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Help, back after LONG hiatus; need PvE build

in Guardian

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


I played GW2 daily for a couple years I guess… last thing I remember was downing Scarlet, and then a few days of checking out Dry Top when it was released. Now I am back and so much has changed…

My Guardian used to be my main, and would like to play him again. He was Knights gear with Trooper Runes, ‘Zerker trinks and very tanky. I’m down to 24 gold just trying to redo all my character’s builds and gear, so I really don’t want to change him much from what I know.

Used GS and Scepter/Focus. I NEVER PvP, VERY rarely WvW, and because I have been gone so long, I don’t do fractals or dungeons/raids. Just mostly open world, trying to catch up on Achieves, farm gear and gold, progress in story; I am WAY behind everyone now. Any ideas on a good build that will work for me and allow me to survive alone in Maguuma? I’m too old to learn complicated builds on 5 characters lol. I like the tanky build I had, but I did hate killing so slow. Maybe a good balance?

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


Holy cow, you don’t have to have a target to steal to get the proc?!?! O.O
NOW you tell me rofl…
Hey Interceptor, I DID answer you last night but got a “Site down” thing the one time I was lazy and did not copy my text before posting. I was disgusted and didn’t feel like re-typing it and went to bed. Been getting Skill points ALL day on my Thief… in a bit I will have gotten 30 today, so a bit busy (and tired and hungry) atm but will answer you guys later this evening and thank you
Been mowing down Vets like nothing all day LOL!

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


Just a short mention ( I started to earlier but really did NOT want to bring Anet’s attention back around on this) but the runes or sigils (I forget which) are still glitched so with all I am stacking, especially if I do an event or just rapid clear an area of mobs I have easily seen as much kitten MINUTES of stacked Speed boost lol. That easily beats anything I have ever seen on my Mesmer, Ele, Guardian or even Necro, who has an insanely long one.

One question… since Deadly Arts, Critical Strikes and Acrobatics are so important, and people disparage anyone using more than 2 or 3 trait lines, should I really add in Trickery too? I do like the Thrill of the Crime trait though.

Lastly, I have my dodge/roll on my middle mouse button (INVALUABLE) and my PTT key set to mouse button 4, as Ctrl screws up my game, so I would have to use Mouse Button 3 lol. An idea for sure and easier to get used to using, since F1 seems to be hard for me to get used to; I’ll give it a shot. A bit of a reach for my thumb, but at least I can do it without looking for either the F1 key or the little square

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


I did spend some points to get Signet of Malice
Retraited but went with what Koralis said earlier; hadn’t seen your comment yet. And until I am 40, I can’t go any higher on Deadly Arts so for now I am sitting at 10/4/0/10/0.
I’m lazy too Fade LOL… I HATE chugging along like a slug so I am using SoS, as WELL as speed when roll, speed when kill, Speed Sigils AND Runes lol. Needless to say I am not slow anymore.

So I DO want Trickery? P.S. Yes I need to learn to hit that F1 every time it is off CD; I am horrible about forgetting about it…

It is heartening to learn that maybe I won’t be dependent on SoS forever; so many Thieves say in forums that it is a permanent placement on their bar. I AM finding out however that I am seriously lacking condition removals or, likely, I am trying something new and not familiar yet, so not realizing I should do this or that rather than stand there and burn lol. This class (or I guess they call it profession in GW2) is not familiar enough to me yet for me not to have to think about what I am doing lol.

Hilarious story for your amusement as way of saying thanks: I am in the Skritt Tunnels in Brisban and start clearing out the Fire Trolls and Destroyer Crabs. Like I said, burning is an issue so going carefully. I accidentally get two Trolls at once and live through it but have a nasty condition. I go down and realize JUST as I hit the number 1 skill when downed that I had JUST targeted a Veteran Destroyer Crab I had not previously seen. So of course I kittened it off and got a bad case of DEAD. I run BACK, kill the Vet, but JUST as I deliver the killing blow, I dodge/roll right off the edge and die AGAIN to falling. This is SO not my day.
Enjoy the laughs; I did lol.

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


Thank you Karolis; that all makes a lot of sense actually…. lots of damage boosts. I must keep my Acrobatics for my dodges and speed boosts lol. Scorpion Wire would be hard to give up but will try it and see. I often encounter Vets with normal mobs patting with it and that is crucial for those situations. Especially as it does not pull aggro from other mobs. Case in point; I JUST killed a Veteran Eagle Raptor In Kessex with two hatchlings patting with it. I used Scorp Wire to drag off the hatchlings and dispose of them first, then took the Vet down easily. Even underwater Vets are no issue with Harpoon Gun. Having SO much fun; it should be illegal LOL!
Thanks for the clarification on Signet of Malice as well; I have been seeing that come up alot in forums. I hate having to spend the Skill Points, as I am saving for Blade Storm but I will do that if it is that good.

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


I assume it was for the toughness boost.
I didn’t make the build lol. The main thing was the acrobatics,
as I was zerging a lot at low levels and the speed boost when dodging
and speed boost when killing a foe, on top of the speed runes and sigils and
Signet of Shadows made him finally fun to play and much less frustrating.

