix this issue, I promoted 1 person to leader and quit the guild and was then reinvited and promoted back to leader in hopes this would fix the issue. It did not. It made it worse. Now I can’t even upgrade my guild anymore. I hit the “add” or “represent” buttons and they go in like I press them, but don’t actually perform the function.

I also tried to change my Members rank allowances and was promptly kicked to character select and given:
Network error

The error code was done today, after I tried to upgrade my guild and after the reinvite attempt to fix the issue. This has been going on since day 2 of my guilds creation, it’s been almost a week, maybe longer now. SOMETHING being mentioned would be amazing. I’ve seen several threads with similar issues, but nothing with the EXACT same issues and none of them that I saw mentioned the error code. Hope it helps, PLEASE get back to us on it or at least give us a temporary fix of some kind so I can spend influence on long term upgrades for everyone else.

Unworking Guild Functions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


I started a guild on Northern Shiverpeaks called Shiverpeaks Dragon Authority tag SHIV.

I have several issues. I was able to invite people I wanted at the start, I was able to start our first upgrade, I was able to promote whom I wanted on the first day as well. That is when my issues started. I have 5 characters, only 2/5 can represent my own guild leaving 3 of them unable to join ANY guild or represent my own thus far. To try and fix this issue, I promoted 1 person to leader and quit the guild and was then reinvited and promoted back to leader in hopes this would fix the issue. It did not. It made it worse. Now I can’t even upgrade my guild anymore. I hit the “add” or “represent” buttons and they go in like I press them, but don’t actually perform the function.

I also tried to change my Members rank allowances and was promptly kicked to character select and given:
Network error

The error code was done today, after I tried to upgrade my guild and after the reinvite attempt to fix the issue. This has been going on since day 2 of my guilds creation, it’s been almost a week, maybe longer now. SOMETHING being mentioned would be amazing. I’ve seen several threads with similar issues, but nothing with the EXACT same issues and none of them that I saw mentioned the error code. Hope it helps, PLEASE get back to us on it or at least give us a temporary fix of some kind so I can spend influence on long term upgrades for everyone else.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


On Northern Shiverpeaks, my guild name is Shiverpeak Dragon Authority. I have 3 characters that I can’t represent my guild with. I am the guild leader. For some reason, only 2 of my characters can represent the very guild I created. The other 3 can’t join a guild or represent one.

Unable to change which guild I represent.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


Is this ever going to be looked at? I have 5 characters and only 2 can join a guild or represent one. This has been an issue for me for almost a week now, would be nice to be able to play my lower level characters with the people I invited to my guild….

Reward those kittensurrect the fallen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stahn.8764


I agree, you will get quick agro from event bosses for rezzing someone, but you get almost 0 contribution for it. Makes no sense. The reward shouldn’t be large, because 4 people can rez someone very quickly, but a karma boost for rezzing a player ANYWHERE would be nice, make it small to discourage people from exploiting it, or make a person worth less each time they die in a certain area, etc. to limit “cheating” and call it good.

Unable to change which guild I represent.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stahn.8764


I am having the exact same problem, except I am the GUILD LEADER. I can’t even make my own toons earn influence in my own guild. My guild just started so it’s really small, and thus I need as much influence as I can get on every toon I can play just to get construction going. Please fix this as soon as possible.