Showing Posts For StriveR.4583:
Please check if it’s getting reviewed and if I may get an answer soon. Thanks in advance for the help.
Well you made this to be “less” complex for who ? Only kids that are 9 years old could probably not understand the concept of INSERT NUMBER → ex. 50gold = (Gives you) 300gems. What’s so FREAKING hard to understand about it in the first place. And with this new system it looks like you either didn’t give a crap about anyone just to get people to buy gems by paying IRL money AND/OR your software developing team is a disgrace, which is not taken into consideration everything you’v done until now. SO please ANET, BRAIN ?
Can you check please if my ticket is being processed ? 612296
So guys anyone knows how this works ? I asked someone and he told me you could do it with thief/el 35+ level :/
If anyone knows please enlighten me