I want to use S/P+SB
I want to be able to PvE solo level (not worried about
dungeons or PvP) mostly by killing hearts and zone completion, events etc.
I want to have high surviveability and speed boosts
so it isn’t so slow, painful, boring and frustrating. I SUCK at stealthy stuff so… yeah.
Not sure what else I should put…. hmmm….
Thanks for the help, btw ^.^

Oh here is a good thing to mention I suppose. Please remember this may not be the BEST setup but it is my play-style and what I am comfortable with and enjoy most so.. yeah. Anyway my utilities are so far (since I don’t have the dagger storm yet obviously)
Hide in Shadows (not sure if that is best heal for me?), Signet of Shadows (indispensable), Caltrops (indispensable) Scorpion Wire (MEGA indispensable) and Thieves Guild. As you can see, I am so hung up on those utilities it is hard for me to consider anything else. At very low level, Scorpion Wire is the ONE skill that saved my butt enough for me to consider playing him again. No more face pulling groups of mobs; yank one out without aggroing the others, kill it, move to next. LOVE it.

Please help me find lost Thief build!!

in Thief

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


Hi guys!
My mains are Guardian, Mesmer and Necro.
I purposely let my Thief (AND Engineer) sit because he (female playing a male toon, lol) was as slow as molasses in January, squishy, and just difficult for me to play, which made him no fun. I came from 9 years of WoW, playing healers and casters and even the Rogue I played there was much different and you could stealth around and get into tons of trouble, etc. It was FUN. After my third 80, I decided to try again. I started searching builds and finally settled on a Sword/Pistol build that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED! I made a couple of small changes to the runes and sigils, adding a speed rune and sigil into the mix. I am still using minor runes so I can get away with it. I also chose the signet that gives permanent speed boost (I had not been able to get to it before) AND took the trait that gives me a speed boost when I dodge roll.

Please understand my Thief was like… MAYBE level 12-15 at that time. Now he is 34 and I adore playing him. He kicks massive butt and I even ran him a lot through LA during this recent Living World event to challenge myself. The problem is this… Recently I did a full boot and nuke on my hard drive and reinstalled EVERYTHING. I THOUGHT I had written all the pertinent info down, as I did on my Mesmer, Guardian and Necro so I would have it handy. I did not, or cannot find it. Now I have a few Trait points to spend and can’t remember where they go. I have searched every forum on evry site, searched Google, YouTube, GW2guru, Wiki, you name it and cannot find this build.

Yes I have found dozens of Sword/Pistol builds but every one of them has a big fat ZERO under stealth (I think it is stealth… third from the bottom?) I know for a fact that at the very least, this build had points in all three of the bottom builds, as the three bottom ones (I have SO FAR) are 5/10/5. I THINK I should start putting points into some Crit but am not sure and hate to have to start over.

I had thought that the names St3alth and Cyber both sounded VERY familiar, but the builds I found of theirs are not the right ones. Maybe I have just not found the right one yet. Please understand, I am HAPPY with this build and weapon set; I do not plan to run him in dungeons, and just want to stay alive and ENJOY playing him. He is super fast now and nowhere NEAR squishy and I make rare gear for him so it is obvious I love playing him. I don’t want to change that.

Here are the facts:
The build is for PvE ONLY ( I despise PvP ducks)
This is a LEVELING build, as I am only 33 or 34 atm.
This build uses Sword and Pistol with Shortbow as alternate weapon.
This is a DPS Beserker build and all stats are as such. No condition runes or gear; straight dps.
This build has at LEAST 5/10/5 in the three LOWEST tiers of the traits.

The page I had found had several builds on it but was primarily listed as a leveling surviveability (why does that word look misspelled?) build for Thieves. One of the suggestions on the page was the S/P as it is easy for newcomers to Thieves (and GW2) to learn and play well. It was highly advised to use it until much later in the game or when you had much more skill and comfort level.

Like I said, I wiped the hard drive or I would have that saved.
I must find it; I don’t want to change everything up midstream and I am happy playing like this. Yes I tried dagger pistol and dagger dagger etc. I will recognize the page immediately upon seeing it. ANY help would be much appreciated; sorry this was so long and thank you for reading it. My Thief Ardanrion on Sorrow’s Furnace thanks you as well. <3

Ravyns of Sorrow-Adult Guild Sorrow's Furnace

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stormravyn.6149


Brand new, adult guild seeking players interested in helping us grow and become one of the best social guilds available on Sorrow’s Furnace! We are new, so we are small atm, but are growing fast. We do not want to be one of the mega giants; we want to stay at a reasonable size, where everyone knows everyone else.

Right now, we have just implemented our first buffs and did our first dungeon runs as a guild and it was a great time! We have Ventrilo available for use, as well. This is a social guild that enjoys all aspects of the game, and we welcome all level, and all skill level players. Eventually, with your help, we will be able to do it all; Dungeons, Fractals, Metas, WvW, PvP, you name it! Friendly, helpful and a wee bit insane.

About repping: Many of our players came from guilds who require 100% rep. They want your toons and your soul. We do not feel that is justified. Please remember that in order to grow; in order to make this a GREAT guild for YOU, our members, we have to earn influence to upgrade. So we DO ask that you rep with as many toons as you can, and spend some time with us to help us grow. However, if you want a toon over in a bank guild or to help out a friend with their guild, etc, we understand and you will not be kicked for it.

We look forward to meeting you and learning about you! We can’t wait to make you shake your head and wonder “What HAVE I gotten myself into?” Lol… come join the fun. Please send a mail or a whisper to Stormravyn.6149 in game for information and to have any questions answered.

This is US server Sorrow’s Furnace