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Question about thieves in dungeons

in Thief

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


I can confirm this. I have a lvl 80 guard and have been doing dungeons pretty much non stop over the last week and a bit. It is immensly easier with a thief in the party, as a “tank” build i usually have the mobbs on me 24/7, and the consistant blind and bleed/poison makes my job so much easier.

Thieves and Engineers are the only non heavy class i bring into dungeons now, the rest need a bit more work, particularly the boss ai is coded for them to make a beeline for whoever has the lowest health pool first = ele, necro, ranger etc.

Honor of the Waves - "path 2 of blub-blub-blub"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


Agree with the OP post of only one waypoint and loot table. This is not on.

Also with path 2 you can skip the first of the 2 champion icebrood. Just head up the path to the left and fight the second boss, making sure to pull him towards the stern of the ship a bit. Then whack, whack whack him…… =P

I have gotten my full HOTW gear for my guardian and I have to say it, I am not doing it again. Ditto for arah, these dungeons are just waaaaaay to long and boring.

Please anet, drop the health pools down a bit, thats all I ask ?

" Save Yourself!" Nerfed - Seriously why??

in Guardian

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914



Why does the guardian keep getting nerfed? I know its one of the most popular classes, but that doesn’t mean u have to nerf it every kitten patch.

The guardian is going to resemble the mercenary from swtor soon, a class that is a shadow of its former brilliance, brought on buy one small nerf after another untill the class becomes a running joke and a pain to play.

Well done anet, well done. I thought only bioware made stupid wtf decisions. How sad to see I am wrong.

Skye Marin's Cooking Guide - Oct 22

in Crafting

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914



A cooking crafting guide that doesn’t require vanilla and other 0.000002% drop items. Thank you very much Skye Marin

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


The biggest reason guardians are wanted in groups is because they have a huge amount of variety. One guard can buff the party with full retaliation/protection and regen, while the other focuses on cond. removal and burning everything in sight, while a third can be a “tank”. My guardian is specced and geared full power, toughness and vitality and I ALLWAYS have the enemy mobbs and bosses fighting me. You say there aren’t any tank classess in gw2 anet, i beg to differ =P

And warriors are wanted allot because they have the highest burst/resilience ratio of a damage dealer in the game. They have a reliable burst with their F1 skills plus u don’t have to babysit them like you have to with a ranger or an elementalist.

However this doesn’t mean that anyone can roll a guard and think they will steamroll every dungeon just because they are a guard. A well skilled guard can make an ordinary group extraordinary while a unskilled one or (as i like to call them) “wannabe warriors with magic swords instead of normal ones” can serioursly hurt a party.

Guardians have no where near as much dps as a warrior and if u try to be one, i hate to say it, but your gonna fail.

Creatures and Objects Become Obstructed During Combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914



Invulnarable is a message that often pops up in underwater combat. I assume that this is a different bug.

Long story short, yes.

And its equally annoying. Spent 30mins in orr the other day killing a veteran lvl dude for my personal story, without fail the moment i got him down to 5% health, what would happen? He would become invulnerable, swim to wherever and proceed to fully heal…..

Please fix this. Its getting a bit old. I did eventually kill him though.

HotW Path 2 and 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


Just a quick question Darsha, did your group ignore the totems or destroy them?

Me and my friends haven’t noticed any concievable difference in how long it takes to kill him with the totems up or down, seeing as you’re taking dps off of the boss to kill totems.

Failed Spirit Ranger here. How are Spirit Guardians doing?

in Guardian

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


Jon I feel your pain. I too have jumped from a ranger to a guardian. FYI Spirit weapons aren’t that great, more a lvling thing then a dungeon thing.

As for my jump to a guardian…. I haven’t regretted a single moment. Highly recommend this class,

HotW Path 2 and 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


Having finally achieved my goal of decking out my guardian with full HOTW gear, i have to say the HOTW exp mode is not hard……Its just very very boring…..

I feel that every boss in this instance has around 50% more health than he needs, and it just quickly turns into a dull boring kitefest. Keep the boss at range, kite, kite, kite, kite, don’t step in red circles. Yawn, rinse/repeat. With a undergeared group (not even full masterwork) these boss fights can drag on for a solid 20-30 minutes. This is not an exaggeration, I have timed it.

Underwater combat is pretty annoying period. Ditto for a dungeon. The plunderer can be the most annoying boss to fight in this instance because he likes to chase players who are down, not to mention he likes to swim around in circles, constantly getting “obscured” by the pylons in his area. Its not as bad a problem with zealot, but can definatly be a pain.

My biggest recommendation for taking on this dungeon: music. Mute the game, play some music, and you can get through it. Hell i remember one zealot run where the boss bugged out under a pylon and everyone just auto attacked him down, most of us went afk. I know cause i asked in chat “how many people are afk”

No one answered……..