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Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


1) Culling (though you said easy! lol)
2) No Rally’s on the death of PvE Mobs in WvW
3) Siege Weapons need internal timers (IE: they don’t last FOREVER… like 1hr or something):
- Repair Seige ability
- Deconstruct Seige ability (giving some supply back, but not all)

I really wish siege didn’t despawn at all. Nothing I hate more than spending hard earned gold on siege to see it disappear because it didn’t get tagged every 30 minutes to keep it from disappearing. And having to refresh siege is such a tedious PITA.

Deconstructing Siege would be abused. People would use alt accounts and run around getting rid of siege before a push on a keep. Might work if the owner who placed it is the only one who can remove it. Nice idea for removing rams after they were used and hopefully getting some supply back and even better if a chance of getting a blueprint back.

How to kill the thief in WvW scenario

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


I suggest all the complainers about thieves actually roll thieves.

Can’t beat them…..Join em……..

Then you’ll realize you fail on a thief and go back to your other class

Why do so many thieves think they are so much more skilled than most other GW2 players?

Do you seriously think it takes that much skill to play one? Have you ever considered you might be ‘playing so well’ because you are playing an overpowered class? Egotistical ?

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


If they did nothing else they need to increase the rewards for defending. It is usually much harder to do and less rewarding. Certainly harder than rolling around in a 60 man zerg steamrolling everything in the zerg’s path. And getting people to stay in place and man siege is really tough.

I’d like to see a chest drop with random loot, coins, badges, and especially siege blueprints when killing a lord. Could have the lord drop a chest to reward defenders periodically also.

Titles to work toward. Some more that can be done in a few months instead of a few years like it seems we have now. Implement DAOC’s realm ranks if nothing else. Don’t even have to have realm abilities like DAOC but something like that would also be nice. I think a lot of people would be surprised to see how long players would do WvW just to say they made it to realm rank 12 like some did in DAOC.

Make the titles have the server in the name to help build loyality to a server. Maybe that would stop some of the bouncing around to the ‘winning’ servers. Dumb sounding examples maybe, but someone who spent 6 months to get a title like say “Maguuma Eagle Scout” might not be inclined to give up all that work to start over since they are 6 months away from becoming “Maguuma’s Lord Eagle Scout” to move to say Fort Aspenwood and become a “Fort Aspenwood Newbie Zergling Junior”

DAOC realm ranks

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


DB doesn’t have one specific “peak time” as a lot of servers do. Our NA primetime population is just a large as the oceanic contingent, but we have a lot stronger resistance to deal with during the day.

Don’t discount your own night/morning crew, either. The only reason DB hasn’t completely ran away with this match is the fact that you DO have people defending and slowing us down significantly.

Glad to hear it is slowing you down. It usually doesn’t feel like it in game sometimes. Defending so often is an exercise in frustration cause no matter what you do, you still lose most of the time, and too often you lose a fully upgraded keep full of siege way too fast.

I was frustrated this morning. Spent a lot of time running supplies to SE tower in DB BL to build siege to try to slow the DB zerg. Put down some siege I had to buy and I don’t have a lot of money and can’t stand doing jumping puzzles. But no matter what we did could not stop the catapults in tunnel from taking out wall.

Then went to East keep to defend. We put up a pretty good defense for awhile and stopped one wave incoming to lord room. Maybe two. Did get a good many loot bags while on a arrow cart but still frustrated cause so many DB it didn’t matter in the end.

Should have logged then…but went to help defend Maguuma garrison in EB. Basically DB was able to mostly auto attack the inner gate down seemed to me. And there was a ton of manned siege in the lord room and it did not make the slightest difference. So frustrating.

Don’t blame you DB guys cause Maguuma and every other server will always zerg everything down whenever they can do it. Just wish it wasn’t so easy. Defending should be easier and more rewarding. Zerging is just too darn easy in this game and it makes all the gold and time spent putting up siege, keeping it refreshed, all seem pointless when you get outmanned 3 to 1, or 4 to 1. Not saying a large force should not eventually win. But it should take a lot longer and be more frustrating for the attackers rather than so frustrating for the defenders IMO.

Why my friends leaved.

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


Thieves replying with crap like ‘just cast AOEs’ make me laugh.

Earlier today I get hit for like 6.5K steal, then 6.5K cloak and dagger, then 10K backstab. I have a split second where I could finally see the thieve and able to cast ONE spell before I died to next hit. This is on a necro with a lot of toughness and vitality. When was I supposed to be able to cast AOE’s to kill him?

12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


Hey Yak’s Bend….a clue for you. Worry a little less about keeping Maguuma down at night and worry more about Dragonbend’s early morning zerg wiping your whole map everyday. They have a strong early morning presence especially during weekdays.

Frustrated you basically helped DB get east keep in their BL earlier by taking SE tower and camp and attacking south gate. You could and should have been taking NW side of map IMO and just let Maguuma hold lower SE to divid DB’s zerg.

But play the game your way. Just seemed really dumb to me. Maybe you will get it when you wake up to all your upgrades and hard work wiped our during the late and early morning hours by DB’s large asian zerg.