Showing Posts For Stu Grockalot.2937:
I really like the salvage all option attached to the salvage kits.
This QoL update that was introduced a while ago is particularly helpful.
I noticed that there is a salvage all Fine or Lower, a salvage all Masterwork or lower, but on Fine, it just says salvage all Fine (no or lower option).
This seems a little illogical as if you were to commit to salvaging Fines, you wouldn’t want anything lower either.
I would even go one step further and add a fourth option to salvage all Exotic and lower.
There is no need to add a new profession, there is nothing a new profession can add to the game that can not be added through the Elite Specialisation system.
I think this latest episode was amazing, but in my opinion too subtle. It’s not easy to work out all the multitude of features present in the map.
I think Arenanet sold themselves short by not boasting more about all the features this episode actually has to offer.
As Season 3 wraps up with “One Path Ends,” we’d love to ask you a favor, as we have in the past:
Please share your high-level feedback (75 words or fewer) on Episode 6.
Please mark any spoilers with the spoiler tag (see formatting guide) to avoid giving away the story to those who have not yet played all the way through.
Devs will be reading other threads, of course, and longer or more detailed feedback is welcome. This thread is designed to amass your high-level views.
Hello lonely people, we are opening our doors once again!
But: We are mainly looking for some more raid interested players who would like to attend our raid trainings on sundays and (later) are interested in ‘advanced raids’ on wednesday evenings.
All with a nice and friendly attitude of course!
Hi, I am looking for a friendly guild to help take my Raid cherry. Our guild is small <10, and we are the same group of friends since GW1 all those years ago.
However, we rarely have the numbers, hence me being a Raid noob.
Read up on most of the wings and been in solo, but never tried an actual raid, but I want to. I have all 9 professions available, but mainly play casters.
Message me in game.
My friend plays full vampiric necro, high precision runes of vampirism, sigils of vampirism, all wells, with vampiric rituals traited and they are pretty unstoppable.
There is a set of armor (marauder I think) gives precision and vitality, to allow frequent use of death shroud, and the trait where death shroud kicks in automatically if you get low on health.
Whenever we go out in PvE she is usually the last one still standing and with a considerable amount of health left while we are downed.
The world bosses are pretty useful to have.
I use dragontimer to track them.
Hope that helps a little?
Welcome to the game
So just wondering…….
Our traditional party size is 8, a legacy from GW1 days.
However, most activities are set up for a party of 5 or 10, e.g. dungeons, fractals, raids, PvP etc.
It seems that the only thing we can do as 8 is WvW and EoTM, or open world roaming in PvE, but can’t do any story lines, unless some of us are left out in the cold!
Am I missing something? Is there anything else that a strange party size such as ours could be doing?
Difficult to call, the first 3 where every two months, and the last 2 have been every three months.
Given that Episode 5 was released on 2nd May, then it SHOULD be 2nd July for a 2 month release window or 2nd August for a 3 month release window.
All anyone can do is speculate at this time, and that’s the best I can speculate based on previous releases.
Wow thank you so much for the quick replies and level of detail, it’s amazing.
I can personally play all professions apart from Engineer.
We have anohter member who can play all professions period.
We have more rangers than I’d like to admit.
Only one Chrono, two Heralds.
Not enough Warriors, and absolutley not enough elementalists.
My concern was that it would be impossible.
Extremely difficult I don’t mind, it’s part of the fun that helps you get better at the game.
Just impossible I can’t deal with.
Hi guys.
I’m pretty new to raiding. I’ve read up on the mechanics of different bosses etc, but never actually taken the plunge and attempted one, mainly for fear of causing a team wipe.
I have a small guild whom I’ve know from GW1, comprising of friends, family and work colleagues. The issue of anyone of us causing a team wipe is not a problem as we will all laugh and say “ooops”.
I would like advice from this forum and some of the more seasoned players who run raids regularly.
1: How Flexible are raids with regards to deviating away from the metabuilds?
i.e. You can change one skill but more than that is a no no, or as long as you have a herald pumping out naturalistic resonnance everything else is grand!
2. How important is the profession composition of the party?
i.e. You need 2 Chrono, 2 Herald, 1 Druid, 3 Wariors 1 Tempest, plus 1 other, failure to do so will result in defeat, or take whatever you want but without 3 warriors will take for ever to complete.
3. Finally can you complete the raid with less than 10?
i.e. point number 2 we have the professions listed above but lack the 1 other we can still do it, or a well organised party of 3 can do it?
The last comment about a party of 3 is hyperbole to make a point. However, any adice that you raid verterans can offer on these 3 points would be greatly received, especially in the light of the new LWS3 release and legendary armour.
There has been a (fairly) reliable release date for all new content.
Aug 2012 GW2 released
June 2013 LWS 1 released
June 2014 LWS 2 released
Oct 2015 GW2 HoT released
June 2016 LWS 3 released
Logically there are one of two outcomes:
1 we get LWS 4 in June 2017 and the new expansion Oct 2018.
They miss LWS 4 and bring out the new expansion Oct this year.
Only specualtion based on the facts of release dates.
Hi Guys,
Looking through t’internet there is plethora of sites offering advice on raid, dungeon and fractal builds.
I’ve seen numerous mentions of a chronomancer running signet of inspiration for boon spamming.
I seem to recall that this got nerfed a while ago?
Is signet of inspiration still viable for spanning boons with a chronomancer?
