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Healing Power

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


Everything start’s to indicate that investing in defensive stat’s is essentially nerfing yourself horribly.

1v1 or even in WvW in most situations, people stacking offensive stat’s will vastly come on top of those who don’t.
Simply because it’s way more effective, and the way abilities scale.

The only slightly valid option for being a support is CC.

Also dont forget the horrible lack of contribution you receive when being support during events, even if you are the only one applying boons and regen while removing conditions to 30 people, aslong if you dont do enough damage to mobs, you will end up with bronze or silver.

I’m extremely dissapointed because it turns out to be a brain dead process to build a most efficient character, unless Arenanet start’s to realize it and change’s it.
In short:

I expected GW2 to be more a game of chest, instead it’s currently a game of checkers.

Sigh, from what I have seen, the best players run at least 1 part defensive stats in PvP. That proves a balance of offense and defense > opposite ends of the spectrum.

I have no trouble at all in sPvP running 1 part defense, 2 parts offense.

I’m wondering who are those people that you claim are “the best” ?
Especially considering most people in sPvP aren’t even half-decent, so the majority of players running with the popular brain dead offence stat stack are a bad representation of the real effectiveness/potential it has.
You know .. the same people who rely solely on channeled abilities to defeat their opponent, at best have one cc and usually with dmg cd’s for the rest.
Of which the counter is simply to CC during their channel, followed by trying not to fall asleep afterwards.

The key to sPvP (aside of teamwork ofc) is defensive abilities and cc, not defensive stats with the exception in some cases like the person above pointed out, being vitality.

Healing Power

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


Everything start’s to indicate that investing in defensive stat’s is essentially nerfing yourself horribly

Well, except for Vitality, the only defensive stat that actually has real value.

True , vitality is somewhat worth it depending on your profession and build.

Please, when will tooltips (especially healing) be fixed ?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


I’m surprised this got moved to the suggestion sub forum.
Is pointing out something quite important in a RPG that is simply wrong which you could almost call broken, and asking for it to be acknowledged and fixed a “suggestion” ?

I didn’t know that, what i do know is that it’s a good way to kill and bury a topic among a sub forum that nobody reads.

Healing Power

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


Everything start’s to indicate that investing in defensive stat’s is essentially nerfing yourself horribly.

1v1 or even in WvW in most situations, people stacking offensive stat’s will vastly come on top of those who don’t.
Simply because it’s way more effective, and the way abilities scale.

The only slightly valid option for being a support is CC.

Also dont forget the horrible lack of contribution you receive when being support during events, even if you are the only one applying boons and regen while removing conditions to 30 people, aslong if you dont do enough damage to mobs, you will end up with bronze or silver.

I’m extremely dissapointed because it turns out to be a brain dead process to build a most efficient character, unless Arenanet start’s to realize it and change’s it.
In short:

I expected GW2 to be more a game of chest, instead it’s currently a game of checkers.

Please, when will tooltips (especially healing) be fixed ?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


There’s already a interesting topic on the lack of healing power effectiveness.
So i wont go into it.
For those interested:

But let me give you two examples of how deceiving and plain wrong some tooltips are:

Banner of tactics (45s): …
Regen (4s): 20,093 Heal

(That is ofc with the trait that allows banners to grant regen, and with some healing power)

Not only does the banner last for longer then 45s, but the regen doesn’t heal for that amount during the 4s obviously.
Nor does it heal for that amount during the whole period of the banner being down.

Abilitie upon picking up said banner=
Compassionate Banner:
Healing: 4,026

Sadly it heals for about 760 tops.

So unless i’m reading it wrong, and i’m sure if that’ s the case someone will point that out quickly.
It should be easy to understand why some people inc myself are extremely unhappy to say the least, by the deceiving tooltips that gave the impression that using and ESPECIALLY investing in a support build would be worth it.

I personally wasted more then 13g on a few pieces of healing power, when clearly i shouldn’t had bothered to do so.
And i’m sure that the few others who also use a support build would not had done so either if tooltips were actually accurate and showed that X healing power only increased a certain type of heal abilitie to only heal for a minuscule amount more.

Please, fix it… tooltips and character sheets, and in general everything involving ingame stats of your character and abilities are extremely important.

Remove the holy trinity and what do you get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


How is dying over and over just to respawn to go back to the same fight challenging? It is just chain rezzing and chain respawning. I was expecting so much more from this, but in truth the dungeons are horrible.

I know you can jump on skype and try to chain your cc’s together but that will not stop a ranger from kicking your entire team 20 times in 1 fight because there is no solid cc.

I would even say we had a good group and we did complete the dungeon, but it was even worse than any other mmo dungeon I have played.

Maybe I am missing something, but I will take my holy trinity back any day. Good thing this game is spot in for questing and pvp.

I like how you say that “we had a good group and we did complete the dungeon”, yet you also said that you guys are just chain rezzing/respawning.
Which is the complete opposite of being a “good group”, it’s not because you & your team has to use that mechanic to finish a dungeon (be happy you could do it, otherwise you clearly would complain about it being too hard) that the dungeons are not challenging.

Solid cc’s are some of the most ridiculous things in a PvE environment, casting X spell each 10-15 seconds to keep one mob entirely out of a fight (or casting X spell more often for a smaller duration CC with basicly no cd) = hard and challenging ?
Ahhahahaha good one.

The fact of the matter is, the holy trinity was inferior because everyone had their role and only that role, and bad players love that since it gives them the ability to blame others for a wipe due to their bad performance of said role.

You need to pay attention and use defensive abilities / dodge roll out of danger like a “tank” would.
So if you die now, yes it’s hard to go: " QQ tank L2HOLD aggro / i got cleaved because of noob tank"

You need to be able to keep yourself alive with a heal/regen and in most cases you need a condition remover like a “healer” would.
So yes you also can’t go: “Heal me heal me heal me, noob healer kick him”

In the end every profession is able to have a full or semi support build, either with boons or regen for the group or cc’s or all of the above.

In previous MMO’s ive done it all on different characters, now i do it all on one character.
I dont see how that could be a bad thing, unless your a bad player that can’t blame the healer/tank anymore so they blame the devs (decisions) instead.