Showing Posts For Szin.3714:

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Szin.3714


Eh, honestly, I wasn’t commanding the first two times we sent golems over. The last time, I didn’t even plan it, couple guys just showed up with a couple of omegas and I was like lulwut.

Your hills was sieged up more than Fort Knox. Holy moly it was a challenge getting in.

Also, we had 3* catas and 1* superior AC firing at Lake while we had 1 treb and no cannon on Ascent ruin (this is when I was commanding, not sure about others). The AC went down almost instantly from your treb and was more of a counter against your AC in Lake, but I put it too far back. Ah well.

We had around 15-20 people in teamspeak with a bunch of random pugs joining on the tag then wandering off all night. Probably should’ve went tagless – would’ve made it more fun.

So how many random guys was it? Or it doesn’t count because they were not in teamspeak.

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Szin.3714


Retiring after long night in BG bl

May the SEA/OCX be merciful to us

KH who took over for you were not as good as you guys. It was fantastic fighting you Ark. All the comments in TS were of how fun those fights near your tower were. I was starting to poke at your stuff just to get you guys to show up so we could start a fight again. Hopefully I’ll meet up with more of you guys for a nice fight again. Just… not under arrow carts please.

Also, we took your WP’d hills and T3 lake shortly after you guys left the map. KH kept running away from fights so we got fed up and just rolled over them.

KH held Lake and Hills for about 4-ish hours after Ark stopped running for the night. Kinda a loose definition of “shortly.”


All that time we were poking at you guys to come fight open field. I wasn’t interested in taking your tower or keep at all, or else you would’ve seen a golem rush. Unfortunately, all you guys ever did was run to your tower and fight under arrowcarts. At least Ark had the balls to face us open field

Says the guy that want an open field fight when he have 80 man with him that keep on chain ressing all his blobs while constantly having catas/trebs/ruins cannons/sup ac/sup ballista. Open field fight… right.

This Reverence.6915 shows his balls all the time, shame we can’t see them, cos the 79 dudes standing in front are blocking the view.

6/7 SoR/ TC/ SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Szin.3714


It’s time to play the stacked server game!

Portal Bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Szin.3714


A mesmer portal effectiveness scales to how many people can take it together and the complaint is once you start getting 10+ people through it, it’s an ability that’s just too good.

Effective counters to portal:

1) You have siege up and you’re defending from where the portal cannot reach. No good if you’re in the open field, because you don’t enough time to your siege equipment up or the exit portal can just be placed at your siege. Will also bet that your force is not grouped together either.

2) you outnumber the incoming portal stack already. In this situation, the incoming stack doesn’t kill enough of you, in which case, after the initial surprise, you wipe them. In case of even numbers, and the incoming stack is executed well, advantage is to the incoming portal.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Szin.3714


I have screenshot of the hacker on the roof of briar tower, and i have the report interface open.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Szin.3714


2nd thing to note is that setting up a cata in the supposedly unreachable and invulnerable area to attack WH is an exploit.

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Szin.3714


Boredom awaits Blackgate for quite a few hours after the epic Spirithom defense.

When will free server transfers end?

in WvW

Posted by: Szin.3714


Kind of makes the ranking system pointless until populations settle.