Showing Posts For Stephold.1537:

game crash during update all the time

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Done succesfully now it works, thanks!

game crash during update all the time

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


I had the same problem with another .dll causing it … LavasoftTcpService64.dll … they are adware that are not recognized by most of anti-spywer, i’m trying to remove them manually and is kinda impossible!

At least there should be a workaround to stop them interfering with GW2 launcher and let them keep our lovely data for them.

11 servers Full on EU ladder ? Anet read pls.

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


I confirm, fullstatus is not good at the moment, for any of those 11 servers

I’m playing with communities since February 2013, they are not something that you can “move” easily… we saw Seafarer Rest splitting up.. that was bad and because of amount of randoms who joined just to win the legues (that was something that has to be prevented with this fullstatusjoke, even if not a fair solution) and then the unability to move all the community away.

That said, i’m agree that there is no other game which can be similar to GW2 in the WvW part, it’s the best…

So please, ANet gave us already a nice support with Gilded Hollow Arena, finally i can scrim with my Guild without server restriction or queues or whatever.
Now we just need to have a proper enstablishment for Server that is prevented by this “fullstatus” for apparenly no reason.

Why running with a guild in WvW when there is noone to fight or just blobs? In the end, strong communities goal is to stop blobbing that lower the performance of server and reduce the fun overall. 20-35 is the correct number, and stop those three-way-fights. Atm we’re forced to do it because people get all in one map, for what?

Noone plays WvW for Reward! We play for Fun and Challenge! Keep reward to randoms in PvE as you are doing already and all will be fine. But at least, let guild move through servers. (don’t even dare telling someone should transfer lowest tier = you spend money to fight noone.. that deal.)

Many guilds returned for HoT, don’t make them change game again.


Connection issue, where's the trobule?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Hello, i’m experiencing a heavy unusual lag

I contacted my ISP after 1 week of way to high ping (~2000) and they fixed something in the central.

Yesterday ping was ok again, as soon i got into a fight in Obsidian Sanctum gameping was 2000 but, the curious thing, also Teamspeak ping rised to ~300, when people were still there but not fighting ping came normal again.

Then i contacted ISP once again and they made me another “fix” decreasing download spead and rising the upload one for a balance of 6Mbps donw and 0,5Mbps up (i know it’s poor connection anyway, but it worked fine with gw2 for years, 20v20 GvG included)

I did a pvp match this morning and was ok. Now is like this:

Tried both normally and by port 80

Did I gave enough details? Any suggestion is really appreciated. Thanks


Gw2 Ports, prioritizing bandwidth

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


I got a GBs router, sadly my connection it’s a 4megabit so with like effective 1MBps download and 250 KBps upload
The thing is: i try to track gw2 connection dialogue, according to NETbalancer (software) it should deal around 2 KBps but i’m not sure that i’m reading it correctly.

I’m doing exatly what u says, but then i’m taking away a lot of bandwidth to other devices, so was asking for something more specific, if is possible to let me and my bro, for istance, using different devices with minimum troubles.

btw, thanks for your help

  • KBps = kilobytes
    *Kbps =kilobit

Gw2 Ports, prioritizing bandwidth

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


I succeded to target GW2, but i still need an answer about how much bandwidth reservation is needed to run GW2 properly…

can someone help me please? 100kbps down 50kbps up is enough? i guess programmers should know this because is based on game input size

Kodash keep party!

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


SFR side love you all guys


Gw2 Ports, prioritizing bandwidth

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Hello everyone,

I bought a router with Bandwidth control function and i would like to give ~100Kbps guarantee to Guild Wars 2 in order to avoid lagging out if my brother watch a video on the other PC. (all wired, no wifi running)

In the panel i have 3 options:
1) IP (single or range)
2) Port (single or range)
3) Min Max Up Down

In order to beeing sure i’m not also targeting other stuff, how should I set it up to give properly priority to GW2?

N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit ADSL2+ Modem Router
Model No. TD-W8980

Many thanks if you can help me with this!


Can Obsidian Sanctum work like EOTM overflow?

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537



Obsidian Sanctum overflows
Loot disabled

Guilds can fight there without time restriction
Less complaining from borderlands Point-Per-Tick addicted about people just fighting.
No lag trobules: fights are 20vs20 max + some spectating

I suppose (in my ignorance) it can be a very cheap work for ANet and satisfy a lot of people.

Venom Wells

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


The counterplay: is to find those weak thieves (and i bet is hard to find more than 2 of them, their only role is to share venoms with necros and then run run run.. so a role that not everybody like to fit in, expecially real thieves will dislike)
Reaction: just notice on TS: bunker that zone by pushing other melees a little in front and get ready to counterbomb if they come for capitalize, warriors then will know and will be ready to banner if needed.

Remember: they have to get close together to do that so work on preventing necro regroups. (if they do while stacking melees that means that necro have to wait some time till dropping wells = they won’t cast anything for ~5 second otherwise it will come too early and become uneffective.)

I got that venom bomb quite often but that’s anything you can’t deal with if you have trusted mates.

