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WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: StrYdeR.2459


Here is the issue….PvE IS the game; PvP and WvW are sidebars to keep groups entertained (to a degree).

The PvE Raids were intended to be top tier, challenging end game content (as described by ANet) – with top tier rewards to go along with them. To receive the rewards being discussed (Legendary Armor) significant invest of time, skill and gold (food and gear) had to be exerted – and over the course of a year and a half of raiding people earned the requirement to begin ACQUIRING the necessary components to begin creating the legendary armor.

Most raiders invested heavily in multiple sets of ascended gear whereas most WvW players are running around in exotics or less. PvP requires NO investment at all as your gear is given to you free.

I stated previous that I feel it is all well and good for the other game types to receive top tiered rewards, however it sounds that little to no investment is going to be required to begin creating this armor – significantly devaluing the PvE set. As a caveat – I am not about the flash, and am more excited about the ability to stat swap.

WvW (for the most part) is a blob fight where you try and overwhelm your opponent with numbers, whilst trying to tag as many people as possible for the loot. I see arguments here about the cost that the WvW players will have to bear as you cannot earn enough gold in WvW – then get out of WvW, stop being lazy and play the game the like the rest of had to do to EARN our armor (and with that the ability to stat swap).

I see arguments here about the PvP being less elitist than raiders????
I have never been engaged with a saltier bunch of people than the PvP players in NA (I can’t speak for EU.) Encounters with PvP players have been some of the most toxic ever experienced.

There are always raid groups trying to teach people how to raid – what the mechanics are, how to optimize your build and rotation, etc.

Comments here have irked me be stating that “PvE got a legendary trinket” – NO!…the game got a legendary trinket and if you don’t want to leave your niche to obtain it then that’s on you – not a snub to PvP or WvW.

I thought the whole reason that you could stat swap ascended gear was to give it flexibility at a cost – whilst the legendary was a front-loaded cost allowing you to stat swap for free (this goes for the legendary weapons as well)

Until the acquisition specifications for the WvW and PvP legendary armor are released I cannot wholly pass personal judgement on the implementation, however at this juncture I feel this is a poor move Arena Net!

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: StrYdeR.2459


I truly hope that there is a time gated barrier to this, as the people that have been raiding (and time gated by only having the ability to earn “x” amount of LI per week as well as the Provisioners Tokens) have been stuck behind that wall. All well and good for the other gametypes to get Legendary armor – just hope it is balanced in the way it has to be EARNED.
PvP and WvW players should have to play the whole game in the same way that the PvE’rs do in having to play PvP and WvW for portions of the requirement…enough with the reward track cheesing your way through everything

Keeping old stories alive with g missions

in Living World

Posted by: StrYdeR.2459


I agree with this logic, but it could also be taken a step further.
Some LS events were designed to be performed by an entire map of players – and the scope would need to be scaled for smaller guilds.

Living Story 1 was (IMHO) the best written and executed LS to date – allow newer players to experience it through instanced iterations … much like the instancing that occurs in the Mad King Labyrinth at present. Create portal doors that allow players to enter the instance, and the larger LS1 boss fights could be scheduled much like DS or any of the other world bosses currently are.

Scalable events could be injected into or transformed into Guild Missions.

The player base is becoming fragmented; more so every day with the launch of newer zones (Bloodstone Fen is a prime example of a zone that has very little replay-ability interest to players other than the daily farm run that may occur). Players have moved to Ember Bay as the rewards / returns are perceived as better for the time invested. Will this trend move on though when a new zone is released with future episodes (only time will answer that question).

Please keep players engaged Anet