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Random thoughts: why I just can't enjoy GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephani.6835


I’ve played since the first day. Actually no, we were allowed on before others if we got the collector’s edition. I’m one of them. I have been playing with my sister since the beginning. But I don’t play as often as she does and found myself being ‘dragged’ around the game, so my learning turned into “catch up”. Seems it’s always been this way.

I’m not particularly as skilled as other players, that’s why I’ve avoided joining guilds (the first ones I joined kicked me out because I wasn’t online for the required number of days per week, and I think that’s why the second kicked me as well), and I’ve avoided PvP because who wants to spend all their time dying? Well, Heart of Thorns is my version of PvP because all I do is die. I’m trying to get to the places I need to get to learn the skills I need to learn and I can’t. It was a struggle getting my glider, now I can’t get anything else done.

I feel like I paid $99 to learn that I no longer like Guild Wars and that makes me really sad. I’ve been playing Diablo III a lot and enjoy that game a great deal. GW feels like a struggle to me, all the time. And I want to like it, I paid for the expansion with the anticipation of new things to do. But even when I load into the new area, and it’s nightfall, and the fights start happening, I can’t even stay alive (Necro) long enough to join in. And I’ve changed my armor and weapons multiple times. All I do is die. It’s not a lot of fun.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stephani.6835


I got a message this morning saying that my Revenant would start in HoT at level 80. That is definitely paraphrasing because I was half asleep. Right now my Revenant is level 33 and that’s only because I boosted her myself when I saw she was level two.

Do I have to grind my way to HoT?