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Returning Player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


Returning player looking for a guild. Currently have an 80 Warrior and Guardian. Played way back during the launch of GW2 and am returning to get ready for the new expansion. I am interested in both PvE and PvP content especially WvW. Looking for an active guild that frequently participates in both aspects.

My current sever is Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Supersomething.9213)

[Stormbluff Isle] Looking for a Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


I played during release then took a several month hiatus. I am just now returning to the game with a level 80 Warrior, and I am currently in the process of leveling a Guardian.

I am seeking a guild that is relatively active, and is active in both PvE content and has organized WvW groups.

(Stormbluff Isles) Player seeking guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


Lvl 80 Warrior looking for a decently sized guild on Stormbluff Isles. I am primarily wanting a PvX guild that does some organized WvW and Dungeon runs. Currently a full time college student so my ability to log on will more than likely be restricted to the weekends usually.

Should dungeons reward karma?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


Considering one of the only effective ways of renown farming is WvW… Yes they most certainly should.

Will GW2 be as successful as GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


Funny thing about Guild Wars 1 is that many of the spells did the same exact thing, but the name and picture of the skill changed from Expansion to Expansion. The only thing that varied in any sort of noticeable fashion were the Elite skills.

On Topic: I think this game will do fine. Its free to play after you have bought the game so you can pick it up where ever you left off. There is no tiered raiding just like it was in GW1 so you won’t have to worry about playing a game of catch up if you stop playing for extended periods of time.

I think people will need to learn to look at success from a different perspective than they do for sub. based MMO’s.

(edited by Supersomething.9213)

Our Time is Now Trailer. My thoughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


Okay so for those who ‘understand’ the trailer. Imagine for a moment if you have heard about Guild Wars 2 and were thinking about purchasing it…. then you saw this Ad…. Keep in mind all you know about Guild Wars 2 is that its an MMO and that it is B2P. You really think that these ‘oppressed MMO gamers’ are going to be like, “wow that ad just speaks to me on a conscious and sub conscious level with its deep and abstract meanings and subtle marketing.”

For those of us who knew all about what GW2 includes yes we understood what their ‘abstract’ message was trying to convey. However, attempting to market this to people who do not have the first notion of why Guild Wars may or may not be different from their current MMO is going to be rather difficult to pull off with this advertisement. I would imagine that a good portion of people would watch and and say, “what the crap did I just watch?”

A better ad would have been a more condensed version of the Manifesto they presented a while back, or something with actual in game footage along with their epic soundtracks.

Cantha and Elona

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


I will not be surprised at all if we revisit Elona, and Cantha again. I really want to see the Ring of Fire and the Crystal Desert again…. and maybe throw a Fissure of Woe in there too?

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: Supersomething.9213


As others have said Hundred Blades is fine the way it is. You have to build a very gimmicky build for it to be viable in any form of PvP and even then its very easily countered. PvE is pointless to make an argument about because… its PvE. I am of the same mind that the other weapon sets need a buff or another look at how they work.

Greatswords have literally one burst ability and that is essentially all it is good for in terms of DPS. Yes you arguably have the best mobility out of any of the weapon sets, but you have one and only one massive dps ability (that roots you). With that being said, Greatswords and more specifically HB does not need a nerf.