A good necro bomb can come up deadly even without venomshare, if you play in organized team you should know

In the end, it’s not something that randoms can do, it require a little bit of organization so why not let them have their success?

What is the future of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Future of WvW is “Community” in any case.
Next step: “Community cooperation between servers”

Find them, partecipate, and support. That’s the only way to have fun! PPT become so dull for people like me.

I saw great stuff in organizations: people who care about not demoralize enemy, keep up the fight, make happy the PPT-addicted, let guilds have their glorious fights as well.

Key tools: website, TS3 big servers, Google Spreadsheet, but mainly the will of people.

Effectively, in low tier server this usually not happend… but try to toss the stone!

Hurry everyone, this is the best game ever about combat mechanic and hack free!!! Something missing in structuring WvW from ANet? Make polite posts on forums

Meanwhile organize by ourselves to make our desired things happening, and trust me, it’s possible! Just talk with your community leader/officers.

Damage/Defense Maths

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Hello everyone,

Can i ask is my formula is correct about damage calculation?

(Power * Skill coefficient * Weapondamage * Critical dmg * Damage modifier) / (Target Armor * Protection)

Example with numbers (2k power, full might stack, ascended hammer, 175% critdmg, sigil of force(5%), minor trait elusive power (10%) vs a target with 3k armor + Strenght in Numbers(+150) and with Protection boon (-33% dmg))

((2000+875) * 0.8 * 1100 * 1.75 * 1.155) / (3150 * 1.33)

Thanks a lot!

Reserve an overflow by Gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Hey there,

Imagine an EotM overflow in which only people allowed can get in because a leader organize a match with other guilds for a limited time

How it work:
- Buy the access tokens of 1 hour each (gems or golds)
- The guild leader will invite other guilds
- Guild Members when join EotM have a pop up that let them join that private overflow or simply /join

That brings 2 main advantage:
- For players: a chance to make competitive a map that usually is for brainoff-karmatrain.
- For ANet: another option to earn money and sustain the gem market.

I guess that this could be applied for different istances(maybe pve bosses etc..) with the main objective to let guilds organization more rewarding avoiding queues or random people.

Thanks for listening

GvG and EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


They were lucky that noone added… probably the funniest thing could be a reserved overflow in EotM where only guilds can join if they sign up.
I don’t want to stop karmatrains, just let use the same map for other things thanks to overflow. It shouldn’t be so hard to manage.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Good: 5event per achievement = no PvE players forced to play wvw.
Bad: Unbalance, but this should be fixed by players. Stop this kitten blobbing, join guilds play together, and be smart: pubblic commander shouldn’t lead more than 40 peoples. You will find how this game is great and probably the best since long time.

Dreaming about a cross-discipline GvG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephold.1537


I would like to share some ideas that i got about a future GvG system that will merge different aspect of the game.

I dreamed about a multi istance match:
Imagine 2 guilds that should provide different kind of players to gain competition, fun and rewards.
- GvG map: will be a plain ground between 2 keeps where 20vs20 people challenge as they already do in Obsidian Sanctum.
- PvP map: 5vs5 challenge like standard tPvP
- PvE map: an istance with 3 different path like (Ice Fire Nature), here the guild can even invite guests people with the LFG system if they miss someone, to let other people to join and get rewards like pve event.

The entire duration will be of 40 min
If the GvG team win: will be unlocked an optional Istance for the winner guild with a big keep to siege.
If PvP team win they will get their own reward as PvP already do, and add to the optional istance bonus sieges.
The PvE event will anyway succede and every player will have their rewards that will scale with their performance (good organization overall will reward more but even a normal completion won’t make sad the players). In fact, better performance will give additional bonuses loot in the optional istance.

So: every kind of players will be happy and guilds will be more cohoperative. To do not make this event spoiled and forget about other contents, a guild can unlock the special istance once a week and they can play it whenever they want., it will be challenging get in that wvw keep but the reward will be huge!

Ok, it’s time to wake up and stop dreaming, but i really wanted to share this.

oh wait, i missed the ANet profit from this: sieging that keep in the optional istance will require many golds and resources (maybe even gems) so, very good players will probably do it because of the bonuses and because of skill in sieging correcrly the keep, but rich players would be even able to do it.


(edited by Stephold.1537)

Video recording

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Hello everyone,

I like to record my guild wvw raids or gvg; at the moment I’m using:
Record: nVidia Shadowplay – record in 1080p, bitrate 35mbps, fps 30
Render: Vegas Pro 13 – render 4k in .mp4
Upload to: Youtube

With this setup my video have a very good quality if you look them in 1080p (would be amazing in 4k but noone will wait that long to load it)

My problem is that the size that is like 1,5 gb for 10 min that for me is too much..
Have you any good tip to make a decent video with lower size?
What matter for me in the video is: damage numbers, combat log, allies names.
I don’t care about graphics detalis because I just need to share and analyze what we did.

Off topic note (I would even pay if Anet implement a demo system like in GW1!)