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PvP Legendaries and sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


My favourite aspect of SPvP is everyone being on an even playing field in the sense of gear. I’d feel limited to playing my character with a legendary. Right now, I like playing my warrior a lot, but because I use lots of different weapons on my warrior, I’d buy legendaries for my thief, which would stop me playing warrior all together.

Now, you can have a go at me for being an idiot and only playing my thief because it’ll have better weapons, or you can just agree that legendaries are detrimental to a balanced playing field for players.

In every arena season of World of Warcraft, the class with the legendary has been the op class.

My mechanical keyboard is not responding!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TGH.7630


So, about a week ago, the thing that we all dread happened. That’s right, I spilt pepsi upon my keyboard. Hitting about 12+ keys around the bottom left of the keyboard, a fairly major spill. The circumstance was one of having had a pepsi can upon my desk for 3 weeks and deciding the time was right to bin it. Possessing no high % alcohol or anything similar, I resorted to remedying my situation with water. Initially this worked, however the Alt key and “C” key remained VERY stiff. They still functioned but were hard to press down.
So, what did my intelligent student self do? Why, I dabbed more water into the switches. This did not go down so well with my poor Corsair K60. Having left it 24 hours since this point, it’s currently not responding (though earlier it was going crazy – short circuits galore). Wut do? Shall I try obtain some distilled water and soak it? Will this mess up the circuits more?
TLDR: Spilt pepsi on Corsair K60, cleaned switches with regular tap water. It worked initially but Alt and “C” keys remained stiff, tried to lube up these 2 key’s switches with water again, keyboard now not responding 24 hours since this cleaning attempting. What can I do to save the keyboard without damaging it further?
P.S. original pepsi spill was about 5 days ago.

(edited by TGH.7630)

Short Thief Montage - Rank 41

in Thief

Posted by: TGH.7630


A short montage I created from some footage from a few games this evening. If you feel like it, please do check it out!

Hope you enjoy

Short Thief Montage - Rank 41

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


A short montage I created from some footage from a few games this evening. If you feel like it, please do check it out!

Hope you enjoy

Shall we rename this class ?

in Thief

Posted by: TGH.7630


Rogue (hue)


Earth Magic XI is too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


Condition builds lack the power necessary to bring elementalists below the 90% threshold. This is because elementalists harbour a variety of heals from water, and also often run with at least some toughness. This is not an Ele is op pls nerf thread. Simply, this particular trait completely negates counter-play in certain scenarios, which I do not feel is in the best interest of the game.

Maybe make it so that while above 90% health, conditions applied to you have a 66% reduced duration. This would increase the effort needed to bring them below that threshold.

The trait already by itself is so bad, yet you are asking for a nerf, how many ele’s do you see running with this particular trait?

Most non glass-cannon eles seem to be using it in tPvP at least. It just doesn’t feel right when you can do absolutely nothing with any of your abilities or autos due to a single trait, that’s all You would be surprised at the amount of uptime this trait actually has.

Earth Magic XI is too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


Condition builds lack the power necessary to bring elementalists below the 90% threshold. This is because elementalists harbour a variety of heals, and also often run with at least some toughness. This is not an ‘Ele is op pls nerf’ thread. Simply, this particular trait completely negates counter-play in certain scenarios, which I do not feel is in the best interest of the game.

Maybe make it so that while above 90% health, conditions applied to you have a 66% reduced duration. This would increase the effort needed to bring them below that threshold while making it still, actually possible.

(edited by TGH.7630)

Warrior Longbow

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


I’m pretty sure that power rangers, engis and eles in earth have aoe that size. There is also a reason it is a strong move – it costs ALL of a warriors adrenaline, weakening him in most cases (he will lose regen). It also takes a long time to generate 3 bars. It is the warrior’s ‘special’ move for that weapon – its f1.

Conditions are to weak for game balance

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


I think the main issue with condi is that to counter it, you are forced to select traits/skills. It is not reducable by toughness. Simply, you cannot itemise against it, whereas you can very easily itemise against power without having to take any skills to endure its affect.

[EU] Team looking for 2 exp tpvp ppl

in Looking for...

Posted by: TGH.7630


R36 roaming condi warrior, hit me up if you’re interested

Let's talk about Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


A lot of you seem very uninformed, you aren’t aware of the warrior 15 point talent in defense that adds a passive regenerative heal which scales with the amount of adrenaline you have.

Also, I run only 1 stance on my warrior, this being berserker. Endure pain is good, sure, but it’s over rated in drawn out fights. It’s very strong in low toughness builds because it prevents far higher effective damage. I prefer to run high toughness/regen which means it does less for me anyway. If you want it balanced so burst builds gain less from it, consider giving it a lower base duration that scales + 1 second per X (e.g. 500) toughness. I still wouldn’t use it though, as this completely removes the point of the move. It is there to allow glass cannon burst warriors with zerker pendant to run into a fight, blow their frenzy and not get downed in <3 seconds.

Let's talk about Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


A correction: Healing signet does have risk. You sacrifice burst healing, and if you do use the signet out of desperation, you lose the passive regen for the next 16-20 seconds.

Also, you don’t get the 25% speed increase with bow, and as most warriors spend a lot of time with bow, it’s really not that great a talent.

I personally use the Arms II trait which gives me infinite swiftness when combined with signet.

Pax Prime GW2 SPvP Tournament VoDs

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


Thanks a lot Allie!

Pax Prime GW2 SPvP Tournament VoDs

in PvP

Posted by: TGH.7630


Here’s the PvP portion:
Here’s the big one:

Thanks to Allie Murdock

(edited by TGH.7630)