Showing Posts For Subhuman.3958:

Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


Any chance of this thing coming back this year? Has there been any word on it that I missed?

I’d love to own one of these things!

Revenant gearing

in Revenant

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


While comparing Rage vs the other options, I think it should be noted that it makes it easier to take cleansing channel instead of fierce infusion while still being able to solo 100% fury uptime without strain.

That said, I am still heavily debating what runes to take myself. I recall seeing runes of the revenant being data mined in the past, and I imagine more runes could release too that may be better.

Rage is appealing for me because I feel like it is a good middle ground rune that still stays relevant for all content, whereas the other choices are more often wasted when switching between different types of activities. Strength is great for solo, but quickly becomes wasted whenever enough allies are around, especially with how many glint revs will be around. Scholar is great for premades/static groups, but becomes less appealing outside of that. Both aren’t great choices for WvW. Rage is “good enough” in all of these situations for the reasons mentioned above.

Speaking of WvW, normally I’d go hoelbrak, and while it is still solid I feel like using a sigil of cleansing with cleansing channel is good enough.

Hoelbrak is no doubt better in that setting given glint/shiro lack of condi cleanse =p. I would go with hammer too for zerg-backlining.

I feel our condition “weakness” is often blown out of proportion. Look at warriors these days, they often favor the stance trait over the cleanse and stay relevant still. 2 condition cleanse on legend swap isn’t bad, and glint heal is a free reset against condition builds that they don’t have control over. -20% incoming duration isn’t going to do much in a WvW setting either in reality with how much stacked duration they will have. Normally on melee this would still be vital simply because of movement impairing conditions, but shiro manages to fight through those fine.

Most importantly, if you have hoelbrak, taking cleansing channel is a harder choice. Of course you can still do it, and you can still manage your fury. It is simply much easier though with rage, and in real life application and not on paper this equates to better performance.

This is all my opinion though, and hoelbrak no doubt stays a strong choice here. Strong enough to make a second set of gear for though? Not sure. If I have a full ascended set with rage already slotted, I feel like it is so debateable that I just wouldn’t bother.

I agree on hammer.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Revenant gearing

in Revenant

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


While comparing Rage vs the other options, I think it should be noted that it makes it easier to take cleansing channel instead of fierce infusion while still being able to solo 100% fury uptime without strain.

That said, I am still heavily debating what runes to take myself. I recall seeing runes of the revenant being data mined in the past, and I imagine more runes could release too that may be better.

Rage is appealing for me because I feel like it is a good middle ground rune that still stays relevant for all content, whereas the other choices are more often wasted when switching between different types of activities. Strength is great for solo, but quickly becomes wasted whenever enough allies are around, especially with how many glint revs will be around. Scholar is great for premades/static groups, but becomes less appealing outside of that. Both aren’t great choices for WvW. Rage is “good enough” in all of these situations for the reasons mentioned above.

Speaking of WvW, normally I’d go hoelbrak, and while it is still solid I feel like using a sigil of cleansing with cleansing channel is good enough.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

PvP / WvW build after patch

in Warrior

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


For WvW I’ll probably try 30/0/10/0/30 axe/axe, with sword/X as offhand. Unsure on what to use for offhand yet. Going by these tooltips it shows final thrust doing as much damage to targets under 50% as a full adrenaline eviscerate does.

Edit: Got around to trying final thrust, cast time and wind up animation is very telegraphed. I’ll have to try it out, but once people catch on to the damage I can see it getting blinded and dodged alot.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


I am always interested in feedback. If the armor choices seem odd, its because I set a stat goal for myself and used a calculator to reach those goals without uniformity in mind. It may seem jumbled, and the stats could be combined a different way to the same end result perhaps, but its the mix I wanted.

Edit – If by changing the trait setups you mean going 10 more in defense or discipline, I do change that around occasionally. I like running that current setup for the moment because of vigor uptime between furious reaction and warhorn 5, plus for PvE I can swap to the power/precision greatsword traits on the fly. For specializing, the other 2 options are better, I admit. I could even see the argument for 0 precision points and both of those, but that will be preference. I like to keep unsuspecting foe to guarantee eviscerates.

For people asking for 90% crit damage toughness builds…

WvW Build

I’ll do you one better, 100% crit damage.

Axe/Shield, Sword/Warhorn. Feel free to use whatever you want for your secondary weapons, but I personally get annoyed not having a warhorn in WvW.

a couple things to note about the calculator.

Crit chance is taking into account unsuspecting foe. Ignore that. Also, even without that it seems to be higher than it should be. You can still expect over 80% crit chance with full adrenaline with precision stacks. If you want, you can change to bloodlust for less crit. This is viable not being a greatsword build. Your eviscerate will still have a 100% crit chance anyhow if used after a shield bash.

Your toughness is taking into account a couple things there faulty as well I believe. End armor is closer to 2800.

Turtles defense = dogged march.

If you have no ascended, you can still hit 92% crit damage.

This is a melandru runes -condition build. While you are free to change these, do so at your own risk as the build is made with them in mind as far as dealing with conditions goes. Don’t forget your lemongrass/poultry and leek soup.

No leg specialist, but can’t fit it into this build. You shouldn’t really need it, however. Movement impairing condition aren’t going to slow you down, and if you are still somehow being kited switch to sword/warhorn for a moment. You can use rifle secondary for group running and switch the pecision line trait to rifle.