I had this problem, and it was a program called premier opinion.
Press Ctrl + Shift + Escape to bring up task manager, see if it is running.
Kill all instances of the task.
Go to Control panel and remove/uninstall it.
Then navigate to your GW2 directory, find the executable and create a shortcut to it.
Click on properties of shortcut and at the end of the command line argument add the comand -Repair
“C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -Repair
Run the shortcut and game should be fixed!
Here’s what I’d like to see, (it’ll probably never happen but you can dream).
Firstly 9 new Elite specs (1 per profession).
Initially the new Elite spec goes into the thrid trait slot, so a Guardian can choose to be EITHER a Dragonhunter OR Zealot (for example).
Then after a rather long (and difficult) storyline, similar to becoming ascended in GW1, you can then place Elite specs into middle trait line, allowing you to choose Dragonhunter AND Zealot Elite specs for a completely new class.
I’d like to see the Vampiric / Life Steal play style return to Necro. Whether that be through a strengthening of the blood line or an elite spec that compliments that style, I don’t particularly care. Right now the life steal from blood is hilariously pathetic. Blood based necros where once a force to be reckoned with, and its really not an option in the GW2 counterpart.
Quoted for speaking the truth.
I’m not sure about that, one of our guild members uses a blood/vampiric reaper and she is devastating with it!
One quality of life improvement I would love to see is to unlock the User Interface.
Yes you can move stuff around, or make certain boxes smaller or bigger, up to a point!
For example the mini-map in the bottom right is FAR too small on my screen.
When you click on it to make it bigger, it is already at maximum size so will not get any bigger.
The chat box can go in one of two places; bottom left, or top left.
GW1 had the right approach in terms of customisable user Interface.
If it has the words; “crafting material” in the description, it should be able to go into storage! Simple.
Any storage that favours the scribe would be much appreciated.
There are a number of items that are prerequisites for other items and can’t be deposited. Space for them would be ideal.
Without wishing to push my luck, the chef has a similar issue.
So I’m just wondering are the build/skills broken?
When (and even before) GW2 came out, I remember the hype about how the skills are so varied, and traits are so different that you can play GW2 any way that you want.
However, you can’t play anyway that you want.
There are some builds that just don’t work. Some traits and skills that are, quite frankly pointless.
There are even some players, where all I see is the metabuild running everywhere.
unless you run the metabuild, you don’t seem to be able to keep up, to participate as much, and be as effective.
That to me, sounds broken
I guess I know what the answer will be, but….
If you swap guild hall, do the expedition, unlock it and all your buildings and achievements carry over. Then you decide you don’t like it, and wish to go back to your previous Guild Hall, do you have to do another expedition, even though you had previously unlocked it?
I remember GW1 had a handy app called TexMod which was perfect for doing things like that.
Showing my ignorance now, is there anything like that for GW2?
I have a friend on a world in the NA region, I myself play in the EU region and I just found out that we can’t rampage around Queensdale together and give grief to centaurs!
WTF ArenaNET?!?!?!?
I remember from GW1 being able to pop over to NA region and back again at will.
Now ten years on, when server and computer technology has advanced so much we are going back in time technology-wise!
Unless you want to pay gems of cause! Then it’s no problem to be able to allow you to switch worlds.
This really has put a dampener on the game for me now!
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Stu Grockalot.2937
August 28th 2015 is my prediction. 3 years to the day for the release of the original GW2, and it is a Friday. So lots of time to play at the weekend
Initially i wasn’t going to jump on the bandwagon but I can’t help it.
I’d like to see, (in no particular order):
- Larger PvE party size. GW1 was 8 and when our guild go out, there are often members left out in the cold
- Two handed axe. (Maybe for warrior and ranger and new profession).
- Spears. (Amphibious weapons maybe?)
- New professions. (Ritualist or Dervish seem a good and popular choice)
- New Races. (Tengu, Centaurs, Kodan all good choices).
- Increased Level cap. (Something more to work toward, sorry but I actually like level grinding).
- Legendary Armor and Trinkets.
- Ability to craft ascended food and jewellery.
- Guild Halls. (And therefore by definition GvG battles).
- More elite skills (possibly an Elite heal)
- Ascension (and the ability to swap class).
- A template editor to quickly switch between saved skills and traits (like we had in GW1).
- A secondary class (ok so I know this won’t happen but I miss the synergy of different profession from GW1).
New areas goes without saying
I never used to have a problem, the occasional pause on a turn of a role, but nothing too serious.
There was a recent update to speed up some peoples connections and reduce lag.
Since this update mine is worse! I have the constant freezing and the constant please don’t let me die feeling!
Has anyone found a way to fix this?
What a stupid idea this was!
Now the entire part must be punished for one weak player.
This wont increase teamwork it will ostracise players that are weak in the group, as in future other players won’t want them in the party.
If you want to discourage res-rushing all you do is to put a greater downed penalty on re-spawning compared to being revived. Or make it permanent for re-spawning and temp for a revival or something.
Before the change if you had four good players they could cope for a while when one person is downed, thus that person can make the tactical decision to wait for a revival or re-spawn. Now the part HAS to revive him, could very much face a party wipe now! As when there is only one person left he has to revive the other 4, he can’t kite while the other 4 res and come and help him. There is no way one person can take a beating from a boss and res a fallen party member.
Again. What a stupid idea!!!