Showing Posts For Stormchoir.3276:

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


What does your YouTube video have to do with this topic? He is talking about the Spider Lord which is a level 78 personal story while you linked a video of a level 80 warrior which looks like he is in a hell of a lot better gear doing a level 80 dungeon.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

The truth is, dungeons are unbalanced.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


I must say that every single post on this thread is laughable and truly pathetic.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

I love Trahearne

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


His accent isn’t British. It’s exceptionally rare to find someone who talks like he does naturally, since in most cases anyone who does talk like him is usually putting on a fake accent to fit the damaging Hollywood stereotype that paints all British people as either talking like a street rat or a pretentious snob. A shame, really – England has a huge variety of diverse accents even within the space of a few miles.

Interesting reply but I will have to say you are wrong. In fact allow me to inform you on how wrong you are. My mother is a Brit and so are her nine other brothers and sisters. Have a blessed day! =D

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

I love Trahearne

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Have you lot ever heard of selflessness? Perhaps that is what is going on here in the game’s personal story. So what you did not get all the fame and glory, but you did the right thing anyways right? I bet you noobs never thought about that one did ya?

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

finally done and here are my thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Chalk this up as another, possible, WoW player who has been handed everything to him/her. I could be wrong but in my experience that has been the case. You think the dungeons are hard for you? Learn how to adapt and overcome it instead of crying like a little girl. Game seems like work you say? Well you have two options, quit or suck it up and find ways to make the game better for you.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

Why am i a Sidekick to a NPC?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Silly noob! Have you played any other mmo’s? The ones I have, (including WoW) has you side kick with NPC’s. Also Traehern is and will continue to play a major roll in the game in up coming content release. Enjoy the game and stop bein so critical. =D

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

I love Trahearne

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Dont hate on the British Sylvari! :P

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”


in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


I hate you so, so much right now.

I am sure our Sylvari friend hates you just as much if not more. =D

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


The point, Blue, is that we shouldn’t have to. These are supposed to be quests and events that we can complete SOLO as part of our PERSONAL story. The fact that they cannot reasonably be completed without either chain rezzing or bringing friends goes against the spirit of what the personal stories are supposed to be.

It’s not a matter of “why not”, it’s a matter of “we shouldn’t have to”. Personal story difficulty needs to be significantly nerfed. If the elitist jerks want to think they’re too easy, fine. For the rest of us, with a normal level of skill, we have issues. This is not a game that is intended for only the “leet” to play. This game is intended for EVERYONE. Right now, the so-called elites are the only ones not having problems with the difficulty.

Assuming you believe them when they say that. I, for one, take “too easy” comments with a grain of salt, simply because I don’t see how it’s possible.

Just my 2 copper. Your mileage may vary.

Using caps to try to get your QQ point across more. Priceless.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

The personal story is terrible in this game.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


Everyone’s a critic. I find the personal story interesting and do not go over it with a fine tooth comb. I have yet to even play a game that has held my interest as much as GW2 has. Not even WoW with the 5 years I played has done that. Hey if you lot can do a better job then why are you not doing this type of stuff as a job?

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”