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Where are we supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stein.6953


Engi has never been the preferred class in pve and wvw.
In fact we have been kicked out of the team most the times.

Even now, that metabattle stated an engi pve build as great, I get kicked out quite often and find myself insulted, though i have pretty much perfected the rotation.

In wvw i havent found a single guild, which liked the fact, that i would like to play engi.
Therefore i have been asked frequently to switch to another class. This frequent asking kittened me up to a point, where i left already 14 guilds as they asked me every time we played.

And now as we arent even meta in pvp anymore (the only place, which we were able to compete with the others), i would like to ask, where we belong now?
I know, that engi has been a long time one of the pvp-king-classes, yet it has to be clearified, that this has been the only place for us to play on highlevel.
For now on highlevel-skill, every current-meta-class outplays us easily. And i didnt meant scrub vs pro, but pro vs pro.
In addition now, that metabattle has stated the new meta-builds almost everyone will be playing those….

Sure there are ways to play the engi (except wvw: he is a piece of kitten there), but its no comparison to the other classes.
Shouldnt have every class not at least one gamemode, in which its part of the meta?

PS: i know the ranger met the same fate, as does the necro, though necros can atleast play wvw.

Guardian and Engineer leaks?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Stein.6953


just wanted to state something about the autoattack i saw by watching the trailer:

1. the autoattack chain seems to be following the enemy in a kind of way like the swordauto from the ranger
2. the first two attacks need aproximately 0,83 seconds each, though the game will probably say, that it takes 1/2 casttime
3. the thirdattack takes 1.66seconds (ingame 1 like above)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stein.6953


first of all I heard, that some rangers were saying, that this is the first time a patch is good for them.
But I remember in a time, there each second pvp player were a ranger, because beastmaster didn’t need skill, and backlinedefender with trapper was the easiest thing in the world.

with the new 33%initiative regen and the destroying of the s/d builds probably each third player gonna be a d/d hs spamer thief(the bad spamer aren’t the problem, but those thiefs, who are good in d/d and now are able to spam each skill-.-).

some people are complaining about hammer-warrior, because they think there is to much dmg, cc and regeneration,
but lets look at the regen of the sigil:
400 in the most cases, while the active use 3000 is for nothing, because the time u cast it you already got more dmg, so you use it most times just passive(except 1vs1 before stomping). Once your life got low, they stay low
if the warrior now is inflicted by poison on him his reg gets down→ no survivabilty in XvsX

bow dmg:
it’s to high i must admit that, it’s very useful in teamfights,
so it’S ok to be nerfed

without bow there is only the hammer for teamfight, since greatsword is useless.
this one can be made useless by stability, even for a zerker hammer warrior, it’s impossible to take a full life zerker thief with all skills down(most times it comes to 2/5)