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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: StigmaFlame.6520
i had the same problem as all of you but this fixed it for me.
Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder. By default, this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2.
Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
Right-click the shortcut and select “Properties.”
In the “Target” line, put whatever is currently there inside quotation marks, then add a space and -assetsrv at the end.
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe -assetsrv”
Click “Ok” to save your changes. If you get an error, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try Step 4 again.
Make sure Guild Wars 2 is not running.
Use the new shortcut to launch Guild Wars 2.
If this does not work use -assetsrv
I am not sure if this has to do with all the issues but could be
We have temporarily disabled character creation while we address a serious issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will restore the character creation functionality as soon as we are able to do so.
As someone stated above, following the guide here :
and using this IP:Port :
solved it for me. Use with care, bandwidth is limited :P
seems to works for me but limited to 20 to 90 K sometimes jumps back at 400Kbs. My normal speed is around 2-5Mbs
something happen to them
Okay thank you. Sorry about the poor tying on a smartphone
Hi people who are coming to this thread.
I have questions about download of client. I will like to asked someone if client saves download After I closed the client .that’s my first question. Also is there any issues with windows 10 . Is there any way to get installed located before you download
thanks for the info . wish it was lol
few years ago I try out guild wars 2 from a friend account .he had some birthday mail at the time and today is my brithday.
Have the stop with the birthday mail & gifts?
well I just start playing the game. made new charatcar all i lost was Suit of Legacy Armor, Mithril Box, and10 Experience Boosters. nothing big something i dont need to worry about. thanks for info
Hi there is there any way to restore a delete character. at all?. I just join the game I delete my first character. with item i cant get back. is there a way fix this or even have the special item send to me once more?