There is a correct link to that build with the right stats.
Its very viable, although I prefer not to rely on sword for my mobility as well as pick up shouts+ horn without fully utilizing them. All in all I see some strange armor choices here as well as trait choices that could be fine tuned.

If you’d like my opinion on what “I” would do please reply back.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


For people asking for 90% crit damage toughness builds…

WvW Build

I’ll do you one better, 100% crit damage.

Axe/Shield, Sword/Warhorn. Feel free to use whatever you want for your secondary weapons, but I personally get annoyed not having a warhorn in WvW.

a couple things to note about the calculator.

Crit chance is taking into account unsuspecting foe. Ignore that. Also, even without that it seems to be higher than it should be. You can still expect over 80% crit chance with full adrenaline with precision stacks. If you want, you can change to bloodlust for less crit. This is viable not being a greatsword build. Your eviscerate will still have a 100% crit chance anyhow if used after a shield bash.

Your toughness is taking into account a couple things there faulty as well I believe. End armor is closer to 2800.

Turtles defense = dogged march.

If you have no ascended, you can still hit 92% crit damage.

This is a melandru runes -condition build. While you are free to change these, do so at your own risk as the build is made with them in mind as far as dealing with conditions goes. Don’t forget your lemongrass/poultry and leek soup.

No leg specialist, but can’t fit it into this build. You shouldn’t really need it, however. Movement impairing condition aren’t going to slow you down, and if you are still somehow being kited switch to sword/warhorn for a moment. You can use rifle secondary for group running and switch the pecision line trait to rifle.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Post your best halloween screenshots

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


Fountain blowing up.


Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


I cut this image out of gw2 spidy. I think it explains this situation very well. This rise in price can only be accounted for by lack of supply.


Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


After maintenance I’ve found the ori nodes were mined even tho they are at new spots, I’m starting to think Anet have applied DR to gathering, after daily reset I find every node up, second time half, third and fourth time 2 or 3.

Same problem unfortunately. Some up, some down. Others report they are there as normal, I also wouldn’t be surprised if it is some sort of DR triggered by people who harvest them every chance they get. Equally likely its just a bug, whatever the case is I hope they fix it soon, I was hoping this was the patch that would do it.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


1.) Ori nodes are rare.

2.) There are no definite ori node spots, nodes can randomly spawn either mithril or ori with ori having a much lower % chance.

I myself have seen this as I was mining with a guildmate before. My guildmate saw an ori node in the same spot I saw a mithril node and vice-versa at a different node.

I don’t want to sound too insulting here, but I don’t really like the spreading of misinformation. I don’t really know where you would get this impression, but the orichalcum spots are set after each build. They randomly spawn in new spots, and then stay there while respawning at intervals until there is a new build again.

5 spawn in cursed shore, 5 spawn in malchors leap, and 2 spawn in frostgorge. I can, and have, lead people to every one of those spots, and they will all be there for every person on the server in the same exact spots. Infact, people ask in map chat where the nodes are so often that I am not sure how you would keep this impression.

Up until the recent build that changed the spawn times around some, they would spawn in the same spot for everyone exactly every 5 hours like clockwork. My guild would often go gathering together for the nodes, and we would all hit up the same exact spots.

This thread isn’t even about the fact that this is how it worked, its about the spawn times being changed, and seemingly only on certain ones.

Edit: To further clarify the last part of your post, the nodes don’t change. You can mine an orichalcum and see the ruined base of it until it respawns or until a build hits, every time.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


The irony is that the patch that caused this was deployed to fix a crashing issue, but the situation is so frustrating that I don’t even feel like playing at the moment.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


I have calculated that if this isn’t fixed until monday that it would be approx. a 40 gold loss between 2 characters with the route I had mapped after the first update yesterday including orichalcum, ancient wood, raspberries, omnomberries, and coral.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


I hate to keep bringing this up, as it has been stated over and over in this thread, but with diminishing returns being so strict this is the main source of income for many people. Not just orichalcum either, this is all kinds of nodes.

You only have to look at the current orichalcum price to realize this is affecting many more people than will post here and it really does deserve some attention. For all we know they are already working on it, but while that is going on we have a lot of upset people at the lack of communication on the subject.

Personally, I count on the reliable nature of harvesting income to offset traveling costs, siege weapon costs, and the like. It was bad enough last night that many of us just finished mapping out all kinds of nodes for what we thought was the week, and then having a second small patch wipe out the progress. I thought, “Annoying, but no big deal since getting to harvest again offsets it a bit”.. Only to find this bug.

Sure, you could make more money doing other things before DR hits you, but I think the reason this irritates people so much is they feel like their reliable daily money isn’t so reliable anymore.

(edited by Subhuman.3958)

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Subhuman.3958


Transferred to another server to see if I could do business as normal there until this is resolved and it was the exact same thing there – 2 nodes in the south up for grabs, the other 3 already depleted without mining them in cursed shore.

Didn’t bother to check the other zones but I imagine its similar there. I also mined them before the second update just like everyone else this seemed to hit. Pretty game breaking for some people who just like to harvest every now and then for income, especially if they wait until next weeks build to fix it.