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Elementalist changes - October 7

in Elementalist

Posted by: Suturiel.8362


I don’t usually complain about the ele, I have alot of fun playing it though there are a number of buggy skills.. But really? They nerfed our only underwater skill that was worth anything before they fixed RTL?

Ele... Which weapon to chose???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Suturiel.8362


I like D/D, Use Glyph of storms in Earth atunement around yourself to blind and do AoE to surrounding mobs. Use your Earth elemental as meat shield, I like to start with Drake breath followed up with fire Grab, drop a ring of fire, switch to earth attunement for a magnetic grasp getting the fire aura, drop an earth quake for 3 stacks of might followed up by churning earth for 3 more stacks of might. If anything is actually left standing, which is rare, I just back up and let the Condition damage take them down while hiting them with whatever auto attack I want at that point. it all takes about 10 seconds and if you have anything that gives you fury you will drop a ton of DPS.

@Ardelin I don’t know about that whole D/D if you are bad or S/D if you are good… S/D is good if you are going with more of a Condition build cause you can wrack up bleed damage quickly.. But I find Dragon tooth to take too long and Flame strike to just be too weak.. Also with S/D I lose my Water and Air aura’s which i like using…

Some tips for D/D eles...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Suturiel.8362


While I do agee that there are a number of things on Ele’s that need to be fixed I can’t say that the class is completely broken. While I do admit that I only have a level 43 Ele and obviously don’t know everything I have been having alot of fun with the class thus far. I have very little trouble soloing and here is why.

1. Glyph of storms is your friend. Drop it around yourself and then cast churning earth followed up by ring of earth.

2. Use your earth elemental as a meatshield. The earth elemental will draw almost all the agro from you, allowing you to cast your spells with relative ease.

3. Use lightning flash to move you into a good spot to drop spells that need channeling. It will allow you to move closer to a group right as you drop your spell, mostly good for churning earth.

4. If you are really in trouble and need to get away from a group attacking you, turn away and use ride the lightening to speed yourself a good distance away. Its a good attack spell but an even better mobility spell to put some distance between yourself and MOB’s that are about to kill you.

These are just a few things I have noticed that have kept me alive and being a very viable ele.. If anyone else has any tricks that they have learned please share…

I do agree that there are some things that ANet needs to address on the Ele’s.. the cooldowns on alot of skills and on the atunements are a killer. I know that we get no weapon swapping cause we get to swap attuments, but if that is the case then the cooldown for attunements should be the same as for weapons. It should only be 10 seconds till i can use the last attunment i was just on not 15. The damage and the healing of water is mediocre. Water should be a medium damage and high heal atunement.. instead it is low damage and mediocre at healing.

Churning Earth not restesting correctly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Suturiel.8362


When using Churning Earth if you move or get interupted Churning Earth goes through its full Cool down as opposed to the 5 second cool down of other skills.

Weapon Sigil bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Suturiel.8362


I noticed that if you are wielding 2 weapons that sigils won’t stack, meaning if I have a dagger with Bloodlust in my MH and a dagger with corruption in my OH I will only get a bloodlust after the kill and not corruption. Perhaps this was intentional but also if i reverse it and put the dagger with corruption in my MH and move the dagger with bloodlust sigil to my OH I will still only get Bloodlust after the kill and only Bloodlust will continue to stack.

I tried it by clearing my modifiers and moving bloodlust to my OH, but I was still gaining bloodlust instead of corruption.