Showing Posts For Steven.5463:
And I would like to know how to transfer from EU to NA servers.
Active players ( 3 or so ) looking for a guild/server. LF - WvWvW/Dungeons/PvE
in Guilds
Posted by: Steven.5463
Welcome! Hope to hear from you soon!
Active players ( 3 or so ) looking for a guild/server. LF - WvWvW/Dungeons/PvE
in Guilds
Posted by: Steven.5463
Hey Krew,
Protagonist [LIVE] is a new & small guild.
However most of our guild upgrades are going on one after another.
Most of our members are from different region around the world
( US, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore..etc )
& known each other for minimum a year.
We are a group of gamer who socialize with each other on
RaidCall about every game or topic that comes to mind.
Even with the time zone difference, we are always still active.
& Personally, We all LOVEEEEEEEEEEE PVP.
We pvp on every single game that we had played together,
and not me but most of them are awesome at it!
Unfortunately, Theres only 2 LVL 80 in the guild,
and theres like 4 more just started recently and lvling.
So it will take sometime all of us to PVP & WvW together.
We plan to be HIGHLY active on WvW when our group all reaches lvl80 and start recruiting more members.
So if your interested maybe in the near future!
Please do keep us in mind cause we love having more people on our RC
and playing this awesome game together!
Do inbox me in game if ur interested
or just wanna come mess around in our RC channel!
No harm in making more crazy friends right!
Protagonist [LIVE]
Server : Sea Of Sorrows
Requirement :
- Active & Friendly
- Able to speak English
- RaidCall if possible
Visit Guild Website @
Inori Cross
(edited by Steven.5463)